Final Preparations

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Time seemed to go either very fast or very slow. Fast in a sense that the wedding is now only a month away, but slow in the sense of preparations and meetings and everything else. Since Yanli and Wei Ying are from Yunmeng they are both assumed to come to Gusu but some things have changed.

Wei Ying is to be the next in line for Sect leader, so I would have to go to Lotus Pier for the ceremony. Yanli was coming to Cloud Recesses, so their ceremony would be there. So they will be in the morning and Wei Ying and I will be in the afternoon.

We will all then meet at a place that we reserved and rented out for the evening that was in between the two places. After the banquet ends, Wei Ying and I would return to Lotus Pier and Xiongzhang and Yanli would return to Cloud Recesses.

So our new wedding chambers was already in preparation and it will become our new room in the future. During our ceremony we will also perform a duo ceremony for passing of the sect leader. Jiang Fengmian said it was alright to not take the Jiang family name. Wei Ying wanted to take my name. After the banquet Fengmian and Wanyin would go in seclusion. Wanyin didn't have to but he felt it was best for him to deal with his sins.

"Wei Ying?" I called for him as we were preparing for bed one night.

"Yes?" He said coming out of the bathroom with his hair slightly wet and his robes open and hanging over his shoulder.

I swallowed a large pool of saliva that filled my mouth as I saw the water from his hair run down the skin of his chest, "before I say what I wanted to, could you adjust your robes? Our agreement to hold off until our wedding will not last long if you are standing there in front of me like that."

He giggled and tied his night robes before coming to sit with me on the bed, "better?" He asked.

I nodded, "give me the cloth and comb, I'll brush your hair while we talk," I told him.

He nodded and sat on the bed in front of me. I moved to my knees so I can brush his hair more gently and smoothly.

"What did you want to tell me?" He asked as I started to dry his hair more.

"I wanted to ask, we talked about robes when we move to Yunmeng, but we didn't really agree to anything. I want to give you your red ribbon back, are you going back to your black and red robes?" I asked.

"Probably, I have thought about doing black and red and maybe purple accents or go with purple and black. It would be nice to have my red ribbon back though," he said.

I leaned down and kissed his cheek, "I will choose my normal robes, but with purple accents as I told you before. Maybe some red here and there, or black."

He chuckled, "to be honest, it's hard to picture you in anything other than white," he said.

"I wear blue occasionally," I said in defense.

"Very rarely do you wear blue," he said, "the one thing in you now that is blue is your forehead ribbon and that is barely blue."

"Are you...making fun of me?" I ask

He turned to face me, "me, never," he said flirtatiously, "I do, however, love to tease is in my nature to tease you. You know that."

I pushed him back with his hand pinned on either side of his head and my legs were on either side of his as I hovered over him, our faces so close that our lips are only inches apart.

"Pretty bold of you," I told him, "may have promised to wait until our wedding night, but teasing and playing wasn't part of that promise was it?"

"No," he said was a smirk, "and Hanguang Jun, you know that I am a bold man. I am shameless but this shamelessness has only been used on you now."

I brushed my lips against his and stared into his silver eyes, "shameless indeed," I whispered.

As I spoke, our lips brushed together, tingling at the touch. They were like magnets pulling me in, our lips settled together, sending jolts of electricity were sent through his lips to mine. Our lips twisted and our heads turned, finding the perfect angle to settle them. I could taste freshly eaten lotus seeds on his lips, so sweet with a touch of sour.

A soft giggle of a moan left his throat as he melted into the duvet underneath him. I slowly let my body down and laid comfortably on top of him. My hands snaked underneath him and hugged him tightly into my arms. His arms wrapped nicely around my neck, his fingers tangled into my hair. His fingers brushed across the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine.

I loved this man underneath me, so much. Here in this moment, it was like we were the only two in the world. I had him in my arms, his lips against mine, and time ceased to exist right now. The whole world came to a halt and it let us be and do what we want.

I felt his legs wrap around my waist, making sure that he was connected to me in every way. Oh how I wanted him right now, but we promised. That promise was going four months strong, now only a month left. I told him it was going to be a rough night if we hold off that long. He was well aware of that and was sure he would be prepared.

His body felt so warm and comfortable against mine. The warmth between us was getting hot, and the room, hotter. His lips parted, allowing me to explore inside. His taste is so luscious, sweet, and soft; soft like and plump like a peach. I can never get enough.

We rolled over with him above me. His hands caressed my face, and my bottom lip held gently between his teeth. That simple bite on my lip caused a moan to leave my mouth. He giggled over me and pulled his lips away from mine. That smile of his, made his face glow like the sun.

"My light bearing lord," he said, "my light, the light I get to see shining bright every day, every night, every hour, minute, and second for the rest of my life."

His nose brushed against mine, "My Wei Ying, your smile is my warmth, the warmth that ignites the light inside of me. That light would not exist if you were not here," I told him.

He giggled, "we are such saps," he said and pressed his lips to mine and then pulled away, "and I am all for it."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "that we are..." I said, "...we should get some sleep. We have another fitting tomorrow, as well as looking at menus with Xiongzhang and Shijie."

He nodded and put his face within my neck, "I know, I don't want to move though, I am too comfortable."

I ran my hands down his back and under his buttocks. I sat up with him wrapped around me and turned to lay us down properly in the bed. He was still on top of me, his face buried in my neck and arms wrapped firmly around me. I was comfortable as was he. With a motion of my hand, the candle lights went out and we fell asleep that night, peacefully.

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