if you own/make a plush doll of them (2)

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The continuation of the previous one this only has three unless you guys request for more


You stuck your tongue out you were struggling to finish the doll
Izuki was easily sewing his doll, a couple of hours later when he finished he turns around to check up on you

His shoulders started shaking when he saw your situation, tangled up in the threads, he bursts out laughing

"Shun.. Please help" you gave him your best puppy eyes he continues laughing for a while until he calmed down

"Seems like you're all tide up!" He grins wiping a tear away still chuckling you flailed your arms

"Help mee!!" You scream he stops and started to gently untangle you

"I'm gonna help you finish the doll" he sits behind you and makes you sit between his legs his head on your shoulder as he guided you

"It's finally done~" you chuckled and leaned against him he smiles and hold the two dolls together

"They're so cute~"

"Yeah, we did a grate job"


"(F/n)? Dinner's almost ready!" Kagami shouts while he adds the finishing touches for your dinner then he proceeds to set the table

He sighs and puts his hands on his hips

"(F/n) (l/n) get your ass down here now!" Kagami shouts he heards your rapid footsteps and waited for you at the bottom of the staircase

"Taiga! Ahh!" You tripped on the fourth step making Kagami catch you

"You have to be more careful (f/n)" Kagami scolds you

"Gomen~ you look nice with an apron on Taiga!" You chuckled his face turns red

"I should sew an apron for my Taiga plush doll then~" you grinned and skipped to the kitchen leaving a dumbfounded Kagami

"Taiga plush doll?..." His face turns dark red and storms after you



"(F/n)-chan! You'll have to get out of your room eventually!!" Takao whines from the outside

"(F/n)-chan, let's go out and play while it's snowing!!" He continued whining it was Christmas Eve and you have been locked up in your room for four days only going out to get food since you had a bathroom in your room

"No, I'm busy" you replied Takao sighs
"I'm heading out to the park then" he says before walking off, inside the room you were sewing the scarf for your gift you grinned as you finished it

"Finally!" You sighed and cleaned up the room and fixed your present

You grabbed a coat and a scarf and ran to Takao who was standing there half of his face covered by his scarf looking at a wrapped box in his hand

"Kazu-kun!" You panted his eyes widened and looked at you who clearly rushed to get here

"(F/n)-chan?" He asks you stood up straight up and handed him two plush dolls, one of you, the other was him, sharing a scarf, holding hands

"Merry Christmas" you pecked his nose shyly he laughs and gestures you to turn around he puts something around your neck

You touched it and smiled, it was a pretty necklace

"Merry Christmas (f/n)-chan~" he kisses your neck and observes the dolls he notices you don't have a scarf so he share it with you then he proceeded to hold your hand as you both started walking

"Now we can be like them~" he winks

Tada so um, can you guys drop some requests? I have ideas for stories but I don't know what character to do.. I can do any genre, I'll do my best!

And ano.. If I spelled something wrong or my grammar went wrong please do say so... I will change it

You guys can request genderbends and a human tetsuya no.2 as well

Thank you

...save me from the feels from the latest KnB episode QwQ

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