Ashes, Barriers, and Ice

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Today was the day after all the sects have left. Wei Ying and I were standing at the gate staring to place the new ward. Xiongzhang informed everyone in the clan about the ward and why it is important to have the Jade token with them at all times. Since Wei Ying created the ward, just a drip of his blood was enough to allow him to get past. Xiongzhang had also given Yanli a Jade token as well as she might want to go out for a bit if she wanted.

It took most of the day for use to set the new ward. I had no idea how tiring it can be to use all these talismans either. After we were finished I was drained. There was still a third of the day left as well. Wei Ying suggested I meditate or go to the cold spring to recover the energy I had spent. It was not a bad idea either. I offered Wei Ying to come to the cold spring with me and he agreed for a little while.

I sat in the water of the cold spring meditating but I could tell Wei Ying was having a hard time. I opened my eyes only to see him rubbing his hands to his arms and shivering. I smiled and nudged my head as a signal to come over to me. He did and sat on my lap.

"Better?" I asked him.

"A little," he said, "I am not used to the cold."

I wrapped my arms around him, "you will at some point," I said and kissed his shoulder.

With that one little kiss on his shoulder, it ignited a small spark in his eyes. He adjusted on my lap and straddled me. His arms around my neck and his lips latched onto mine the second he got comfortable. My arms wrapped tightly around him as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues played to their own leisure.

Wei Ying pulled from the kiss, "As much as I would love to here, I'm sure your family wouldn't appreciate it if we dirtied their cold spring. I chuckled and had to agree. Though I craved him I respect my family to hold back. Wei Ying moved to sit beside me so the urge went down.

"We will be leaving tomorrow for-" Wei Ying stopped speaking when he saw it, that damn owl, "let's go kill that thing now," he whispered getting out of the water and put his robes on.

I did the same and followed him. The owl was laying low in the back hills of Cloud Recesses. Xiongzhang was wondering the back hills when he spotted us. He was holding Wei Ying's new Dizi.

"Wangji, what is it?" He asked.

Wei Ying and I pointed out the owl, "how do we lure it over?" I asked.

"Anyone have a bow and arrow?" Wei Ying asked.

Luckily the archery training grounds were close by so we went there. Wei Ying got a bow and arrow taking aim. Based on the past, I have always known him to be excellent with his archery. With barely any notice of movement, he released the arrow hitting the owl out of the sky. We went to the owl laying on the ground and I sliced it down the middle making sure it was dead and it turned to ash.

"Nice shot A'Xian," Xiongzhang complimented, "though I am very well aware of your archery skills."

"I don't know how you practice but something Yunmeng does is practice shooting at kites. It's a good target for practicing distance and movement," he explained, "we were taught to shoot like that since a very young age."

"Hope they won't mind us trying that method," Xiongzhang said, "how many arrows have you shot at once? I only remember back then you shot five."

"I believe my record is eight," he said as we went to put the bow away.

"Eight?" I asked, "my record is five."

"All it takes is practice," Wei Ying encouraged.

I nodded, "I don't mind a bow but I prefer Bichen," I told him.

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