What Should I Do?

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~*Wei Wuxian's POV*~

I was sitting in Lanshi (Orchid Room/Class room) listening to Old man Lan and Sect Leader Lan talking about Lan Zhan's idea of the whole, 'what would you do' scenario. I thought it to be a good idea but after some of them were asked it not only got me thinking about those scenarios, but it made me question if the Lans knew about my past in any way.

Like the first scenario, "One day there was a young child spotted roaming the streets. Their clothes tattered and dirty, their hair matted and messy, and dirt smudged over almost every part of open skin visible. The child was also malnourished due to lack of food because of being alone on the streets. If you came across this child, and you had the ability, would you help this child in any way? If so, what would you do?" You would think that they saw me in the past...but then I thought, there are many kids on the streets so it couldn't be connected to me in any way.

So I wrote down:

Knowing a child who once went through this, I would help them in any way that I could. Even if I was not able to help financially, I would still help aid the child, as I am able to hunt, fish, and find herbs the treat wounds. I am a type of person who would not like to see a young child starve and be ignored. They are so young and innocent and they deserve the world. They need a chance to be loved, and cherished.

After a few minutes the next scenario was said, and that was really making me question what the Lan's were up to, and I could not blame Lan Zhan, he probably did not know of they type of questions, but maybe he did as he suggested this exercise. I could not find it in me to be upset with Lan Zhan in any way. He was a very unique person and very unexpected in terms of character and personality. People have always told me that he was a cold and emotionless person, but I don't see that person at all.

"You are visiting another clan one say for a ceremony, discussion, or competition. You overhear one of the head leaders scolding someone. Telling them they are worthless and they do not belong but they should be grateful that they have a place to stay. They were even caught punishing the young person for something they did not have any control of or it was an excuse to get punished. You even noticed that you knew this person that was being punished. The head leader is scary and hard to approach, but would you step in if it meant helping the young disciple who was punished unfairly?"

I sighed after hearing Clan Leader Lan say the scenario and thought for a moment. I am someone who goes through this and nobody knows about it. They can't know, I don't want to be seen as weak, and I don't want to ruin a family. Thankfully, I was answering anonymously, so they do not know it is me writing.

For someone has seen a similar situation, it is hard to say what to do. You see the head leader bullying the disciple but then you think, if you step in so they never hurt that person, there is a risk ruining a family. You worry that the family that took them in will be okay after they are split apart. Then you think, the siblings you grew up with and love so dearly, would they hate you for it, would they never want to having anything to do with you for breaking their family. Seeing a family in a dispute is hard enough as it is, you blame yourself because you are the person they always argue about. So to step in, in this scenario is hard to really think about for me.

At least the questions after this one eased up a bit which allowed me to calm down a bit, Clan Leader Xichen said, "Suppose you were out on a night hunt with a group of people, and while doing so, the hunt gets out of hand and you have to fly away using your sword. You spot a disciple try to mimic a stronger cultivator only to embarrass themselves, and it the process they are now in danger and they lose their sword because of their carelessness. Would you risk your life to save that person? Especially if you don't know them then but later they turn out to be someone that should not be trusted."

I laughed on the inside.

I have seen many disciples try to show off because they someone else who is stronger do one thing, so they try the same only to fail. Though I am a person who as the heart to want to save anyone, no matter who they are. Since it is not known at the time that the person is not to be trusted, I am sure a good few people, me included, would help that person. If we meet again later after he makes his mistakes, then we will have to discuss things, as I stand for justice.

The next scenario the clan leader spoke of peaked my interest a little. It was something about a golden core transfer, "I am now going to give a scenario that some would seem to be impossible but it is not, as it has been seen done before. I will not say to whom and done by whom but it is something that you would really need to think about."

"A clan was attacked and all but three members, who were siblings, survived," Clan Leader Lan said, "the three survivors were hiding in an inn but had fallen into depression from losing their clan and their parents. One sibling was sick with a fever, one was sitting staring into space from grieving, and the last one was caring for the two siblings unable to mourn at the moment. That sibling promised the clan leader to protect the other two siblings with their life, so they did. One day, that sibling went out to get medicine for the sick one, leaving the other to watch over them. When they returned, the one sibling who was put on watch, was gone.

They went back to their home. The sibling thought is was for revenge but it was because they got captured. But in doing so, that sibling was safely brought out and to a hidden location. The three siblings along with to other cultivators who were siblings, helped the three until they were feeling better to move on. The cultivator that got captured, lost their golden core after getting captured. After the oldest sibling researched for days, they found a solution to help their other sibling, and it was only a scroll with a theory. Which was Gold Core Transfer. Once finding that, he begged one of the cultivators who save them to help them go through with the transfer.

The cultivator said the procedure was only a fifty percent guarantee, and they could not use anesthetics, for it may harm the core during transfer. So they would have to be awake the whole procedure. After agreeing, the procedure would take two nights and a day to complete. If you were in this scenario, would you go through this procedure to help your sibling who valued cultivation more than their own life? Would would be willing to take the risks, and never use a sword, never feel the rush of the golden core swirling inside you? Would you go through with it?"

To hear you say this theory of a golden core transfer and it only has a fifty percent chance of success, it sounds interesting. Since it was said that it was witnessed to be a true thing to have happened, then that fifty percent would probably have changed. As it was a success for one, may not be for another. I imagine it takes a lot of will power to withstand so much pain for that long period of time, with no anesthetics.

If I were in a position where my brother, for example, lost his core, he cares too much for his cultivation, as well as losses and gains. Being an heir to a clan leader is also something very important to think about. I am a servant's son, so I would be unimportant compared to a clan heir. If something happened to the current clan leader, the Clan Heir takes over that role as a new leader. So, he would need a core to fulfill his duties as a clan leader. I would not have a golden core if I had not been adopted into a cultivator's clan in the first place, so to say that I have a golden core is actually a blessing. Even though I love using my sword and my cultivation, I would give it all up for my Shidi, only because I know how to live a normal life, where as, he does not. So I believe I would go through with it. If it wasn't successful in the end, I would not regret it. My Shidi and I have always had a strange relationship, but I know he cares and worries for me. He says he doesn't but his eyes and postures says differently.

After answering those scenarios, the lecture was over. I put my answered in the box beside the door and left the lecture hall. I needed time to think for a bit. Those were questions and scenarios that were cutting close to being very personal to me, especially the first two scenarios. I am sure Lan Zhan had seen me storm out and will probably worry, but I am willing to talk with him about it later. I just need some time for myself for a few minutes to think.


So after the last chapter with Wangji's answers and this chapter with Wei Ying's answers, I tries answering them in how they would probably handle the situation, based of the plot in the story currently. I am hoping I got it fairly accurate to the characters.

Thanks for all the support everyone. Will be posting again soon.

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