We Meet Again

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Today is the day. Wei Ying will be here at Cloud Recesses. To make sure it's plays somewhat similar, Xiongzhang asked me to check out the situation just outside of Caiyi Town. Puppets have returned from the control of the Yin Iron. With so much information from my first life, I seem to have some sort of baring on what was happening now.

When I made my way back to the front gate of Cloud Recesses, there they were, Yunmeng Jiang Clan. Of course, like before the invitation was missing. I pretended at first to not know the situation and spoke to the guard at the gate. I then heard Wei Ying say that the disciple on the stretcher had been cast some sort of wicked sorcery. I again turned my attention to Wei Ying, meeting his gaze. Our eyes landed on each other's. I could tell he was drawn in already but I did not let that falter me.

"Lan Er Gongzi," Jiang Wanyin greeted, "I am Jiang Cheng and this is my older sister Jiang Yanli and my sworn brother Wei Wuxian. It's a pleasure to be in your presence."

"You are too kind," I said to him and bowed back to greet him, "what seems to be the problem here?"

"Lan Er Gongzi, we seemed to have lost our invitation on the way to the main gate of Cloud Recesses. As it will be getting late soon, can you help us out in anyway?" Wei Ying asked me.

Last time it was Wanyin who asked first now it was Wei Ying, "As I know who you are, I will allow it just this once," I offered, "Normally we don't allow others to enter without the invitation but I will allow it. Just know you won't get past the rules next time," I told them.

"Thank you so much, Lan Er Gongzi," Jiang Yanli said gratefully.

"Follow me," I told them.

The agreed and followed me inside. I led them straight to where my brother was at the main hall. I nodded to him to assure him that they indeed lost the invitation again. He could only smirk in amusement.

"Welcome to Gusu Lan Clan," my brother greeted, "I am Sect Leader Lan Xichen. I do hope your stay here is comfortable and you have an open mind for the lectures."

"Of course, Sect Leaded Lan," Wanyin said, "I am Jiang Cheng, courtesy name, Wanyin."

"Happy to make your acquaintance," Xiongzhang said, "we have made room arrangements for you all. Young Master Jiang, and Jiang guniang follow me to your rooms, Wangji show the head disciple of Yunmeng to his room."

I nodded and looked at Wei Ying, "Would you please follow me?" I asked calmly.

Wei Ying flashed that beautiful, heartwarming smile at me and spoke, "of course."

He then followed me and I decided to tell him some of the rules, "although it is a lot of rules for guest disciples, I do hope you can abide by them as best you can. Curfew is at Seven P.M. meaning, if you are outside Cloud Recesses after Seven, you will have to wait until morning to be let back in. People are to be in bed by Nine P.M. and up by five A.M...." I paused for a moment and looked at Wei Ying, "No alcohol either."

"Lan Er Gongzi, you seem to know that I like to try wine from different regions. I heard Emperor's Smile is by far the best and a must-have in terms of trying," Wei Ying said, "Will I be able to try it at all while I am in Gusu?"

"Outside the walls of Cloud Recesses," I told him, "And you can call me Lan Zhan."

He looked at me a bit surprised, "normally people outside of family refrain from using their family given name. Normally it is the courtesy name. Why are you so willing with me?" He asked me.

"Because I trust you," I told him and started walking again.

"Well, you can call me Wei Ying then," he told me, "as it is only fair."

"Deal," I said, "also, in terms of rooms, you will be rooming with me."

Wei Ying stopped dead in his tracks. It was so funny to see the look on his face. He was not expecting to be roommates with the Second Twin Jade. His expression was so adorable.

"I feel like I owe you an apology right from the start," Wei Ying told me, which actually caught my attention.

"Why?" I asked him.

"People had told me stories about the second master Lan. How he was cold towards others and was as strict as his uncle if not more strict. I was curious to know if those people were just talking nonsense but there was a point where I might have believed them for a second but I was wrong. So I am sorry for misjudging you," he explained.

"Not your fault," I said, "people like to gossip and spread rumors about others. In the past I was very closed off and distant with others...but after going through something life altering, it changes many things."

"How life altering?" Wei Ying asked.

I stopped walking again and looked into his silver eyes. They were innocent and happy as I remember them from the very first time we met. Even though he had issues with Madam Yu, he still smiles happily. I wished it could remain that way.

"Life altering in a way where, a dream seemed so vivid that it could almost pass as real. Seeing so many people you care about dying in front of you. And the person who means the absolute most to your heart breaks apart and loses their will to live," I explained, "it seemed so real that I did not know how to process any of it. So I actually had a heart to heart with my brother and since then we have actually been closer and I have decided to try and be more open and try to talk more....as I am doing right now."

Wei Ying giggle a little, "I have nightmares sometimes, it's usually about my time when my parents died and I was on the streets. Some dreams repeat the past that you wish you could stop seeing and some create your worst fears...A good dream would be nice every once in a while," he told me.

I nodded, "Do you still have nightmares?" I asked.

"Sometimes, so if I wake you because of them I am very sorry," he said apologetically.

"Do not worry about it," I told him, "I am happy to help you if you need it. I may not be good at comforting others but it is a skill I can learn. Plus I am good at playing my guqin. Playing certain songs can help calm the mind."

He nodded, "I really appreciate it," he said, "to be honest, aside from my Shijie, not a lot of others really offer to help me or notice if I am upset about something."

"Not with me," I told him almost cutting him off, "if you need to talk or even just some company if you are having a bad day. Come to me when ever you need to."

"Thank you, Lan Zhan."

I nodded and finally continued on our way to my place.

"This is The Jingshi," I told him opening the door, "I hope you try to keep it neat to the best of your abilities but maybe we can work out some things."

He nodded and entered, Xiao eventually found himself over by one of the beds, "do you have a preference?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered, "the one you are closest to is your bed."

Wei Ying nodded and set his sword down before sitting on the bed. He as quite comfortable with his bed. I could tell he was having a little bit of a moment inside him. No matter what he looked content for now. I was just happy that he was happy.

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