Tomboy!Reader x GoM

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First day of school I skipped the afternoon part...

Second day of school they gave me the title of "the one that actually stood up to that f*ckboy bully"

Third day of school I had a minor asthma attack. Yay.

Karma:*pats head* atta girl~


Karma:Her shoulder's better now too~

One of your hands was twirling the pencil around, the other hand was fiddling with your only earring on your left ear

"...." You paused on the pencil twirling before letting out a sigh

"My mind has been purged" You groaned and slumped on your chair, you tilted your head back and saw a pair of green orbs

"What are you doing nanodayo?" The green haired megane shifted his glasses as you slowly blinked your eyes at him

"I am trying to find my motivation to stay awake" You yawned before crossing your legs, forming a 4

"Didn't you get enough sleep (l/n)-chan?" The blue haired boy asked from beside you, usually you'd be surprised but you were really just tired at the moment

You dropped your arms lifelessly on your sides as the other four who were just walking out of the room paused and stared at the three of you

"...DID (L/N)-CCHI JUST DIE?!" Kise wailed as he ran over to your 'dead' body

"Carry me home." You muttered before falling off your chair

"You shouldn't have went to school in the first place" Akashi walked over as Aomine pulled your limp body off the ground and hoisted you over his shoulder, one arm on his hips

"I'm taking her home then" Aomine muttered, slinging both of your bags on his other shoulder and walked off the room

"Aomine-kun I'm taking her home"



"I will drive her home"

"...." Murasakibara walked by and easily plucked your still form and carried you away after grabbing your bag from Aomine

"I'm taking her home, stop me and I'll crush you" The purple haired pole waved lazily, you blinked and waved at them



"COME BACK HERE/(come back here)/(NANODAYO)/(SSU)!"

Carry me home too Karma

Karma: heh~ Why?

I walk home and it takes 20-30 minutes when I walk home alone

Karma:..What did I say about walking home hm?~


Karma:*rubs head* Anyway, if you're wondering why she doesn't reply or update as often here's her schedule

Wake up at 5

Bathe and eat around 6

Leave for school at 7:00

Classes start at 7:30

Lunch break is 11:30 I think... to 2:45 and she walks home

Classes resume

And she gets home around 4:40~ and she also walks home during that time


Nagisa:Karma-kun, she's walking home again!


[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now