Lotus Seeds and Purple Robes

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Wei Ying, Yanli, and I are heading out to Lotus Pier. Wei Ying asked if we could spend a day or two there so he can rest after placing the new barrier. I of course told him yes. Aside from Madam Yu, Lotus Pier has a lot of people he misses and who missed him.

After reaching the bottom of the mountain, we decided to fly on our swords. Wei Ying had Yanli ride with him and I followed them on the way. It took most of the day to travel to Yunmeng but we arrived just before sunset. We were greeted by some disciples and lead to the throne room.

"A'Li, welcome home," Jiang Fengmian said hugging her, "wow, I can tell you have been cultivating well. Your core is radiant so strong."

"She is cultivating?" Madam Yu asked as she came into the throne room.

"Yes, A-Niang. I have been learning Fan Martial Arts and Wind Cultivation. I have been training and meditating every day. I have learned a lot of A'Xian and Wangji," Yanli answered to her.

Madam Yu took her wrist and checked her spiritual energy and her Qi. She looked at us both with a surprised expression, "you both did well," she said calmly, "thank you for taking the time to train her. We will make sure she keeps up with it her way."

Wei Ying and I nodded, "it is no problem," I said to her.

"You all must be tired from your travels," Jiang Fengmian said, "Wei Wuxian, I am sure you can show Lan Wangji around."

"Of course," Wei Ying said. Everyone parted ways leaving the two boys to themselves, "they didn't specifically say take you to a guest room, I could just take you to my room," he suggested.

I smiled at him and nodded. He took my hand and showed me around. Lotus Pier was a beautiful place. A giant lake to look out upon and lotuses everywhere.

"The wine I created here, there is also a drink similar that is not alcoholic. It tastes just about the same if you would like to try it?" Wei Ying told me, "as you don't drink."

"You do not want to see me drunk," I told him.

"But I did in empathy," he said, "that was pretty funny. The chickens were the best part."

My ears and face felt warm, "A'Ying!" I said slightly embarrassed.

He giggled and lead me to his room. Inside it was still how I saw in his memories of the past life. It was not messy but it was not clean either. It was comfortable for him.

"You have a nice room," I told him.

The drawing on the bed of the kissing figures was not there yet. I smirked remembering that drawing.

"Thank you, it's not organized and clean like Jingshi but it is clean to me," he said giggling.

There was a knock at the door an a woman came in, "hello young master Wei," she said.

"Hello Miss Chu Hua (Means Chrysanthemum), how are you?" Wei Ying asked her.

"I am good, I came to ask if you are hungry and would like a bath prepared?" She asked.

"Yes please," Wei Ying said, "thank you, I do have to ask if you could bring something that is not spicy, because Lan Zhan does not like spicy food."

"Sure thing, I will get everything set for you," Chu Hua said with a smile and left to get things set. A few young maidens prepared a bath while Chu Hua brought food in for us.

"Thanks again Chu Hua," Wei Ying said.

"You're welcome," she said, "let someone know when you are done."

Wei Ying nodded and waited for them to leave. He then motioned me to sit and eat, "this is the drink I told you about."

I nodded and took a sip. No touch of alcohol or smell. It tasted sweet but had a little bit of sourness to it. Just like what you might get from a lotus seed. Some are sweet and some are sour or bitter.

"You created this?" I asked him, "this is good."

"I did and I figured you would like it," he said happily.

~*Mature Content*~

After we ate, we both hopped in the bath together. Before we did anything, he put silent talisman all over the room. Wetting his hair and shoulders I paused and sucked. Wei Ying tilted his head to one side. He moves readily to my touch. I nestled him between my legs.

He feels unable to move, but I begin to put soap on his chest. Scrubbing his back, between the shoulder blades, and the rest of his body. I turned him around admiringly to face me then I ran my finger along his pecks. I licked his nipples, then moved my lips slowly down his stomach. I used my arms to lift him further out of the water and continued moving my lips down just above his member and sucked on him. He gripped onto my shoulders as the pleasure ran through him.

"Lan Zhan, bed! Please!" He begged.

I lifted him up and took him out of the tub. I dried him and carried him to the bed. We lied across the bed diagonally, with me on top. My hands float all over his body. I run my fingers just down the long place where the insides of his thighs touch, all the way to his knees, and then I'd let go of his legs, watching them fall slightly apart.

My hands started to move up back between his legs, with my fingers reaching his buttocks, they'd move farther and farther to find his rose bud. I looked up at him when I heard a loud pleasureful moan. I smiled and slide another finger inside, moving them with ease.

His legs were spread wide, I kissed inside one knee, and then across to the other, and up, back and forth, and at the end of each kiss I give a little upward lick with my tongue back and forth, moving closer and closer to his thighs. I pulled my fingers out and I'd move on my knees so I'm closer, and slide myself in him.

He was gasping for air and moaned with each of my thrusts as I pushed in deep. I kept the speed at a slower pace as I leaned down to kiss his shoulders. With my hands, I pass my fingertips across his nipples and over his stomach. I moved my mouth down and put nipple in my mouth, sucking and flicking.

Wei Ying arched his back and dug his nails deeper into my back. The pain of his nails gave me pleasure. It caused me to move faster and going up to his lips kissing him mad.

We did five rounds that night, who would have thought we would go all out and do more rounds then we have done yet. We cleaned up a bit and put our night robes on. We then got some sleep because we had a long day placing the new barrier tomorrow.

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