Stuff I did with a small note at the end

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Tagged by my precious child ChocoFluffBalls

*locks door*

*Double checks anyway*

*starts writing*

Ah. Also have this photo:'s for you to be quiet about this

[x] Been/Is in love (rl? once. Fictional characters are my only love now//slapped)

[] Broken hearts

[X] Been Brokenhearted

[] Kissed (...)

[] Had a boyfriend

[] Had a girlfriend

[x] Cheated (On exams and quizzes last year)

[] Been cheated on

[] Had sex 

[] Gotten a tattoo (Had fake ones)

[] Got piercings (does earrings count?)

[x] Travelled

[] Been stung

[x] Broken bones (I also have a dislocated shoulder) 

[x] Skipped school (only during 3rd year and 4th year)

[x] Failed class (during 3rd year and 4th year)

[x] Gotten all A's (Was a straight A student until I dropped my grades during 3rd grade)

[] Got suspended

[] Got expelled (Almost)

[] Been to jail (...not once tbh)

[x] Been cyber bullied

[x] Been bullied

[] Been a bully (does threatening others and hitting someone who insults me count?)

[x] Felt insecure (everyday)

[x] Been ignored (my whole life)

[x]  Been embarrassed (I easily am)

[x] Cried myself to sleep (so often) 

[x] Stayed up all night (almost every night)

[x] smiled

[x] laughed

[x] fake smiled

[x] been verbally abused 

[x] been physically abused

[] been sexually abused

[x] Hated someone

[x] Hated myself

[x] what/wanted to die (I still do)

[x] Been depressed (I still am)

[] binged (*googles it* ah.)

[x] purged

[x] starved

[x] Had/have anorexia (2 years ago)

[] had/have bulimia

[x] cut myself 

[x] burned myself               

[x] other forms of self harm

[x] Have anxiety

[x] Stolen          

[x] Lied 

[x] Drank (but never been drunk) 

[] smoked  

[x] lost someone to suicide

[x] overdosed  

[] Hallucinated

[] been hospitalized (never tbh) 

[] Seen a therapist

[x] Have other mental disorders (I have OCD and a slight superiority complex)

[x] Have other medical problems (Asthma)

[x] Take meds

[x] hide scars 

[x] Have a secret account

[] relapsed

[] accepted myself

okay so. what I'll put up tomorrow- hopefully are one shots that contain a twist of angst since it's been a while.

Ano... also,if you guys haven't noticed this book lacks requests about the other characters... I wouldn't mind if you leave your requests here because I'll do all of them. 

...I also don't do lemons unless requested

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now