18. Fire

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It is now dark and the men still haven't came back in search for Randall, and you were getting more paranoid.

Hershal comes up to you placing a hand on your back making you jump a little bit.

"They'll find him and they will also be fine, have some faith in them."

Letting out a sigh, looking out the window one last time and went to go sit next to Maggie.

Bouncing your knee up and down, sweaty palms, and a headache the paranoia was getting to you. Maggie places her hand in yours and rubs your knuckles softly calming you down a little.

"They're fine y/n I'm sure they'll be just fine okay." Maggie had a soft tone.

"I k-know I just.. this r-reminds me when m-my brother was out really late, and h-he w-as the only person who protected me from our parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"It's okay"

You have Maggie a smile and she asked if she could do your hair which you said yes. She was carful to not try to touch your hearing aids.

~~~With Daryl and Glenn~~~

Daryl and Glenn were paired up going a different direction in search for Randall. He couldn't stop thinking about what might happen if Randall managed to find his group and come back with them.

He couldn't even imagine all the horrible things that could happen, expecially to you he wouldn't live with himself.

"This is pointless. You got a light?" Daryl said with a gruff voice asking Glenn for the flashlight. "Come on boy what you got" Daryl pats Rosco on the back.

Rosco starts sniffing and shakes his head and goes back to sniffing the tracks.

He turns the light on moving it to where he can see better but huffed and walked a different direction having Glenn follow suit. "We're just back to square one."

"There's two sets of tracks right here. Shane must've followed him a lot longer than he said. There's fresh blood on this tree. There's more tracks. Looks like they're walking in tandem." Rosco sniffs the tree and growls a little.

Still walking following the tracks, and Glenn accidentally bumping into Daryl.


"You good."

"Yeah, there was a little dust up right here."

"What do you mean?"

"Mean some'in went down"

"It's getting weird." Glenn had a nervous tone not wanting to be out anymore.

Then they heard a crack and quickly went behind two separate trees, looking back to see a walker and went back to hiding getting ready to put it down. Rosco's ears go up and goes with Daryl.

As Glenn turned the flashlight towards the walker it was Randall. Glenn froze in shock holding his weapon up but got pushed by the walker and Daryl missed shooting him and getting pushed himself. Rosco starts barking and tries pulling on Randall's shirt to get him off

Glenn quickly tackled Randall off Daryl and putting him down after a couple swings to the head. Rosco starts sniffing and barks.

~~Back to you~~

After Maggie and Beth were done messing with your hair you saw Andrea get up heading towards the door. You quickly got up and grabbed her hand shaking your head no.

Andrea squeezed your hand indicating that she'll be fine.

She let go and soon Daryl and Glenn walked in and so did Rosco.

Loud Silence Daryl x deaf readerWhere stories live. Discover now