Kise x Reader Part III (3)

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I wonder if this is the final part

Shu: you said it only had three parts.

Yeah and next will be lemons

Shu: you lewd woman

...You're lewd too

Kise actually thought that you were going to turn him down but he was happy. He knew he messed up by missing out on all of your dates, he broke a lot of promises

His heart broke at the mere thought of you waiting for him for hours and hours long. The times you cried because you might have thought he was making a fool out of you.

He took out the black box from his pocket and sadly smiled

"I hope she says yes... I didn't want to tell her I was working just to buy this..." He muttered as he walked towards the park

To see you laugh and smile everyday, to wake up next to you, that was the reason why he couldn't make it to your previous dates. He was working extra hard just to get that dream come true. He smiled at the thought of that.

Last night as Kise walked out of the shop where he bought it, he glanced up to see a shooting star

He stared at it before murmuring

"I want to bring back her smile, and I won't stop. Even if I brought it back. I want her to keep smiling." He continued his way home

Kise's eyes glanced at the empty park not a single soul was present at the park. He glanced at his outstretched palm as snow started to gently fall

"(F/n)-cchi?..." He whispered as he took his phone out and called you, his head turned to the direction where he heard it

"(F/n)-cchi?!" He immediately ran to where he heard your phone was and what hesaw made his heart ache

"R....youta..." You glanced at him with hollow (e/c) eyes with a faint smile on your blood stained lips while clutching the wound at your stomach

His eyes widened and took off his jacket to keep you warm, an arm wrapped around you as he called for help

"(F/n)-cchi it's okay, the ambulance will be here soon okay?" He muttered as he pressed his lips against your cold forehead

"...Tell me... Do you hate me?... I heard... You wanted me to die... That I'm your puppet" You slowly said making Kise's eyes widen

"Shh, don't cry... You didn't hear the whole thing did you? Your my puppet because only I can make you as happy as you were in middle school. All jumpy and full of energy" He chuckled as he pressed his forehead against yours

"To die in front of my eyes... Because in that way I can do everything I can to save you sse" He added as tears fall down your face

"I-I'm sorry... Ryouta..." You nuzzled in his neck as he wiped the tears that gathered at the corner of his eyes

Soon the ambulance came and Kise went along as he sat beside you, he pulled out the black box and opened it

"The reason why I missed all those dates is ecause I worked hard for this ssu" He smiled at you and held your hand

"Marry me (F/n)-cchi?" He asked you weakly nodded as he smiled and slipped the ring on your finger, placing a kiss on your forehead along the way

"Don't you dare close your eyes on me (F/n)-cchi..."He muttered

You smiled sadly as you inhaled his scent, your eyelids felt heavy, your vision was getting blurry.

Kise pulled back and saw you smiling brightly at him

"Yellow... I'll.... never forget... that color" Your eyes shut making Kise panic



Shu: That was awful

...I know... I'll put the lemon one tomorrow

Shu: great, now we sleep.

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now