Kinds of Kisses XIX (2)

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                              grandmother will be out of the hospital tomorrow and I feel better so... I decided to update

Also Wi-Fi isn't working too well with my phone, I'm out of town so I update on my phone via browser I'll edit this when I can I promise

I was planning on making this lemon 


*looks around* maybe tomorrow?... well... 

Thanks for the votes, comments, reads and follows it means a lot 


The Vampire Kiss Imayoshi Shouichi ver.

It is done for fun. This is a deep kiss on your partner's neck. It also involves light biting and sucking. Some people might find this kiss not sexy, therefore it is important to find out whether your partner likes it or not.


You're a third year at Touou, same class as the sly Imayoshi and you actually plan on studying at a great school. Meaning you have to study hard.

And also pass the entrance exam.

"(F/n)-Chan~" the raven haired male purred as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his face buried into your shoulder

Which is why even though this male had come over and tried his best to distract you but you continued studying

"Maa (F/n)-chan don't be like that~" he pressed his lips on your ear making you hit his face which made him fall backwards and touch his nose

"It hurts~"

"..." you continued to scan the notes that you have and the book for more info

"(F/n)-Chan~" Imayoshi whined snaking his arms around your waist once more after fixing his glasses

"No Shouichi. Just. No." You started writing down more important things on your notebook

"(F/n)..." shivers went down your spine as he called out your name huskily making you stop writing

"Shouichi. No." You glared at the papers in front of you he let out a chuckle

He turned your chair around making you face him, his lips curved up to a smirk

He pressed his lips on yours catching you off guard, he pulls back and unbuttoned the first three buttons of your shirt

"I'll mark you all over..." he says your eyes widened and gripped his head

"Wait Shouichi! No! Don't you dare do what I think you will!" You warned him but he kissed your neck, bit and sucked on some parts leaving marks that made you bite your tongue so no noise comes out

"God damn it Shouichi!" While your face was bright red, you hit his head with your own

He stumbled back and laughed, putting his glasses away he carried you to your bed

"I'll have to punish you for hitting me so much (F/n)~" his eyes locked on your (e/c) orbs while his hand slipped into your shirt, touching your skin

Irritated you punched him again

"I have to review!" You shook off what happened and returned to your previous spot to study

Imayoshi laid on the floor groaning

"I'll punish you harder next time..."

"Good luck on that Shouichi."


That went... well? ...I don't have anyone with me today because I'm hiding... I do not wish to die young 

Oh,here's what's on my request list:

Forehead kiss





Jealous!Kasamatsu x reader

Secret message 


Normal one shots

※Riko x Fem!dandere!reader

※Imayoshi x Reader x Hanamiya

※knight!Akashi x princess!reader

※yandere!Kise x reader

Jealous!human!Nigou x Reader

Fem!Akashi x male!Reader

Fem!Kise x male!Reader

Fem!Midorima x male!reader

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