Kinds of Kisees XIX (5)

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Do you... still like my writing?.. I just think it wasn't the same as before...

But I really want to thank every single one of you for everything

Kuroko: are you thinking of that again?

Maybe.. I don't know Tetsu I think I suck

Kuroko: you don't

Vampire kiss

Midorima Shintaro ver.

You happily skipped into the gym while carrying a small white box with a red ribbon around it

"(F/n)-chan! Did you bring one?" Takao immediately ran to you when you stepped inside the gym

Instead of the green headed carrot who was still courting you

"I did! Let's settle on the bench, we can open it there" you brought the box on the bench and set it down

"Yay! (F/n)-chan's cake!" Takao grinned, picked up a slice and ate it

"It's so good~" slowly each member of the team came over and complimented you

"(F/n)-chan ahh~" Takao leaned over and opened his mouth for you to feed him

You took a piece and you were about to feed it to him when a hand grabbed your wrist and Midorima ate the piece

Then he walked away leaving you there staring at your hand

"I'm getting you back for that one!"

The next day you noticed unconsciously avoided Midorima because you were planning your revenge on him with Takao

"I see, provoke him huh" you both came to agree with that idea

But before you even had the chance to commence the plan you saw this really mature and pretty looking girl who was blushing while talking to a blank faced Midorima

With a growl you lowered your head and kept your eyes on the female as you slowly made your way to the space between them

You stared at the girl before elbowing Midorima's gut making him bend down to your height

You pulled his neck to you and bit it hard enough to leave a mark, his blank face turned to a deep shade of red and started glaring at you

"Go find another one. This one has my mark." You growled to the girl in front if you who scrambled to run away due to you being possessive

"..does this mean we're dating now nanodayo?"

"Yes Shintaro"

"...then I have to give you today's lucky item for (zodiac sign)" you tensed up as you turned to look at him

"He'll no you won't leave a hickey on my neck!" And then you ran away making the carrot chase after you while screaming things

"Shin-chan and (F/n)-chan are so cute~ my plan hasn't failed me~" the same female earlier grinned and walked away from Shutoku

That Midorima though- ...

Kuroko:what is it?

I uh.. mean I long for vanilla shakes?

Akashi: liar.

Shut up

[BOOK 1] Kuroko No Basket (Reader Inserts)Where stories live. Discover now