Aomine x Tomboy! Reader [Part 1]

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El: I'm going to do it

Lux: Don't.

El: Let's do it.

Lux: I thought you're supposed to be a doting older brother

El: I'm part doting.


You and Aomine were childhood friends along with Momoi, but you weren't the normal kind of childhood friends. Except your relationship with Momoi it was fine.

"HEY CHOCOLATE!" You shouted with a mischievous look on your face

"AT LEAST I'M SWEET, and you like chocolates" Aomine replied with a confident look on his face

"I'm sorry I prefer milk chocolates over DARK CHOCOLATES" With that and a punch on his shoulder, you immediately ran to the girl's restroom to escape his rage

"COME BACK HERE (F/N)!!!!" You chuckled quietly as he ran past the restroom, you stuck your head out to see if it was safe to come out before running to class

However when you got there you began coughing, making your friend rush over you

"Are you alright? You shouldn't have walked home yesterday while the rain was pouring hard" The dark brown-almost black haired male asked, his dark brown-almost black orbs scanning your hunched form

"I'm fine El" You stubbornly replied which made the male sigh as you passed out on your chair

"Stubborn kid, now she has fever. Hey Momoi, call Aomine and ask him to take her home" El gave your head a pat before walking back to his seat as Momoi hurriedly ran out to get Aomine.

=Time Skip because this is El's first one shot=

"Ngh..." You groaned and slowly tried to open your eyes

"Damn I swear your body is too hot right now, why am I even carrying you home?" Aomine asked himself, annoyed by the turn of events

"I'm... sorry...." You pouted making Aomine halt

"You're awake?! Why are you sick?!" He spewed out one question after another, making you head spin

"Stop screaming. It hurts my ears you burnt seaweed" You muttered before nuzzling into his neck

"...." With a sigh Aomine continued walking, muttering something before you passed out again

" you"

El: And at least we're back on updating

Lux: So um, it's been a while and El and I will try updating more often

El: Thank you for the votes, comments

Lux: Add to libraries and follows. Even the reads~

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