We react to: Zodiacs: Bravery

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I'm really glad that some people actually enjoyed the first 'we react chapter' thank you so much for everything //bows

For the next update, A kinds of kisses special the secret message kiss with Akashi Seijūro

You entered the room filled with multiple hair colors and sat on the couch beside Kagami who had his arms folded

"Hello (L/n)-tan" Lux cuts the silence by greeting you so the others followed the example

"Why are you guys so.. quiet?" You ask Kuroko shook his head and nudged Lux to start

"Zodiacs by bravery... first would be..."


All thoughts went straight to that certain member from Touou you chuckled

"No surprise there"


After saying the next zodiac things got a bit noisier

"Of course Kasamatsu-senpai would be brave, that's no surprise ssu" Kise stated happily not minding his captain's glare

"Except when he's with girls of course" Kise adds making his captain kick him off the couch


"I'm not surprised about Kotaro either" Akashi comments while he sipped his tea

"What I am worried about is Taiga and Lux" Akashi stated after putting his cup down

"What do you mean?" Kagami glares at him

"Kagami-kun, you're terrified of dogs" Kuroko stated Takao started laughing along with Lux, Aomine, (L/n), Kise and Imayoshi

"Scared over such adorable beings" Lux smirks receiving a glare from the split browed male

"Says by the one who is terrified of dolls, flying cockroaches, clowns and falling" Kagami smirks, one hand holding a very old doll which was Midorima's lucky item for today apparently,  and looked at you triumphantly


"I think that was too much Kagami-kun, (L/n)-san, please take over and continue" Kuroko dead panned and proceeded to pat the now petrified Luxrionne

"Kagami. That's my lucky item for today nanodayo." Midorima glared and took the doll back you shuddered at its appearance finding it rather unsettling as well

"MOVING ON" with the phone in your other hand you stood up and shoving Kagami's face in the process


"Hey! That hurt you little-"

"Scorpios" you rubbed the back of your head

"True Tatsuya is brave" Kagami suddenly agreed completely forgetting that you had hit him

"Takao is brave too, brave enough to bear with Shincarrot" you bluntly said Takao started laughing, Kise and Aomine chuckling in the background

"Shincarrot!" Takao laughs harder, Midorima had enough so he hit his partner's head making him stop

"Hahaha, gomen gomen Shin-chan" He rubs his head while smiling sheepishly


"I'm not surprised that Hyūga-senpai is fourth in place" Kagami mumbles

Kuroko nods in agreement while still comforting a petrified being

"Bulls are indeed brave"


"Apparently, Hanamiya is placed 5th" you raised a brow

"Brave enough to play dirty tricks in the court, yes." Kise commented making some hum in agreement

"He's not here.. is he?" Takao asks curiously you shook your head

"Lux can't stop making fun of his eyebrows so.. she did what was best" they all dead panned at the reason


Akashi seemed to be calm after hearing that his zodiac was placed sixth

"Are you sure Aka-chin isn't raging?" Murasakibara asks Kise since he was nearest

"I don't know Mura-cchi. I do not know." Kise stared at the red head

"We all have our cowardly moments leading to small or bigger change and impacts in our daily life routine" that was all that Akashi said before handing some tea over to the messy raven head to calm her nerves


"I'm not surprised" fifteen voices said while staring at the light blue haired male

"I will not even our efforts to try and complain and explain" Kuroko blankly stared while you laughed

"Okay, okay moving on"


"Kise deserves this place"

"Aomine-cchi you're so mean!"

"I agree"

"Eh? Kasamatsu-senpai not you too!" Kise now had tears running down his face

"You're very much terrified of a single worm." Akashi revealed as everyone started laughing making the model pout

"But Imayoshi and Kiyoshi don't deserve to be in this rank" Lux joins in the conversation while sipping tea

"Everyone isn't the same as Kise"



Kagami started laughing when he sees Aomine's gloomy face

"Ok stop laughing you stupid split brow!" Aomine stands up and glares at him

"How about no you stupid burnt hentai who is very scared of bees" And thus they started arguing

You stared at the both of them and shrugged

"Ohh, the next one is interesting" you said


Takao started laughing when you mentioned the zodiac

Midorima sends you a glare but you laughed and raised your hands in defeat

"Wei-chin is a coward then?" Murasakibara asks Himuro laughed

"No, he isn't" He clarifies

"Midorima is, since he's a tsundere" Lux high fives you in agreement making Midorima mumble things

"And terrified of cats" you added dodging a pillow tossed at your direction


"I have no words for this" you say

"Is Mayuzumi even considerable as one of the not brave players in the first string?" Lux asks Akashi just shrugged it off

All eyes went to Murasakibara and Izuki

"I admit I'm a coward" Izuki straightforwardly said

"How brave of you to admit that" you chuckled

"I can imagine Murasakibara being afraid of Akashi, and crows but something else? No" Lux adds and looks at the time

"Would you look at that, it's time to go get milkshakes. Let's head off Tetsu" Lux walks out of the room leaving you and the others have a very intense game of pillow fight

It's been three weeks since I last attended school, and apparently a group of my classmates, they were around 10 decided it would be a good idea to see if I was home

Which was amazing because those people had no idea where I live, but still came over, and I had to pretend I wasn't home ;-;

I am irrelevant to them since this year...

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