Fem!Kise x Male!Reader

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Reader-tan is also a model but you will have two piercings on one ear like 96 neko

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Reader-tan is also a model but you will have two piercings on one ear like 96 neko.. also I'm updating via browser since the app is mean

Thanks for all the votes, reads, comments and follows~

I wanna hug Genos again- 

Kuroko:Lux? Is something wrong?

Nothing...nothing at all Tetsuya 



You looked around the place in a unsure manner brushing your (h/c) hair back before shifting your bag and entering the school grounds

But the moment you did, you regret it. A lot




You pause and turned around to stare at your fans behind you

"Who said the second one?" You blinked and curiously asked

"It was her!" All pointed and stared at that one fan and you ran away while they were preoccupied

"(L/n)-cchi?" Kise saw you running, who was previously running from her male fans

"Kise, what a coincidence to see you running away as well" you smiled before realizing your fans were catching up

"Sorry Kise but it seems like I have to use some skill to get away from them" you gave Kise a small smile which made her cheeks burn red while you ran ahead and used your parkour skills to hide in your club room

Kaijo's track and field room, or the stride room as well 

Then Kise comes stumbling in as well then shutting the door

"Heh? The Kise Ryo-chan is following me?~" you purred resting your chin on your hands as you stared at Kise while you sat down on the corner

"I-i wasn't following (L/n)-cchi!!" Her face turned to a dark shade of red while panicking 

You pulled her down and pressed a finger against her lips to quiet her down but her blush worsened 

"If you don't keep quiet... they'll find out where we are.." both your faces were inches away, your cheeks turned to a light shade of pink in realization

Then the door opened, and both your fans saw your position

Kise was on her knees, straddling you. Her hand was on your shoulder, the other was on your stomach and meanwhile you were sitting there, a hand on her lips, one was on the floor for support

Both of your cheeks were red, and the distance between you... 






you smirked before placing your lips on hers while the fans screamed and took photos

*next day*

"What is this?!"

"Our ship is canon! Publish these on the magazines!"

You and Kise sweat dropped at the reaction of the people you work with

"I love you Ryo-chan~"

"I-I love (F/n)-cchi too ssu... "

"You're blushing! How cute"

"Stop teasing me ssu!"





*tosses Rakuzan jacket, tosses Genos merchandise, puts out all Kuroko merchandise* are... you still mad?...

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now