Aomine X Model! Reader

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You being Imayoshi's childhood friend decided to attend Touou with him

It has its perks you know? Keeping you away from the fanboys despite being two years younger than him

"Damn it why do you even have a lot of fanboys?!" Imayoshi screamed as you both tried to outrun the males and some females

"Please, let's just be thankful that I'm in the track and field and you're in the basketball club" You laughed then you saw the gym and the mob was closing in

"We have no time!" You panicked and carried Imayoshi and ran inside the gym where the first club meeting was being held

You dropped the male's body and fell on your back as you both tried to catch your breaths

"Are you both alright?" Sakurai asked as he helped you up

"I'm- I'm good. Haha" You smiled at him making the male jump back and stutter

"Y-You're t-that famous model! I-I'm sorry!" He panicked with a red face and bowed for more than ten times

Aomine who was sleeping on the bench opened one of his eyes and his gaze wandered over to you

His eyes widened and suddenly stood up and rushed over to you

"You're (F/n) (L/n)! Sign my magazine!" He pulled out his copy of the latest one. Imayoshi stood between the both of you while handing youa marker

"You're a fan? I see." With a fake smile you signed it and tossed it to him

"Let's keep our space okay? I know why you're getting touchy." You gave him a cold smile as Imayoshi did

"Dai-chan!" The pink haired girl pulled on the tanned male's arm

"Stop being such a pervert!" Momoi slapped his head while you walked away with Imayoshi behind you

A month later Aomine kept tagging along with you and Imayoshi,running away from fans, watching them practice, and sometimes eating at Maji Burger

"(F/n)." Aomine stoodfive feet away from you as he spoke, with a fake smile you tilted your head to the side as a sign for him to continue

"Go out with me" He demanded making you laugh

"No. You all just want to come and go. I refuse to be your toy Daiki." With that you turned and walked away with Imayoshi in tow

"Damn it Satsuki! What can I do for her to believe me I'm serious?" He shook Momoi back and forth

"I don't know Dai-chan!" She complained as Aomine sighed while rubbing the back of his head

"I'm really serious about her Satsuki" He shoved his hands into his pockets as he stared at your back as you walked away

"Maybe you could ask Imayoshi-senpai?" Momoi suggested making him groan

"I'll think about it" He mumbled ashe turned away

The next day Imayoshi had asked Aomine to watch over you since he would be busy today. For some reason he also gave Aomine a pack of Snickers

"If something off happens give her Snickers. Also don't do anything perverted or I will kill you" Imayoshi smiled coldly at him and tossed a pack of Snickers at his face and walked off

"Oh my god" You ran past Momoi and Aomine with mob of fans

"(L/n)-chan! Dai-chan hurry up and help her!" Momoi pushed the male who immediately ran after you and carried you

"Give us back (F/n)-sama!"

"Put me down Daiki!" You pushed his face as he ran out of the building and hid in the garden

"Man those fan of yours can run." Aomine laid on his back and tried catching his breath

"I didn't ask for your help." You sat five feet away from him with a frown on your face

"Huh? What's wrong with you today?" Aomine grunted out

"All the stuff I was supposed to do was cancelled..." You muttered and hugged your knees

"This is also the same day I left Teiko because of a guy there" His head perked up at that

"He kept teasing me because I was flat, then we got into an arguement when I asked him why he didn't love basketball anymore" You randomly told him with a sad smile on his face

"Here." He practically shoved a piece of Snickers in your face

"You're not you" He muttered making you smile

"You remind me of him that's why I hate you" You began to eat beside him

"...I'm sorry. I was that guy. I was stupid back then" He got up and hugged you from behind

"I was too absorbed for a stronger opponent back then. Forgive me (F/n)." He buried his face into your shoulder


-End I-

"I don't... I'm sorry you really hurt me back then." You took his arms off, stood up and walked away with the pack of Snickers

"Besides, I have Shoichi now. Unlike you."

"Damn it. I should have apologized back then like they said..."

-End II-

"I.. One last chance. If you mess up I'll get Shoichi to kill you" You muttered as you leaned against his frame

"I'm not going to mess this one up" He pulls you closer and plants a kiss on your cheek

"Imayoshi could stay five feet away from you now though."


If you guys know the anime Tanaka-kun is always listless, I could only practically see Kuroko. 


Kuroko: I'm everywhere

You are everywhere. 

Kuroko: In your house too-

That's our sign to get out~ Bye~

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