Male!Auhtor + GoM x Reader

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For the 100th chapter and 80.8k reads~

Teiko Arc

These six had taken an interest in you
And well...

"Spend a day with us and then you decide" Akashi suggested with a smile

"But Sei-"

"That's great! This Saturday then! Ssu~"


You sighed and knocked on the door

"Oh! You must be the girl Daiki often talks about!" A dark skinned woman smiled and pulled you inside, her hair was a dark shade of blue

Then there was a tall fair skinned man with black hair and dark blue eyes

"Daiki is literally a combination of you both" which made them smile

"Ah, I brought cookies" you handed

"You should have worn more revealing outfits" Aomine muttered making you glare at him

And his mom laughed while his father scolded him


Later Midorima picked you up and went to his place

Where you were immediately greeted by-

"Onee-san!" A small little girl with green hair ran to you and stared up into your (e/c) orbs with her green ones

"Onii-chan likes you a lot!" She smiled followed by a low chuckle

"Papa!" The girl ran up to the green haired man who was smiling

"It's nice to meet you (l/n)-san" he greeted while Midorima stood in the middle of you both with a red face

"I don't like her." He huffs and shifts his glasses

"I used to say that about your father as well" a woman appeared with long light green hair

"You didn't"

"Yes I did" Midorima sighed and sat beside you as while you sipped soup


After Midorima walks you to the pastry shop nearby, you were greeted by Murasakibara

"(F/n)-chin~ for you" he serves you a slice of (F/cake) and (F/d)

"Thank you Atsushi" his cheeks were tinted pink due to the sweet smile you gave him

"She looks sweet, can I have her?" A taller male asked making Murasakibara pout

"She's mine nii-chan"

His brother looks...

 a lot like Himuro

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... a lot like Himuro

Soon enough there was this taller male who approached you

"I'm their dad, it's nice to finally meet you (l/n)-chan" he extended his hand which you shook

"That woman over there who has been eating for a while is my wife" you turned to see a smaller female munching on sweets

"Hello sweetie~"

Oh the puns.

Murasakibara walked you to the nearby hotel where Kise was staying at

Let's just say you got very tired when you dealt with four hyper blondes while the mom was the most calm of them all

Kuroko picked you up and let you rest a bit before meeting his family when you got to his house

"Hello" you greeted them as you went out of Kuroko's room

"Here, it might be of help for your next trip" Kuroko's mom handed you a milkshake and ushered you to use your remaining stamina for the trip to Akashi's place

"Ah, I'm sorry and thank you very much" his mother smiled

"Seeing you was already enough for us dear"

Akashi had asked his butler to pick you up.

His father was hella strict. You had dinner there and left.

"I'm sorry about my father's actions" Akashi apologizes as his butler pulled up in front of your house

"It doesn't matter, the food was great anyway" you laughed which made him smile

He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it

"Til tomorrow then"

The next day

During lunch you met with the rainbow gang and sighed

"Guys, I really tried to stop you but"

"(F/n)-chan... we all like you" Akashi started

"But she's mine" all eyes turned to where the voice came from

"But she's mine" all eyes turned to where the voice came from

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"What do you mean she's yours nanodayo?"

"We're dating, it's that simple" the male walks behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist

"My name is Luxerionne Fleur, she's mine. Back off" with a peck on her cheek you walked off before saying

"I'll take you out for a shake later too so wait for me okay?"

"Y-yeah, sure"

"See ya~"

To be edited later probably

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now