Kinds of Kisses XI (5) Part 1

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Ano... I'm... I'm.. alive. We've been busy and all... so.. half or this is was from El and half of this is mine..

Thank you for those who waited, for the votes, comments, reads, follows and all of that

Also I have an amino account now and I'm pretty awkward so-

Kuroko: we'll stop here and update again tomorrow

The Peck

Kuroko Tetsuya ver.

You were part of the student council, to be precise, you were the president.

"Not all men aren't that bad (F/n)-san, although some are far worse than bad. Try falling in love for once." Lux mutters as she sipped her vanilla flavored milk while following after the council president

"Love huh.. guys are worthless though..." you muttered

"Hey (L/n) have you seen my portable cousin?" the blonde who approached them asked

"Right behind me Kei" You muttered before continuing your way to carry the stack of papers to the teacher's room

"Let's go home my portable cousin" He starts easily dragging the female away despite her monotonous protests

Soon enough you got to the room and set down the stack of papers, then a teacher called out to you

"Miss (L/n), could you please move the pots inside? I already assigned a guy who can take care of them as well." She said you simply smiled and went to the side of the school

"In here... ah there it is" You stared at the four huge pots of plants in front of you and sighed, you put your hands on both sides but failed to make the pot budge

All of the sudden the pot was carried by a familiar red headed male

"I'll carry this, you carry that one" Kagami pointed to a smaller pot and beside him stood a blue haired male who carried the longer one

After setting the pots outside you thanked the both of them for helping you

"Don't thank me, thank Kuroko" With that the taller male walked off as you and the other male were left to water the plants

"Thank you for helping me carry the pots, I'm (L/n) (F/n)" You extended a hand which he gently took and lightly shook it

"Kuroko Tetsuya"

The next day, at the end of classes you immediately went out to check on the growing plants only not to see the person who should be watering the plants.

'Damn it, he isn't here. He must be the rebellious type. When I see that guy I swear-' You accidentally squeezed the end of the hose. You turned to your left and suddenly saw a drenched Kuroko.

"I'm really sorry!" You panicked as you shut the faucet and ran to get a towel and placed it on his head

"It's okay (L/n)-san, I should have said something since you were deeply thinking of something" He said as he placed his hands on the towel and wiped his hair dry

All of a sudden he started to remove his uniform to reveal the simple white shirt underneath

"My uniform should be dry soon since it's summer" He blankly said and hung his uniform while you hid your red face behind your hands

"N-no it's alright! You can go home, it's just watering so I can do it alone!" You quickly muttered but he shook his head

"If the two of us do it, the faster we get it done"

Soon enough you two finished everything, he slipped his uniform back on and slung his bag on his shoulder

"Will you be alright walking home alone?" he asked

"I'll be alright, you should go attend practice" You said and waved him off

Two days later you were both outside watering the plants when Kuroko spoke all of a sudden.

"The flowers are starting to bloom..." He muttered, your eyes sparkled at this and agreed with him

"The teacher must really love flowers since she got a Begonia too, it means 'undying love'" He said with a soft look on his face as he gazed at the flowers in front of him

"You probably think it's weird since a guy knows so much about flowers..." He muttered as he turned the faucet off

"No it's honestly amazing!" You smiled which made his lips twitch upwards

"My grandmother is a florist, do you want to see her shop?" With a nod it was settled. And soon enough you both got there

"Welcome! Eh? Kuroko and... a girl? Is she your girlfriend?" The elder woman with grey hair smiled

"N-No I'm not his girlfriend!" You stuttered making Kuroko smile faintly

"I suddenly remembered those days your grandfather used to court me" the edges of her eyes wrinkled as she smiled as stared at a portrait

"He gave so much effort and studied how to make a bouquet and asked me to marry him when he finally made the perfect one.." After a few more chats, you decided it was time to go. Whilst walking home, it was quiet between the both of you until you spoke.

"Proposing with a bouquet... seems romantic" You muttered and Kuroko nodded "I hope I can experience that someday, it doesn't even have to be a bouquet" You smiled, not noticing the male beside you gently smiling as he looks at you from the corner of his eye

The next day as you were watering the plants with Kuroko, Kagami passed by and asked if you were dating which you both denied

"Right... You're the type to get pounced on by Momoi often" Kagami muttered, soon enough the two started bickering. By bickering I mean Kuroko stating the truth and Kagami tossing out questions. You tried to quietly walk away but this didn't go unnoticed by the smaller male.

"Wait, (L/n)-san-"

'Right... that pink haired girl... it was stupid of me to think that he'd actually like someone like me...' You thought and shook your head

"I shouldn't be thinking like this." Is what comes out of your mouth but the tears kept falling

"(F/n)-san?" Your breath hitched as the brown eyed female stared at you with a frown and stuffed a hand in her pocket to lend you a handkerchief

"You- ow!" The blonde beside her was punched in his gut and was now crouching down due to the pain

"Not now Kei. Whatever your reason is (F/n)-san, you shouldn't cry..." Lux rubs your back as you sniffled

"Why were you crying anyway?" The blonde asks, shifting his glasses as he did so

"Well you see..."

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