Riko x Male! Reader

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It's been a year since I started writing, thanks to everyone who's been there from the start and all of you

Just a few words if you also want to write,

1. Ignore hate, I know it's hard but they're just people who have a lot of spare time

2. Keep on writing even if no one reads your works. I wanna read the works you guys have

3. Don't ever write something you can't, you don't need to force yourself

Soulmate AU

Everyone was born with timers on their wrists, they all believed that they will find their other half soon

But you refused to look at the countdown that was displayed on your wrist. You never wanted to be like your sister.

The moment she saw her timer disappear, she couldn't bear to live alone. She decided to take her own life.

You glared at the glowing numbers at your wrist that was now crossed out with a scar. You sighed and covered it with bandages. Picking up your bag and heading towards the door.

"I'm leaving." You muttered as you began to make your way to Seirin, on the way there you bumped into a brunette

"Ah, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" You asked as you extended a hand which she gladly took

"I'm fine, thanks" She smiled up at you making you blink

"Be careful next time." You told her as you slung your bag over your shoulder and continued on walking, ignoring the jolt of electricity on your bandage covered wrists

Meanwhile with Riko she rolled her sleeves up to see that the countdown has ended

"So he's the one huh" Riko rolled her sleeves back down and ran after you

"H-Hey since we're going to the same school can we walk together?" She asked as you gave her a quick glance

"I don't see why not" You replied with a smile

"What club will you be joining at Seirin?" She asked as you walked past the gates

"I'm thinking about joining the basketball club." You told her making her hum

"I'll be seeing you later then. As coach you should arrive in time after classes" Riko smiled and walked ahead of the male

"Coach?" He blinked then smiled

When classes ended, you immediately went to the gym to see the members practicing, you decided to change your clothes but kept the bandages on

"Hello (L/n)-kun" You jumped when you heard a familiar voice greet you

"Kuroko! It's beena while" You greeted the male who just stared

"What made you transfer all of a sudden?" Kuroko asked making you chuckle

"Being straight to the point I see" You sadly smiled down at him, perks of being the taller male

"Everyone at that school was blabbering about things I don't like. So I decided to move" You answered unaware of the brunette and a small raven haired girl approaching you both

"You still cover your timer?" Kuroko gestured to your bandaged arm

"I don't want to end up the same as my sister. Killing herself because she can't bear the thought of being alone." You glared making the shadow smile

"But I can see that you already encountered her" Kuroko tugged on your bandages and the raven haired female pushed Riko towards you

"See? You don't have to be scared" Kuroko pointed at your timer that began to vanish, Riko's face burned red

"You and the coach should go out to get to know each other~ I'll handle the team~" The same raven haired female smiled and waved the both of you off

"Don't be scared to fall when you're already sure someone will catch you (l/n)-kun" Kuroko added while patting the female's head

"Tetsuya that line was cheesy"

"Was it?" The female laughed as the team watched Riko take over their so called date

"Geez, it's like Riko is the guy in the relationship"

Kuroko: apparently, someone actually has a ship name for Lux and I

I'm surprised to be honest

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now