Kind of Kisses III (2)

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So I'll be um, putting up the others soon since school has been suspended til Friday and yeah

Note:This is around the Teiko Arc, have fun reading

Eskimo Kiss

Murasakibara ver.

For a change of pace the basketball team decided to each lunch at the rooftop and shockingly..

"Ah? You guys surely took your time getting here~" Murasakibara states then continued munching on his food the others remained still their eyes traveled from the bored looking eating Murasakibara to the small sleeping figure on his lap covered by his jacket

"Ano.. Murasakibara-kun... who's that?" Kuroko breaks the silence while finding their own spots to eat lunch

"Hn? This is (f/n)" Murasakibara blankly states their heads snapped to look at him 

'He didn't add a '-chin' to her name' This made them more curious of who the person was to the tall purple headed player

"If I may ask, who is she to you Murasakibara-kun?" Kuroko decides to ask he hums while opening a bag of potato chips

"(f/n)'s my girlfriend" Akashi simply continued eating his lunch, Kuroko still had the same blank expression, Midorima was eating as well the only ones who had quite a reaction were Aomine, Kise and Momoiwho stared at him in disbelief 

"..nn.." The small figure slowly sat up and stretched her arms forward 

You yawned and sleepily rubbed your eyes with your sleeve covered hands 

"Good morning (f/n)" Murasakibara teases  and pats your head you scrambled to sit on his lap while taking a sandwich leaning against him as you ate

Momoi and Kise squeals finding the both of you extremely adorable she then starts to throw one question after another Kise just commenting on how adorable you both are as a couple

"Can you two kiss?" Was a question that both of them asked Aomine chokes on his food in the background with Kuroko saying 'Hang in there, Aomine-kun'

"Kiss?" You titled your head while looking at them

"Like this?" you turn to Murasakibara cupping his cheeks softly rubbing your noses together

Momoi squeals and faints Kise saying

"So adorable, so inncocent and cute" He rambles on Aomine muttering on how the purple headed giant even got himself a girlfriend 

So um.. next will be Kinds of Kisses IV  with Kuroko

A French Kiss ver of Aomine

A Hand Kiss Himuro ver

A Secret Message Kiss with Himuro and Akashi

...I haven't done any Kise yet so.. I might do one soon oh and um thank you so much for the votes and comments and stuff.. You guys can still request a character for Kinds of Kisses, some one shot of any genre, what if scenarios and stuff.. 

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