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I want to know who is doing this. It has to be the same person who framed him last time. I will find them, and when I do, they will wish they had not messed with my A'Ying. I was in Yashi with Shufu, Xiongzhang, Yanli and A'Ying to talk about what happened.

"Can you tell us what you remember about what happened?" My brother asked.

"I remember being asleep and A'Zhan carried me back to our room. I felt his presence there while I was asleep but then I felt him leave. Another person came in not long after. He was wearing black robes and a ghost mask. He even had a charm on his swords to hide it, it must have been a well known sword for them to put a charm on it...he said I ruined him and tried to attack me. He missed with his sword but he got me with a needle.

"When I came to, the person was there and I was in a dark room. He again blamed me for ruining him and his family. He said he would harm me just like I harmed him but worse. He said he was going to make A'Zhan suffer because I was gone. He had your clan's core ripper. He was going to take mine but I managed to talk my way out of it.

"That was when I spotted Zidian. I told him to stop hiding and to show himself. I called him Jiang Cheng and he asked how I figured it out so quick. I told him the purple ring, Zidian. I know very well what that ring looks like, I have had a taste of Zidian a good few times to know what it looks like.

"He said to me that he witnessed someone dressed like me, red ribbon, black flute, and red and black robes, they day his mother died. I didn't get information on how she died because that would help rule me out. But I told him I have been with you all since I came to Cloud Recesses for the lectures. I had my new robes before the indoctrination and apparently she died sometime after. I have been with you guys the whole time so I don't know how I would be the one to kill her.

"Like I would kill her anyway. We had our differences and she hated me but I didn't hate her despite her terrible treatment towards me. I respected her as a woman and my elder. Plus why would I put so much effort into giving her a core protection charm and protect her and her family with a new barrier around Lotus Pier. I am still trying to rack my brain around it all," he explained as much as he could.

It was enough to go on for now against Jiang Cheng but the person who framed him, there wasn't much other than he had Wei Ying's old style of clothing. Then again, it would have to be someone who had seen him in red and black robes and know of his Chenqing. At that time no many knew of his Chenqing.

"Who would have known about Chenqing?" I asked, "Chenqing wasn't well known enough just after the Indoctrination. And if they did know, it would be very few. It would have to be someone within the family really."

"That makes sense," Brother said, "it would have to be someone who knew him before the indoctrination. It is the only thing we can do on."

"A-Die said black jade flute though," Yanli said, "A'Xian has a black bamboo flute. Where would you find black Jade?"

"Honestly, the only place to find black jade is Gusu," Shufu said, "it may be someone who knows the area as well."

"I suppose others haven't heard any news?" I asked.

"No," Brother said, "for the meantime, I don't think A'Xian should go outside Cloud Recesses, especially alone. That way we may be able to narrow down who the culprit might be."

"So I am trapped here?" Wei Ying asked.

"We can focus on our wedding plans," I told him, "plus Xiongzhang and Yanli have a wedding to plan as well."

"You two have to wait another year correct?" Yanli asked.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"Just making suggestions, but what if it was a double wedding?" She suggested.

Shufu and my brother nodded at the idea, "it would work, you'd just have to find a day that works well for all of you. And if it is a year from now, planning the two for the same day would be enough time to plan it," Shufu said thinking out loud.

"Can you handle giving two nephews away in one day?" A'Ying asked.

"Giving away?" Shufu huffed, "as far as I am aware, you both are marrying into the clan. Not the other way around."

A'Ying laughed, "I'm just messing with you a bit," he said, "and isn't it more of a big deal for a sect leader to marry?"

"Wangji and I are treated equally respected," Brother said, "I may be a sect leader but he gets just about the same praise. Sometimes it may be more then me. So it is a big deal for the both of us. It will cause more eyes on Gusu though, because two people from Yunmeng are marrying into Gusu."

A'Ying nodded, "that's true I suppose. If that strong of an ally is being formed between the two, it would give reason to go after someone, which I happen to be the target because I am known for my skills. I have known that to be a threat to most clans. I have had some offers in the past to potentially marry into other clans but I turned them down. I wasn't focused on allies or even falling in love. A'Zhan changed that when I met him," A'Ying explained.

"It would make sense to target A'Xian if that were the case," Xiongzhang said, "it gives more reason for him to stay within Cloud Recesses. To keep him busy from going crazy why not spend time in your workshop or train some disciples in the meantime."

"I could spend some time in the workshop," A'Ying said, "I do have some weapon ideas that I could work on."

"Like what?" Shufu asked.

"Well, I thought about making a spiritual whip for Shijie," he said, "they run in her family and it would be of use with her wind cultivation and fan martial arts. I have other ideas but I am still thinking them through."

"You want to make me a whip?" Yanli asked, "can you handle it after Zidian?"

"Yes," A'Ying said, "I will be fine. It is unfortunate but I have dealt with Zidian wounds before. I guess my body is used to the sting."

"How often did Mother use Zidian on you and you never said anything?" Yanli asked.

"Let's just say, I was still a young boy when I first experienced it," A'Ying answered, "so I guess too much to really count."

Yanli put her face in her hands, "A'Xian, can't you ever speak up about these things?" She asked upset.

A'Ying sighed, "I wanted to but I didn't want to cause a problem within your family. Your parents fought a lot and I was usually the main topic of those arguments. I grew to keep things to myself. I am slowly trying to get out of that habit but it is not easy."

"That is why I am here," I told her, "I am able to pick things up without him realizing sometimes."

"He can actually," A'Ying said and then mumbled, "it's quite annoying sometimes though."

"Get used to it," I told him, "I refuse to let you suffer in silence any longer. You are not alone A'Ying."

He smiled at me, "I like when you call me A'Ying. It makes me think I am already married," he said.

"I can continue calling you that but do not change the subject," I told him, "I am here now, my uncle and Brother are here now. Your shijie is here still."

"I think you can call me shijie and Jie Jie, Wangji. As I am to be your sister-in-law, and A'Xian can call me Jie from now too. Unless you prefer shijie."

"I will call you Jie, if I can but my brain is embedded with Shijie," A'Ying said.

She giggled, "within time."

"I think I'll go with Shijie, just so I can call you as A'Ying does," I told her.

"That is fine as well," She said.

"Well," Shufu said getting the topic back on track, "we can inform other Sect and Clan Leaders about someone dressed as Wuxian. They can keep their eyes out for that person in the meantime."

We agreed to it. Others needed to know that someone is framing my soulmate and I am not going to let anyone get away with hurting him. Who ever is trying to frame him, they just woke up beast Lan Wangji. They are in for a rude awakening with me if we ever cross paths.

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