Unfortunate Turn of Events

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((Song Above is the song I found that Wei Ying would play))

We were all standing at Sunshot. Puppets were everywhere but they were week. It really was up to Wei Ying and his Chenqing to help change course of things. Wei Ying again surprises me when he played something new.

The puppets froze in place and started to glow white. The song was peaceful, but had a sense of loneliness. The puppets were being cleansed. I could see all of the resentment trailing off of them. The white glow from their bodies was bring life back into them. Once at peace, the people who were puppets laid on the ground gently and slept. Almost as if they were fine.

Wei Ying soon switched to Cleanse, Possess, and Disperse, which was to take over the deceased puppets and rest their souls. Their souls were put to rest. Everyone on the battlefield was shocked to see the puppets all at bay. Now our focus was on Wen Ruohan. He came out like last time and wondered why his piece of yin iron was not working.

"Sect Leader Wen, good to see you finally joined the party," Wei Ying said with a smirk.

I stood close to him this time as I was sure Wen Ruohan would find a way to grab him by the neck.

"You, you are the boy causing me problems," Wen Ruohan said.

"So what if I am?" Wei Ying asked.

"Who are you?" He asked, "how are you so strong?"

Wei Ying didn't answer. He only put his flute to his mouth calling the vines and wrapped them around Ruohan. His energy drained fast and was unable to break free. We wanted to kill Ruohan, but done properly this time. Chifeng-Zun and Xiongzhang went to him and put a binding spell on him before Wei Ying released the vines.

I turn to Wei Ying who was smiling at me, "we saved them this time," he said.

"We did," I said, "and I saved my Wei Ying."

"Lan Zhan," he said with tears in his eyes.

Without caring about others around, I pulled him into a hug, "I am here," I told him comforting him.

"When can we go home?" He asked, "I just want to rest now. I used a lot of energy just now."

"You can rest, I will carry you back to our room," I told him.

He shook his head, "let's at least wait until we leave here and get outside the battlefield."

Without listening to him, I turned and lifted him up onto my back, "just rest, stop denying and delaying."

He giggled, "shameless," he whispered in my ear.

As we walked out, we were stopped by some Jin Clan disciples, "I'm afraid you two cannot leave yet," one disciple said.

"Why?" I asked angrily.

"Some sect leaders are curious to know why Wei Gongzi is so strong and suspect him to have yin iron," the disciple told us.

"Excuse me, but who are you to stop my brother?" Xiongzhang yelled, "Wei Gongzi does not have Yin Iron. If your sect leader took part in anyway he would know that. He is just upset that his son didn't get his way with his Shijie and is taking it out on him. You have no proof of this claim!"

"I agree," Chifeng-Zun said, "he used his flute and it was a form of soul calming music that is found and used in Gusu. He is part of Gusu now, so you have to go through them, and me if you wish to make this claim. And if Jin Guangshan insists being his excellency, he can dream on. He did not help or participate. That role belongs to someone who has put work in."

They left the Jin Clan disciples there unable to find word to say.

"That have to care for anyone but themselves," Xiongzhang said, "I am guessing he took part in A'Xian's past and him being blamed for crimes he did not commit."

"I agree," I said, "we should look into them next. See if we can find clues."

"We will, this is taking a turn that I hoped fate wouldn't take this time," Brother said, "we will protect him this time, Wangji. You have my word."

"These clans, all they want is power," I said, "they tear people apart for it. If we can get a chief cultivator who can stand against that and really put order into things, I feel it would be a better world."

"I agree," brother said and looked at Wei Ying, "he is asleep."

"He is exhausted from all the energy he used," I said, "we should get a meeting together and talk about who should his excellency be. I feel it is best. And maybe find a way to get the Jin Clan Leader to step down. As much as I dislike Jin Zixuan, he would be better as a clan leader."

"I agree with you," Brother said, "let's get A'Xian safe and back to Qinghe."

I nodded and hopped on Bichen. We flew to Qinghe and I went to take Wei Ying to our room. I laid him on the bed and sat beside him.

"I won't lose you this time, Wei Ying," I said calmly and quietly as I brushed my finger across his cheek, "I can't lose you."

I found myself starting to cry, "why can't they leave you alone," I said and kissed the hollow of his temple.

I then rested my forehead to his, "I can't."

I quickly stood up and left the room for a while. I just want out to the courtyard as I began to have a panic attack. Just thinking about what just happened is causing my brain to spiral. I paced back and forth very quickly not even caring if I get dizzy. I sobbed and choked on my saliva as it gets caught in my throat.

"Wangji!" I heard my brother call.

"Xio- Xiong- ge" I stuttered and choked.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hold, "it's alright, I'm here, Wangji," he said as we fell to the ground on our knees, "we won't let anything happen to him."

"You d-do-n't know th-at," I sobbed into his chest, "I'm sc-cared all over again. It scares me... knowing I could lose him again."

He rubbed his hand up and down my back, "I know, he may not like it, but let's make sure he isn't alone at all times," Brother suggested.

I snapped up and ran to our room. Brother followed. When we got there, even only being away for a few minutes, my worst fear came to life...AGAIN!

I collapsed to the floor seeing a mess all over the room. Papers and a piece of dark blue fabric that was torn from Wei Ying's robes. The moment I saw blood on the floor my world became blurry, and darkness took over my eyes...I passed out from shock and horror, fearing the worst that could potentially happen to him.

Ugh, sorry not sorry.........
I cried writing it okay. If it helps, there could be a happy ending for them both. 😉

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