Kagami X Reader

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A request from @Rogenin arigato~ If you do have requests send me a message or just leave a comment and I'll do my best  


Currently you were hanging out with Kagami in his room

Well, scratch that, you just went over to his place because

apparently you were bored

"Kagami-kun! Let's play games!" You suggested 

You were currently sitting on his bed with you facing him while 

he sighs





"No" You pouted and started rolling on his bed he silently

watched you until you stopped and just laid there staring

up at him looking like a kitten (puppy, whichever you prefer)

He looks at you a bit more and turns his head to the side with 

his hand hiding his red cheeks behind it

"S-stop looking like that will you?" Kagami asks you sat up sighed

and faced him taking your phone out

"Fine, I'm going to give Kuroko or Himuro a call then, maybe I

can play games with them instea- hey! Get off!" You turned pink

as Kagami tackled you to the bed and took your phone away

"Give it back!" You tried reaching for it but he puts holds it

out of your reach

"Kagami! Give it back" You looked at him only to see him mumbling

"Mind speaking a bit louder? I can't really ca-Ahhh!" He started

to lightly bite the nape of your neck then you pushed him off

with a dark red face

"Kagami Taiga! What was that for?" Your hand covered the part

where he bit you and hit him with his pillow 

He dodged it and continued to run around his apartment

"Kagami! You get back here!" You chased him with his pillow in


"No!"He turns to face you a bit

You took the chance and jumped on him, making the both of you 

land on the floor

"Ow.. That hurts y'know!" He props himself up on his elbow

while he rubs the back of hit head you sat on his lap and 

glared at him, hitting his face with his pillow

"What-ow-I was-ah-marking what's-hey-mine!-stop!" He took the 

pillow and tossed it somewhere and held your wrists


"I said I was marking what's mine." He was nervous but he kept

his straight face and his eye contact with you

You blinked letting it sink in

"Say what"

"Tch, I love you okay?" You could see him blushing, but not as

worse as you

"Ilugoutwo" you mumbled fast he stared at you for a moment

"Say it again.."




"(Y/N)" He called you by your first name you glared at him a bit

before saying

"I said I love you too" He suddenly smiles and give you a quick 

but passionate kiss then he rests his forehead on yours with his 

hands now around your waist

"(Y/N), be mine?" He mutters

"You already marked me didn't you, Taiga?" You chuckle


"You should've asked me out before marking me you know" You say

his cheeks turn pink and glares at nothing

"You provoked me!" You raised a brow

"Provoked you with what?" You ask he hugs you tighter and says

"You made me jealous."  

I hope Kagami isn't that ooc, I think I still don't have a grip on his personality when it comes to dating and stuff so I just, tried making him tiger-ish?

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