One Step At A Time

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Wei Ying was sitting there, his eye red from crying so much, seeing what happened to Wen Ning, and Wen Qing, their family, Jin Zixuan and his Shijie broke him the most. He knows about their death as I told him, but seeing it was completely different. He saw his death and realized the reason for my guilt. He told me had no reason to be guilty, but I let it slide for now only because he was a crying mess. After a little while he eventually calmed down.

"I know it's a big ask, but I have to ask," Wei Ying said. My brother and I looked at each other then back at him and nodded, "I know you will say no, but I am sure about my ask. I want to see why you were punished."

I sat there shocked. He wants to see me attacking elders, defending him, and passing out from crying so hard I could not breathe. My brother was even shocked when he heard what Wei Ying asked for.

"I am going to tell you, even though he experienced it, watching it was just as bad," Xiongzhang said, "I couldn't do anything, and the system here is still being fixed because of it, but it is so backwards. Instead of listening to a clan leaders words, they listen to an elders."

"I am guessing Lan Qiren?" He asked.

I nodded, "I don't think it is a good idea to see that," I told him, "I no longer have the scares and I am fixing my mistakes little by little."

"I agree with Wangji, A'Xian, why go through and see it?" Xiongzhang asked.

"I just want to know what exactly happened," he said, "if you won't show me, can you explain it to me? Anything? After all, after the punishment, you died right?"

I know it was out of concern for me. I sign and told him in detail what happened. Telling him about the elders, and the whipping. My brother told him about the time he spent just trying to put medication on my back and and bandage it. He even spoke about what happened after my death, from his perspective. He lashed out at Shufu. He told him he never wants to speak with him because of the beating. A broken heart was bad enough, the whipping just added to the exhaustion.

I told Wei Ying about the Nuwa's Palace and her offer. What I wished for, to go back and fix everything and not waste time ignoring my feelings. I even wished for Wei Ying to have a second chance to save his loved ones.

"Have you discussed what you wanted to do for the ambush, the indoctrination, and the war?" Wei Ying asked.

"We talked about some things, we have already sealed up important scrolls and books from the library but in terms of defense, we were going to talk to you some how about strengthening the ward," Xiongzhang explained, "We didn't know how, or when we would share any of this information with you so we would have had to think of some excuse to ask."

Wei Ying let out a giggle, "no excuses are needed. I have several talismans already made as strong barriers but I have been trying to think of a barrier that has a specific feature to it. I have ideas but making it and testing it is a lot of time and work, and possible explosions...and I don't think Lan Zhan would appreciate me blowing up the Jingshi."

My brother and I laughed, "I would not," I said gaining my composure, "we could have him use Mingshi. It is a very durable room and is least until we can get a space made for Wei he is willing to stay."

"Uncle approved by the way, he sent out the proposal letter to Yunmeng this morning. And there is a space where we could make a space for A'Xian to create and invent to his heart's content," Brother said.

"I am grateful that your uncle approved....I am more worried about Madam Yu than anyone else. Jiang Shushu, would more that likely be fine with it, Madam Yu on the other hand, is a different story," Wei Ying explained.

"Let Shufu and me handle it," Xiongzhang said, "I just want you to hang out with Wangji and you both can work on plans for the future events."

"Oh, for the indoctrination, maybe we can take fake swords, that way, they can't hold them hostage," Wei Ying said, "maybe we could also carry a hidden dagger or something like that too."

"That could work," I said, "we would have to warn others later, make an identical sword would be convincing enough to deceive them. Hide our real one in a Qiankun bag along with survival supplies."

"Yes, I will write to other clans that, from a spy, we heard of this news," Xiongzhang said, "That way no one would suspect."

Wei Ying and I nodded, "I will go speak with uncle about the room for A'Xian, and about him using Mingshi for the time being."

"I do have to tell you, when I am crafting or inventing, I go a bit overboard," Wei Ying said, "it is unintentional, but I have a habit of getting so engrossed into my work that I would go days without eating or sleeping. I alway get yelled at my Shijie when she catches me. I always forget that it happens and it is a habit that I haven't been able to break."

"Well, since we know about it, we will make sure you are well taken care of, even if I have to tie you to Wangji," Xiongzhang said. 

"Aiya, Xichen-Ge, I don't think you would need to go to that length of concern."

"Yes he does," I told him, "I will tie you to me if I have to."

"Is this some sort of Lan Clan fetish to tying people up?" Wei Ying teased. 

Xiongzhang laughed and walked out of Jingshi. I on the other hand, "Shameless!" I told him. 

"I know," He said walking over to me and wrapped his arms around my back, his chest against mine, "I am only this shameless to you, Lan Zhan. Isn't that great?"

I looked into his eyes before rolling my eyes at his flirting, "You are lucky I like you," I told him.

"Hmm, I am very lucky," He said and kissed me on the jaw. 

I leaned down and kissed him on the lips making it seem as though time had stopped. Heat rose from my stomach into my chest. The smell of lotus flowers lingering off of him was hypnotic beyond reason. He parted his lips and felt a wave of warmth wash over me, unwinding all my senses as the taste him. Feeling the frame of his body lean on me as his arms wrapped around my me tighter. I pulled him in, claiming his mouth again, hungry and intense. I stopped thinking. I gently pushed Wei Ying to the wall, sealing any space between us, pressing my body against his. He dug his fingers to my hair. A rush of sensation crawled down my spine, sending a sparkling feeling to my heart to the point of it nearly bursting. 

My hands went to his hips and lifted him up off the ground, having him wrap his legs around my waist and I pressed him up against the wall once more.Our lips remained sealed. It was like we couldn't get enough, as we devoured one another, drowning in each other. The feeling we had for the kissing, love and wanting. As we stood there making out, soft moans left his throat from the joy and pleasure of it all.

There was only feeling and wanting. That was all. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him closer, telling him what I wanted with my soft moans. Our kissing slowed, becoming tender and infinitely more, but my body ached for more than just kisses and touching—for more of him. It was too soon for that, we had only been together for a short period of time. I knew he had a want for me too, just by the way he was kissing me back It was easy to get lost in him, lost in this connection between us. Still holding onto him, with his legs around me, I pulled away from the kiss. We were both breathless and slightly dazed. He leaned in and took a chomp down on my lips one last time, sucking on my bottom lip as he pulled back.

"You are good at this, Lan Zhan," He told me. 

"Kissing is a learning experience between partners. So I believe I learned from you as you learned from me. Whatever it may be, I can't get enough of those soft lips of yours," I told him, "I am trying to control myself to the best of my abilities, as I don't want to rush thing, or move too fast."

"I get it," He said, "I feel the same, but as we are living together, I don't know how long we can hold back."

"I will try my best," I told him. 


Mingshi (冥室, Míngshì, lit. Underworld Room or Room of Darkness) - watchtower where spirits are summoned.[7]

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