Birthday Special

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Domo so, I'll just update the Kinds of Kisses one shots later on but..

First author-tan shall do a birthday special since it's author-tan's birthday on thursday

Your lack of presence was worse than Kuroko wait scratch that you were practically invisible at school (a/n:so true for meh QwQ I dont mind tho) you often hung out with the Seirin's basketball team, some female senpais but you have a bit more of guy friends

Walking through the halls of Seirin you messed up your hair and made your way through the swarm of students around you a bit tired from studying today but someone posted a note on your locker

'Head to the gym (y/n)-chan, we'll be waiting

You tilted your head but followed what the note said

Once you got to the gym lights flickered on and then the team shouted
"Happy birthday!" You gave them a small smile and thanked them

"You didn't need to do this.." You shifted your weight from one foot to another

"It wasn't our plan..." Kagami grins and looks behind you on your foot you suddenly saw Tetsuya#2 with a (f/c) (fave flower) on his mouth you bent over and took it he barks happily and runs around you

While giggling you stood up and saw Kuroko with a bundle of (f/c) (f/f) flowers your face turns red he smiles when you took the flowers

He walks near you kissing your forehead, eyelids, cheeks then your lips

"Happy birthday (Y/n)-chan, I love you"

You groaned as you sat up with your eyes closed muttering nonsense
Rubbing your eyes you looked at your phone
"Pff, who cares about today's events" you tossed your phone and went to do prepare for school

After preparing you opened the front door and saw an elegantly wrapped box realizing it had holes around it you took the cover off and saw a (fave dog)(cause I can and I will. Sorry for cat lovers) your eyes sparkled, taking it out of the box and feeding it then leaving for school

When you got there you opened your locker and saw a (f/c) rose you looked around and sniffed it smiling at the pleasing aroma you went to class

During lunch time Akashi had ordered you to meet him at the garden

"(F/n), I have prepared (fave dessert) and Earl Grey tea for this afternoon for us" he says as his butler served the said tea and dessert

"A-Akashi-kun what's this for?" You nervously asked taking a bit of cake and eating it

"All those presents today are for you my empress, my queen deserves best" he smirks while drinkinf his tea as your face turned red

"T-thank you Aka-"

"Sei.. It's Seijūrō to you my dearest" he says while kissing your ear

He stared at you, he knows you were sad because apparently everyone of your 'friends' forgot your birthday and went off to go party on their own

He watched you get up then he spoke
"(F/n)-chan, would you like to accompany me today?" Imayoshi asks you tilt your head

"Well.. I don't have anything planned.. Sure!" You gave a fake smile Imayoshi clicks his tongue and takes you to the nearest café

"Eat up (F/n)-chan, I know it's your favorite cake" he says you took a bite then tilted your head but continued eating still feeling a bit gloomy

"(F/n)... " you looked up expecting nothing but then you felt a pair of soft lips on your forhead

"(F/n).. Don't be upset anymore.. It's your birthday, I can't give my present if you're sad right?" He says leaning down closer to you

With a red face you asked
"What present?.."

"Me" he smirks "and this.." He closes the gap between the both of you and plants a soft kiss on your lips

"Happy birthday (F/n)~"

You curled up further in your blanket seeking more of its cool feeling and sighed in content then someone came in your room and whispered in your ear

"(F/n)-cchi~ rise and shine ssu~" you moan and snuggle further to the coolness of your bed

"(F/n)-cchi, get up birthday girl" Kise pouts and climbs over you his knees and hands supporting him

"Nn...oo..." You mumbled Kise chuckles

"Happy birthday to you~" A kiss on your head

"Happy birthday to you~" A kiss on your nose then he helps you sit, your eyes still closed

"Happy birthday my (F/n)-cchi~" He kisses your cheeks

"Happy *kiss* birthday *kiss* to... You*kiss*" he grins as he stoppes kissing your lips leaning back to see a very red faced you.

"T-thank you Ryōta.." You mumble he smiles and like a retriever, wags his tail happily

"Now, go get ready (F/n)-cchi~ or should we just celebrate your birthday here?" He wiggles his brows your face turned to a darker shade of red and dived back under your blankets



Ah.. I'll do the others later QwQ anyone to request for this one? This'll be quick before I'll put up some KoK shots

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