Christmas Cards (3)

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Guys, check out ChocoFluffBalls, she writes real well and KnB one shots too

Happy birthday to Akashi 

The long awaited 

Yellow Card 

Kise opened his locker and out fell multiple letters full of glitters and designs

"So many ssu!" He picked it all up and shoved it back into his locker, as he was about to close it he noticed a very simple yellow card sticking out of the extravagant letters

"Who's this from?" He muttered before taking the letter and inspecting it, he adjusted his scarf before opening the card and his golden brown eyes scanned each word

'Well now I look at you and you're still more than I can take

You're like a slow song starting to accelerate

This Christmas I hope to spend with you

And more events that will come through'

I like you, you idiot

Kise's eyes widened in amusement, sure he got confessions from his fans and those girls who confess to him too but... this one was different.

You quietly went to your locker which was beside his and he immediately turned to you

"(F/n)-cchi! Someone confessed to me!" He wagged his non-existent tail behind him as he happily told you. You pulled your headphones down to talk to the male as you changed your shoes

"What's new? You get confessed to everyday Kise" You muttered, closing your locker once you were done

"But this is different (F/n)-cchi!" He whined as you began to walk past him with a blank look on your face

"Yeah sure" Kise paused as you walked off, you play your music quite loud like your brother to shut him out. 

"Wait, so..." Kise's ears were bright red by the time he realized who the card was from and immediately began to run after you.

"(F/N)-CCHI! YOU LIKE ME BACK? IS IT TRUE SSU?" He ran and was about to wrap his arms around you but failed to do so as your brother had once again kicked him 

"Don't go lunging at my sister, you idiot!" Kasamatsu began scolding the male, Kise's eyes flickered over to you and squealed at your now red face



Purple Card

As soon as Murasakibara got to his homeroom, on his desk was his favorite snack with a purple card beneath it 

"Eh? Who left this..." Murasakibara inspected the card and found a few pastry drawings in it

"This makes me hungry..." He muttered before finally reading what was written

'Are you Christmas? Because I want to Merry you.'

'You're like my favorite candy bar, half sweet, half nuts.'

As much as he tried to keep a frown on his face, he can't help but smile at what's written. But the last one caught him off guard

'Murasakibara, I like you a latte!' 

A hue of pink lightly dusted his cheeks as he shoved the card into his bag and looked away

"Yo, Murasakibara" The brown haired male sat in front of the purple haired male who simply grumbled in response

"What's the matter?" El asked the him, clearly something was on his mind and that's not like him

"Is it about food?" Before Murasakibara can even answer, the girls of the class started squealing 

"And by demand by the class! Here I present, a (L/n) in a dinosaur onesie!" Luxe grinned as you were pulled to be seen by your classmates

"So cute!"

"So small!"

"So fluffy!" All these comments but Murasakibara failed to hear them as he gave you a glance

"..." And then he looked back at El

"It's about (L/n) isn't it?" He smiles at the taller male who simply pouted

"Murasakibara-kun! Can you please stand?" A random female asked, despite his grumblings he complied and went over to the small circle surrounding you

"Aww the tallest and the shortest people in class~" Luxe grinned mischievously before you raised your arms at the taller male

"I'm more terrifying! Raaarrgh!" You attempted to scare the male who simply stared blankly at you, but in reality his heart was pounding, hoping that you really were the one who gave the card

"(L/n)-chan is so cute!" Once again you attempted to scare the male with your arms raised up, he simply lifted you and held you to his chest

"(F/n)-chin is so tiny" He said before he stared into your eyes

"But I still like (F/n)-chin" He gave your nose a peck before setting you down and lazily walked back to his seat where he buried his face into his arms


"Murasakibara is blushing!" El laughed as you simply grinned happily at the turn of events

Up next

Gray Card

Light Grey Card

Blue Green Card

Dark Green Card

Pink Card (no it's not Momoi)

Silver Card

Black Card

Blue Card

Brown Card

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