Why Wei Ying?

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~*Lan Zhan's POV*~

I woke up after a few days of rest but my heart had no desire to move. It was hurting, I left him for five minutes and I returned to find him gone. How did he just disappear so quickly? I was hurt, furious, and sad but I knew that if I just sat and waited and moped, I would not find him any sooner. I sat up to see my brother sitting beside me, and Yanli not far from us boiling water for tea. He had a worried look on his face and so did she.

"Any news?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"No," brother said, "we will find him though."

I nodded and looked at Yanli, "how are you, Yanli?" I asked her.

"I'm as good as I can be," she said, "I have so much on my plate but how are you doing?"

"I will making it through this. I have to in order to find Wei Ying," I said and saw sadness in her eyes, "what happened Yanli?"

"I haven't seen A'Cheng since the campaign ended, and he has been distant since our mother died," she said.

Brother and I didn't know of Madam Yu's death, "I'm sorry but how?"

"She was killed by someone," she said, "A'Cheng said he caught a glimpse of the person but never said anything about them or about what happened at the time she died."

"And you don't know where he is?" I asked.

"No," She said.

I looked at my brother, "He wouldn't, would he?" I asked him.

"I am not sure," brother said, "where would Jiang Cheng go if he wanted time alone?"

"He would be hidden in his room at Lotus Pier, but father said he wasn't there," she said, "father seems to know something that I don't. No one is telling me anything."

"I will go speak with Jiang Fengmian," Xiongzhang said.

"May I go with you?" Yanli asked, "I want to look around Lotus Pier again."

My brother nodded and looked at me, "Da Ge will inform me if any news about A'Xian in the mean time. Do you want to come?"

"I will, I want know know what is going on," I said, "can I look at our room first, see if we missed anything?"

"Sure, let's go," Brother said and led us to my room.

It remained the same as I last saw it but I had to look around. I saw some of Wei Ying's fabric from his robes that tore off. If only I could find something of the person to took him.

"Anything?" I asked them.

"No," Brother said.

"A clarity bell," Yanli said picking it up, "do you have one Wangji?"

"I do but it's attached to my waist here," I pointed to it on my waist.

"I thought each one was designed specifically," Brother said, "this one looks very specific."

"I think it's A'Cheng's but why would it be here?" She asked, "he never takes it off or leaves it behind."

Xiongzhang took it from her and looked at it, "so this is his? Could he have spoken to him before the campaign?"

"I was with him until we left," I told him and cleared my throat, "if you know what I mean."

"So within the five minutes you stepped out, he came in, but did he take him or did someone else?" I asked.

"We won't know unless we find him, we should speak with my Father at Lotus Pier," Yanli suggested.

"The let's go, it's going to take some time before we get there. It's a decent flight," brother said.

We nodded and left for Yunmeng. Yanli rode with my brother and I rode beside them. My mind was everywhere at the moment. I needed him and I wasn't going to rest or rest well until I find him.

We arrived at Lotus Pier and we were greeted with open arms. I have noticed it was more towards my brother and Yanli then me but I did not care. When we got to the main hall Fengmian raged towards me.

"Wangji! How dare you enter Lotus Pier!" He yelled.

Yanli and my brother stood in front of me, "what are you mad at him for?" Yanli asked.

"His fiancé was said to have kill my wife, that's why!" Fengmian yelled.

"He hasn't left Wangji's side since he entered Cloud Recesses. When was this supposed incident?" My brother asked.

"It was a week ago, he was seen with my wife, according to Jiang Cheng. He saw his red ribbon, and black and red robes, including a black jade flute!" Fengmian explained.

"A'Xian's flute is bamboo, not jade. He has not worn red and black since the indoctrination a month or so back. He also doesn't wear his red ribbon, it is with Wangji on his wrist for safe keeping," my brother explained.

"I don't believe you," Fengmian said.

"A-Die, why would either of them lie to you. I can vouch for them. I was around them most of the time and A'Xian has not left Wangji's side. They are too connected at the hip sometimes," Yanli explained, "give them truth serum if you don't believe them. Plus as the main heirs of Gusu, it is against their principles to lie. You know A'Xian wouldn't do something like this. Or did you not care for him at all?"

"Of course I care!" Fengmian said.

"Why would Wei Ying spend so much time putting barriers up for you?" I asked finally saying something, "why would he give every one of you a core protection charm? Why would he give one to Madam Yu? The two may have had differences but I think if someone were to kill someone, Madam Yu would have killed Wei Ying long ago. He respects you and your family to cause you any harm. I know him most, we both died once already. He gave his life to protect yours and your children! He gave his core to Jiang Wanyin when his was taken! He died because of Jiang Wanyin!"

I finally snapped. I had enough of these people who are like this to my soulmate, "he gave up everything for you and yet he still feels like he owes you! Owes You!....after giving up his core he turned to demonic cultivation just to help your son! In the end, your son turned against him and while dangling from a cliff, he stabbed the cliff side. If he did not get his arm from my hand I would have died there! Instead I died a few weeks later from a broken heart. I was given a second chance to help him make things right. He did right things and now his life is in danger AGAIN! For you people!"

"Wangji, settle down," Xiongzhang said trying to calm me down.

It did not work, I was fuming, "he was driven to suicide because people blamed him for your death, Madam Yu's death, innocent people's death, and his Shijie's death! He was framed and he was driven to insanity only to Jill himself in the end! That is your Head Disciple, Sect Leader Jiang!"

He was speechless as he didn't know what to say to anything I just said. I was talking in circles so I wasn't even sure if I made any sense. Yanli seemed to get the idea because she was crying.

"We all died? A'Cheng caused his final death? And he was blamed for crimes he didn't do?" Yanli asked, "just like he is being blamed for my mother's death. I know he didn't do this!"

Fengmian sighed, "say I believe you, how are we to question Wuxian himself?"

"He was taken," I told him, "that is why we are here. He is missing and you stand here with your head so high up your-"

"Wangji!" Brother interrupted, "I think you need to settle down now," he then turned to Fengmian, "he is upset that his soulmate is missing and is being blamed for something that he didn't do. I am sure you know why he must be like this right now."

Fengmian nodded, "I understand," he said, "I am sorry."

"A-Die, where is A'Cheng?" Yanli asked.

"He has been patrolling the dungeons recently, why?"

With that said, I didn't hear him say anything else as I was gone. I knew where they were because of Wei Ying. I will find him, and I bet he is there.

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