Mother Goddess's Proposal

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~*Lan Wangji's POV*~

I don't remember too much of what happened over the past few weeks. All I remember was getting punished for standing beside Wei Ying. My heart hurts so much, and I did not know it could hurt this much. I want to be with my Wei Ying, I want to tell him how I really feel. Why us? Why is fate playing this stupid game with us? Why did they have to drive Wei Ying to so much pain that the only thing he could want was death? He could not even focus on me enough because he was hurting so much.

Also, Jiang Wanyin, I do not get you at all. You clearly know it was not Wei Ying who killed his Shijie, you should know your brother more that anyone. I was completely taken back when he forced Wei Ying to pull his hand away. I was so caught up with being in shock. If I could, I would have pushed Jiang Wanyin off the cliff as well. I know it is wrong to think that way, but he killed his brother without even thinking. How bad had the relationship between Wei Ying and Jiang Wanyin been before his Shijie's death for him to just kill him?

My mind was racing with so many thoughts and questions, trying to think of all that happened, to where it all went wrong. What could I have done? I know I had a broken leg, but I should have stayed with Wei Ying when we got out of Xuanwu's cave. I should have gone back with Wei Ying. Cloud Recesses was burnt, gone. Uncle was injured, my father died, and my brother went missing. The others were set to stay in Qinghe or Lanling to recover while the clan heirs were to go to the Wen Clan indoctrination. Some indoctrination, more like abuse of power and making fun of other heirs.

They have no respect for others....but when I think more about it, did other clans really respect others? When Wei Ying's Yin Hu Fu (Stygian Tiger Amulet) came to light, the other clans fought for it. They were driven to have it no matter the cost. They were even willing to drive Wei Ying insane and lose his life for it. I no longer had respect for any of the clans, not even my own. I lost all respect for my Shufu (Uncle). My brother had his hands tied and did not know what to do, but he stood beside me when I broke down. He tried to convince my uncle and the elders to back down, but it was no use.

I am now laying in my bed unconscious and unable to wake. I had no desire to wake either. I could hear people moving around and talking every now and again but I could not convince myself to open my eyes. The pain stung on my back every time someone tried to apply medicine. After a few seconds, the pain went away and my back became numb of all sense of feeling. I could feel my body weaken and my spiritual energy exiting my body. I knew that I did not have much longer. My heart beat was slow and my breathing was shallow. The next thing I knew, my world became lit with a bright white light. I had accepted my fate, and accepted my death. I am sorry that I had to leave my brother, but the pain was just too much, and I could not hold on any more.

After I was consumed with light, I found myself in a room, it was white and the windows had golden frames. Outside the window, was a sea of clouds colored with oranges, pinks, yellows, and purples. It was breath taking. I wondered where I had ended up, and I wondered if I would see my beloved Wei Ying again. I circled the room and stopped when I spotted a woman, looking to be in her mid to late thirties or forties. She had brown eyes and dark brown braided hair with flowered with the braids, a green dress covered moss flowered, and she wore a crown made of sticks and had babies breath (A type of flower) woven within the crown. She looked very pretty.

"Welcome young cultivator," A woman greeted me, "My name is Nuwa, I am also known to be Mother Goddess, and creator of mankind."

"Hello, Mother Goddess," I greeted with a bow, "I am Lan Zhan, courtesy name, Wangji, and honored name Hanguang Jun."

"I know who you are young one," She said approaching me, "I have watched the world you come from turn to chaos because of misunderstandings and hidden truths. The person you love so dearly, was betrayed and taken from you in the cruelest way possible," All I could do was nod, and kept my head down trying not to cry from losing Wei Ying, and the pain we both endured, "It is alright, I am not going to hurt you, I would like to help you," She offered.

I looked up at her, "How?" I asked.

"I will send you back to the past, to change fate, as one would say," She said, "But there are conditions."

"What are they?"

"He will not remember what happened in his past life, as he took his own life and had no desire to live or return. Because suicide is always looked down upon in the Heaven's some of the gods decided not to resurrect him. But I made a proposal. I proposed, even if he had no recollection of what happened, his lover would," She explained.

I nodded and signed, "It is just something that I have to accept," I told her, "but you said conditions, is there more?"

"You do not know the whole story of Wei Wuxian's past and how he ended up the way he did," She told me, "You will be unseen as if you were just a spirit, but you will go back and look at Wei Wuxian's past. It will help you understand more of the situation and help you make a plan before you are sent back to change everything. Do you accept these conditions? and I do have to warn you, Wei Wuxian's past is not for the faint of heart."

"I want to do it, I want to know his truth," I said, "I want to know what happened to him and why he changed so drastically."

"Very Well," She said and handed me a jade pendant, "This will guide you through Wei Wuxian's past. If you need a moment because you are having a hard time taking in all the information, you can use it to come back to my domain, which is Nuwa's Palace. Just say those to words and you will come back so you can calm your mind for a bit before continuing."

I nodded, "Should I head out now?" I asked.

"Of course, you do not need food, water, or sleep here, so you can go as long as you can. Just don't push yourself mentally. It is a lot to handle," She said and waved her hand.

With that I was sent back in time, as a spirit like she said, I can't been seen or heard by others but I can explore and watch the scenes in front of me.

'What happened to you, Wei Ying?' I asked myself, 'I will be there this time. I will not ruin this second chance.'

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