Kise Ryouta x Reader

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Warning: slight/major ooc on Kise's character but... I tried my best QAQ

(Y/N) = your name (E/C) = Eye Color stuff (H/C) = Hair color

You and Kise have been friends since a month before this year's school started since then whenever you guys had time you meet up at the same park where you guys met. Today was no different. Kise runs up to you wearing a simple disguise

"(Y/N)cchi~ sorry I'm a bit late, did I make you wait?" Kise asks sitting down on the bench beside you

You blinked at him "Not really..." you blinked once more and looked around Kise

"(Y/N)cchi? Who are you looking for?" He tilts his head curiously

"Your fan girls can't recognize you this time?" You smiled a bit

"Well, I guess they can't" He chuckles

You guys talked about random things for a while then he suddenly got serious

"Ne (Y/N)cchi.. what if one of us dies tomorrow?" Kise mutters resting his chin on the palm of his hand and stared at somewhere

"What are you thinking about Ryouta?" Glaring at him slightly you slapped his arm

"Waahh! How mean (Y/N)cchi~" He whines and hold his arm as if it hurt him a lot

"I just thought about it because of the movie I watched last night..." He adds you stared at him for a while

"You're not going to die that early, go die when you're already 80+.." You mutter and turned to look away from him

"Would you like to take care of me until I am that old?" When he said that you turned around and glared at him

"No way am I going to be your maid!" You huffed, folding your arms across your chest

"(Y/N)cchi doesn't want to be my wife?" Kise pouts and stares at you

Your face turns red and you began stuttering out things like "A-Ah... A-ano..." You've fallen for the carefree blonde but you didn't expected this, not one bit

"(Y/N)cchi~ I love you~" Kise confesses he holds your hand and gives you a soft kiss on your cheek

"I.. ano... love Ryouta-kun too..." you mutter out Kise laughs and hugs you

"You're my girlfriend now then~" He grins widely at you

"H-hai.." Your face couldn't get any redder than this

"(Y/N)cchi~ your face is so red!! You're so cute!!" Kise then proceeded to kiss you all over your face, your cheeks, your forehead, your eyelids, and your nose

"I love you (Y/N)cchi~" saying that he pecks your lips and grins at your extremely red face

(A/N) I. forgot. how. to. write.

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