Mayuzumi x Reader (2)

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Angst, because it's been a while so let's take a break from all the sweet endings

Kuroko: how many angst one shots did you make?

Let's see... the first Mayuzumi one shot was an angst too... hmm, this is the 4th one I guess

Play the video.

*hands over tissues for early warning just in case* I'm really sorry but ano.. if you don't wanna it's okay. I don't want you to cry

Kuroko:this is why he called you mom

Please don't remind me. Oh god this is long.

'Us humans act out of character at times, yet we don't know why we do it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just how our unconscious mind works.'

Last year of Mayuzumi at the middle school and you were enjoying it a bit at least...

"Chihiro? What high school are you going to attend?" You asked him while flipping a page of the book

"Well, (f/n)-Chan it's just the start of the last year of middle school and you're already asking me that?" He smiled and pecked the side of your head making you chuckle

"Sorry Chihiro, I love you" you pecked his cheek and leaned against him while you both continued to read

"I love you too (F/n)" He smiled as he rested his head on yours

"Get up, I'll walk you home today" he extends a hand out at you which you happily accepted

The next day there was a lot of students talking, mainly the boys which made both you and your grey haired boyfriend beside you curious

"Ah, she must be the transfer student that'll be on the same class as you" you told him he hums and swung your intertwined hands together

"Don't care. I'll always be with you. That's a promise" you sighed and shook your head

"That's a promise then, I'll be heading off to my class. Take care" you gave him a smile and ruffled his hair as he leaned down to your height

"You too (F/n)" he gives you a smile and walks away

Then comes your friends complimenting on how cute the two of you looked which made you blush

"I hope you guys get married!" One of your friends shouted which made your face turn to a darker shade of red

"I-it's too early for that!"

Four months before Mayuzumi graduates he began to act weird around you

He was colder
He became harsher
He ignores you a lot
He doesn't walk you home that much anymore

"Hey Chihiro. I heard that you and Kisatsu-San have gotten extremely close lately" you muttered ad you closed your book and stared at him he tensed up and didn't meet your gaze

" like her don't you?" You sadly smiled at him

"..." he looks back down on his book with a glare making you sigh

"...Let's break up, Mayuzumi-senpai" you stood up and packed your things making Mayuzumi's head snap up at you

"What? But.. we've been together for three years.." he runs a hand through his hair, you stared sadly at him

You wanted to comfort him, hug him, tell him it was just a joke

But you stood your ground
"Mayuzumi-senpai, I know you still 'love' me... but I myself have seen how you look at Kisatsu-San. I'm no match for her, I know you're being pulled into her. Please be happy" you gave him a sad smile, he stares at you and silently nodded.

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now