Iron and Wards

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The Jiangs left the following morning after breakfast. There was to about two months of lectures left as well but Wei Ying got the approval to stay. I was starting to become more and more happy now that things are looking better for my future with Wei Ying.

Of course, Wei Ying went back to Mingshi where he is currently working on his crafts and talismans temporarily until his new space is ready. I offered to help set up the designs for it as well. I wanted to have a part of Yunmeng in it, so in part of the blueprints, I added a lotus pond to the back yard and a pavilion to have a table set for tea and relaxing.

Wei Ying's new space will be known as Baozang Shi (Treasure Room). There he will have his own personal library for him to have books and scrolls to do his research for his talisman. He will have his own inks and brushes, the finest if I may add. He will have a room just for experimenting in case something were to explode, it is bomb proof. He will have another room just for teaching disciples about talismans and his personal skills as a cultivator. My family is giving him so much room to grow and play with his talents. We even put in a small kitchen and a bedroom so if he is working, someone can help him stop for a moment and tend to himself.

I'd have to say he will be given something so valuable that others would wish to be in his place or even just to be him in general. I am just lucky that I get to have him to myself and watch him work. He does not mind that I am with him while he works, he feels happy knowing that I am interested in his work and love for his practice.

After finalizing the last of the blueprints, we let the workers to it. Xiongzhang and I went to go see Wei Ying as it was close to lunch time. We wanted to know what he has been working on as well.

When we entered we saw him jump from his seat happily while shouting, "I did it!" Wei Ying saw us enter and came to us with excitement, "I finished the new barrier. The only thing left is to link the barrier with either your forehead ribbons or your Jade tokens, that way you won't have an effect on the barrier. Anyone without that link will disintegrate once they touch it. It is strong against arrows, swords, and the strongest of spells. It will take at least several blows before the barrier breaks which could give you enough time to evacuate and set up an attack plan."

Brother and I just stood there taking all that information in. I eventually spoke, "can we like it with both the ribbon and tokens? There are some disciples who do not have ribbons, plus we still have the guest clans here."

"Yes, we can do both," Wei Ying said, "I only need someone from the main blood line for the forehead ribbon as it has a link to the others no matter the level of blood relation."

Xiongzhang nudged me forward, "I would but I am not your partner. You can only touch Wangji's as it can only be touched my family and significant others," he told him.

Wei Ying looked at me, "would you be willing to allow me?" He asked.

"I will," I answered. He did not have to ask me, we are engaged so he had the right to touch it, "since they don't attack until after lectures are done, maybe we set the new ward after the other clans have gone."

"I agree," My brother said.

"That is fine, just let me know when and I can set it up," he said, "it will take a majority of the day to set though as Cloud Recesses is a big area to cover."

"We will plan out when a good time is, maybe before you both set out for the Yin Iron," Brother said, "have you spoken with Lan Yi yet?"

"No, Wei Ying, want to go do that after we eat lunch?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said, "let me clean this up first."

Brother and I offered to help clean up before heading to the cold cave to see Lan Yi.

"Wait," I said before Wei Ying walked into the opening of the cave.

"What?" He asked.

"Give me your arm," I said.

He held out his arm and I wrapped the forehead ribbon around his wrist and mine, "there is a zither here that only recognizes those of the Lan Clan, it is through the ribbon mostly, if you don't have it you will get struck with Chord Assassination by accident," i explained to him.

"Oh," he said looking at the ribbon, "official proof of engagement as well."

"Mm," I hummed and led him to the zither on the ice table.

Like last time, I played Inquiry to set it all in motion. The shouting of the clans yelled out again and Lan Yi appeared.

"Hello young ones," she greeted.

Wei Ying and I bowed back to her, "Lan Yi, we came to speak with you."

"You both have been here before," she said, "fate has given you a second chance. I hope you choose your choices wisely."

Lan Yi pulled out the Yin Iron, "I suppose you don't need to know the story behind this?"

"No," Wei Ying and I said.

"May I ask for your names again? It has been some time," she said.

"I am second master of Gusu Lan Sect, Lan Zhan, courtesy Wangji."

"I am head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Wei Ying courtesy, Wuxian. Though I was adopted into the Jiang clan my parents are Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren."

"Cangse Sanren?" She asked, "is she related to Baoshan Sanren by any chance?"

"Though I have never met her, Baoshan was my mother's mother and master."

"I see, a disciple's disciple is standing before me," she said, "many years it has been."

"I am sure she misses you," Wei Ying told her.

"I'm sure we both miss each other, but something's just cannot be undone," she said, "I was not given another opportunity. You two have, so I ask that you stick together and learn to trust each other."

"We will," I told her with a bow.

With that said, she disappeared. Wei Ying and I brought the Yin Iron to Shufu and Xiongzhang at Yashi. My brother cast a silence and protection barrier from others listening in.

"We will hold on to this until you both leave for your journey...if you can, find that dire owl first. That is way followed you last time and Wen Chao was a step ahead," Xiongzhang said.

I nodded, "we will search Cloud Recesses for it first and if we don't see it, we will take care of it on our journey," I told them.

"Alright, you have a little while yet, I want you both to focus on studying and training for the time being. If you have time, maybe look into the library for any help on your journey as well," Shufu said.

We nodded and left Yashi. As we walked through Cloud Recesses, Wei Ying seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

"Wei Ying?" I called for his attention.

"Lan Zhan, what if it all goes the same way? What if Jiang Cheng looses his core? I know I can probably make something to protect the core but I am worried. Am I going to have to use demonic cultivation again to win this? That was the only way to stop Ruohan back then," he explained. He had tears forming and I could sense the dread and worry.

"We will go to the library for a while today and do some research, maybe there is another cultivation technique or other weapons to help," I assured him, "I will be with you this time, through and through. You have my word. And we will make it so Jiang Wanyin doesn't lose his core."

He nodded as he stepped close to me and placed his forehead to my chest, "can we go tomorrow? He am not sure I can focus right now," he asked.

I held him closer to me, "we can, let us go back to Jingshi, hmm," I said. He nodded and walked with me, still in my arms but standing to the side a little bit.

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