Return to the Past

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I woke up and could feel air run through my lungs. I felt the sleepiness that I carried slowly go away as my eyes adjusted to the ceiling. I felt a familiar grumble run through my stomach, and my body, as I stretched, I could feel the blood in my veins circulating as it should. I had a heart beat, it was calm and beating steadily. Then placing my hand over my dantian, the familiar warmth and strum of my pure yang energy golden core. I was alive and awake, and I was back in the past. I was a spirit for so long that I had forgotten what a real body felt like. I sat up to get familiar with my surroundings again, it only took a few seconds before I was able to stand and reposition myself on my bed to meditate for a while. I had some time before breakfast and I was not sure if I wanted to face Shufu just yet. He has no memories of what happened, but I cannot forget the pain he caused me and Wei Ying.

An hour after meditating, I got up and bathed, dressed, and grabbed Bichen, then left the Jingshi (Silent Room/ My house). I decided on my way to the dining hall to visit Hanshi to see if Xiongzhang was still in his house, or if he left for breakfast already. As I approached the door of Hanshi, it opened, having my brother being on the other side. 

"Huan Ge," I said with a smile, "How are you feeling?"

"Youthful," He said with a chuckle and smiled back at me. He had his sword, Shuoyue, and his Xiao (flute) Liebing, with him, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, alive," I answered, it was kind of a hidden joke between us at this point.

My brother laughed, "You are starting to joke now I see," He said, "Let's go have breakfast and then we will find time to discuss things."

I nodded and walked with him to the dining hall, "What do you suppose we do about Shufu?" I asked, "I know it was in the past but I don't know how I can forgive him so easily."

"I am with you, Wangji," He said, "But we have to. I think we should talk to Uncle about hour journey and hopefully he understands."

"We can try, but he might think we both had gone insane," I replied.

"Well, let's be insane together then," He joked.

I laughed a little and entered the dining hall with my brother. People were looking at us (mainly me) in a strange way. I realized I had been smiling. I realized that even with the pain and hardship of going through my soulmate's memories, I had become closer with my brother and had learned to rely on him better. I realized just how important he was to me and how much I really love, respect, and care for him. I want to learn all that I can from him. He has such a way with people, as he can interact with others and treat them as equals no matter what their status is. He has a gentle demeanor which allows others to approach him if they need something or want to inform him of something. 

"You are smiling too much, Wangji," Huan Ge stated as we sat down at the table with Shufu (Uncle).

"Is there something wrong with smiling?" I asked him, "I am just happy to be sitting with my brother this morning."

He smiled at me, "Who are you, and what have you done with Wangji?" He joked.

I chuckled, "I am still me," I said and leaned closer to him and whispered, "I realize that yesterday I might have had a cold appearance while now I have a calm and happy one."

"Exactly," He said as breakfast was being brought out to the table. 

Now we had to be quiet, no talking while eating, okay fine. My brother took a glance at me and tried his best not to laugh. I gave him a questionable look but he just shook his head. Shufu kept glancing at us wondering what had gotten into his two nephews. Xiongzhang and I have grown closer because of what happened and he helped me through the harshest experience. I want to repay him some how, I am sure being more open with him is a start. After we finished, Shufu, Xiongzhang and I sat there in the dining hall to talk quietly amongst ourselves.

"What happened between you two?" Shufu asked, "You both seem to have gotten closer over night all of a sudden. Wangji's personality has changed so drastically."

"Nothing happened, Shufu," I answered, "I am just happy. I had a bad dream not long ago and realized just how important my Xiongzhang is. Of course you are as well, but Xiongzhang has helped me get out of my shell recently."

"Really?" Shufu asked, "Why were you so upset and angry yesterday?"

"Everyone has their bad days," Xiongzhang answered for me, "I am sure what ever it was, it has passed. I trust the invitations to the other clans have been sent and the heirs and disciples will be here in a few days."

"They had been sent three days ago and should have arrived to some of the clans so far," Shufu said, "Are the accommodations set?"

"Yes," Xiongzhang answered, "I have actually arranged for Wangji to have someone room with him at his place. As he requested for a roommate of course."

"Did you really?" Shufu asked me.

"I thought it was time to try and make some friends," I answered. 

Shufu did not know how to respond to my new behavior. Being so open and straightforward like this was so unlike me. I had always disliked being around other people, and now I am going to room with someone. That someone is my soulmate too.

"Who exactly is rooming with Wangji, if I may asked?" Shufu asked.

"Before I say, you should not judge the person based on his background or ancestry," Xiongzhang told him.

"I know that," Shufu snapped back, "So who is the person?"

"The head disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan, Wei Wuxian," Xiongzhang answered. 

"Wei Wuxian?" Shufu questioned, "His name sounds familiar, his parents are?"

"Wei Changze and Cangse Sanran," I answered.

"Oh," Shufu said. I could see he was unamused already, "Cangse was such a wild character. I just hope he is not like her."

"What if he was?" I asked, "I know we have our clan rules, but is it so wrong for a person to be carefree, and playful? Not everyone is from Gusu, Shufu."

He huffed, "I just hope he is smart enough to not cause too much trouble," he said standing and left the dining hall.

I looked at my brother, "Xiongzhang?"

"I will speak with him, Wangji. In fact, I will try to tell Shufu about Wei Wuxian's memories first but we shall see how he responds," he responded.

"If only there was a way we could just show him as some sort of proof," I said, "What kind of proof would he believe?"

"Yin Iron or Wen Chao's entrance to Cloud Recesses when he brings Wen Qing and Wen Ning."

"I guess that could work," I said, "I should go make requests to get another bed sent to the Jingshi and have everything set for when Wei Ying arrives."

"Alright," Brother said, "Why don't we sit and talk after dinner? We will without Shufu so we can discuss future plans."

I nodded and left the dining hall. I was happy to be back home but I was anxious to try to change everything. I want to make things right, make it work. How can I though?

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