The Massacre of Lotus Pier

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My brother spend a good hour trying to get me to stop crying and to keep moving forward. I did not want to know what was coming but at the same time I had to know. I had to know everything that Wei Ying had been through so Xiongzhang and I can make a plan and hopefully change the course of fate.

"I don't know if I am ready but we should move on," I said pulling out of my brother arms, "it is not going to be any easier from here I believe."

"I have to say, you are correct, Lan Wangji," Nuwa had said making her presence known, "as you know, the next memory is of Xuanwu, but I'll just give a recap so your brother is caught up."

I nodded in agreement and let her explain. She explained of Wen Chao taking the disciples to a cave where a mythical creatures was know to be. There it contains a very important piece that would be of great value if it got into the Wen's hands. It was the sword that Wei Ying had picked up. She clarified that it was actually the fifth piece of Yin Iron that connects the four other pieces that correspond with the four directions. That sword became something of value to Wei Ying's future that we had to keep in mind of.

"With that being said, I'll shall send you on your way to the next memory," she said, "and I must warn you, it is the memory that I am sure you were dreading to see most at the moment. The attack of Lotus Pier."

I took in a deep breath to relax myself and let it out. My brother did the same before taking my hand and we were teleported to the memory.


We found ourselves standing in a room, Wei Ying's bedroom. He was laying asleep on his bed with his shijie applying a cloth to his forehead to keep his fever down.

"I remember he got sick after the time in the cave," I said, "I wonder how long he has been out like this?"

"We will see," my brother said. He then saw something that caught his attention. There was a little drawing on Wei Ying's bed frame of two people (men) kissing, and one of figures had a headband on, "what is this?"

I looked at what he pointed to, "Wei Ying!" I said slightly embarrassed but I found it kind of cute at the same time. My brother laughed at my remark.

Wei Ying's eyes started to open and was soothed by a warm smile from his Shijie, "you're finally awake."

Wei Ying carefully sat up, "how long was I out?" He asked.

"Three days," she said, "I've been doing what I could to keep your fever down. How are you feeling now?"

"Because of my Shijie, I feel a lot better," he said, "I'd feel spectacular if I had Shijie's soup."

She just giggled and Wanyin walked in carrying a try. It was, of course, the soup he wanted. He was happy that his siblings were there for him and cared. Even if Jiang Wanyin did not show it. Jiang Fengmian entered the room not long after and congratulated Wei Ying on killing Xuanwu.

"I think Lan Zhan deserves more of the credit," he said, "he was the one who killed it, I was just the help."

I shook my head, "just take the credit. You helped too, evenly," I argued, but of course, this idiot beloved of mine could not hear me, as I am just a spirit.

"You should also give some recognition to Jiang Cheng, he spent several days just trying to gather help to get Lan Zhan and me out of that cave. It was so boring, Lan Zhan barely talks."

"Next time think before playing hero then," Wanyin said, "if you both stopped playing bait, you would have made it out just fine."

"A'Cheng," Fengmian interceded, "mine your words."

"Sorry," he said.

"It's okay Ungle Jiang," Wei Ying said.

Madam Yu eventually entered and started cursing and berating both Wei Ying and Wanyin. This woman just does not stop bring up some sort of remark about rumors and her hatred for Wei Ying on the daily. After a few minutes of arguing, Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu stormed off in different directions, and Wanyin also left furiously. Wei Ying ran after him. We followed and saw that Wei Ying was trying the best he could to console his brother. It seemed to be alright.

Time skipped forward and we found ourselves in the main throne room. Wen Chao's mistress came strolling in as if she owned the place and said she came to ask for Wei Ying to be punished for humiliating Wen Chao.

Threats were made and it caused Wei Ying to become furious, only to then out of no where, get whipped with Zidian. I stood in shock and I found myself holding my breath. My brother was clenching his fists trying everything in his power to hold himself together. Wanyin tried to tell Madam Yu to stop but she did not listen. The next strike from the Zidian, sent Wei Ying flying across the room, landing on a tabled and it broke underneath him as he landed. As he lay there on his stomach, blood started coming out of his mouth and his nails gripping and clawing at the floor beneath him. Madam Yu just kept going. I counted ten strikes from the Zidian, and Wuxian could barely move. I was still holding my breath at this point but I eventually noticed and tried to start breathing again.

"Done already?" Wang Ling Jiao, Wen Chao's mistress, had said with a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

"What do you take Zidian for? He will be immobile for at least a Month!" Madam Yu argued.

"But he will heal eventually right, and go back to his mischievous antics again," Wang Ling Jiao argued, "surely you have to do something to make him remember."

"What, cut off his legs?" Madam Yu spat.

"No, no, we would never go to the extent of cutting off the legs, but his right hand would do."

Wei Ying looked at his hand and we all of a sudden heard his thoughts, 'fine, take my hand, if it means Lotus Pier could be in peace, I can just learn to use a sword with my left hand."

My vision became extremely blurry the tears that were falling from my eyes, 'Wei Ying? How do you put up with all this? Why are you still attached to these people who betrayed and abused you so badly?'

I shook my head. I didn't want to watch any more. I could not watch any more. I had to turn away. My brother pulled my into a hug and held onto me like his life depended on it. I just buried my face into his neck and cried and he cried with me.

A sudden commotion broke our cries. We looked over and saw Madam Yu slap Wang Ling Jiao across the face. She was furious. Wen Zhuliu came to her rescue causing her to send a flare. While some disciples were fighting off Wen Zhuliu, Madam Yu grabbed Wanyin and Wei Ying and dragged them out back to a boat. Brother and I followed, only to see Madam Yu tie the brothers up with her Zidian and told Wei Ying to protect Wanyin with his life. He said nothing but nod to her and the boat took off.

~*End Flashback*~

My brother grabbed the pendant and teleported us back to the palace. As soon as we entered, I ran out the door and threw up. I was just full of shock and horror, seeing Wei Ying being treated so badly. I did not know how much more I can handle of this. My brother knelt beside me and just rubbed my back for comfort until I could catch my breath and stop heaving.

"That was too much!" I sobbed, "Wei Ying still loves his family from Lotus Pier, no matter how terrible they were to him. That's what makes me so sick to my stomach. He is torturing himself. At I feel like at that moment is when he never removed his mask. He always hid his pain under it."

My brother pulled me into a hug, "We will do what we can to help him, Wangji," he assured me, "even if we have to go find him before Jiang Fengmian does."

I just kept crying. I know there is more pain to come but how much more I can take of it, I had no clue. The fact that Wei Ying kept taking it and never once said a word, pains me even more.

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