Chapter 3

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No one's Pov


"Hope that works"

Renjun wakes up with his face and torso drenched in water. He flinches at the unexpected sight, the boss sitting on a chair right in front of him, glaring at him.

"Morning sleeping beauty," "You took your sweet time, it's already 11 in the morning"

Renjun's eyes flutter towards the man talking. He feels weak in strength, not even able to keep his head up for long. He notices the prominent tattoo on his neck and the dark attire he has on. His shirt, jacket, pants everything is in black, even the strange looking gloves show no other color.

He notices the man's gaze glued on his legs which were laid open a bit too much as his dress is lifted up. He quickly tries to cover himself properly with a flush appearing on his face.

The man chuckles.

"What! Are you getting shy?!"

"This woman...

"wears a seductive expression, dresses like a whore, lives like a whore and even your workplace suits you perfectly well," "Did you think I was thirsting over you or what?"

Such words coming from a stranger hurts Renjun. He doesn't know him at all so why do these words leave a sour taste in his mouth? Who is this person and why does he believe he has any right to criticize how he lives and what work he does. Why can he so easily assume that he being in the lower status, he shouldn't even be allowed in his presence.

The man sneers.

"I fucking despise your type of women the most"

"Oh and do not worry, I don't have even the slightest bit of-"


"Did you just fucking cut my words"

The man grabs his gun and in a flash he points the gun over Renjun's head.

Renjun looks up not batting an eye

"My job is my business, you have no right to tell me how shit my life is nor my job. And why are you getting so butthurt if I only tried to cover myself, it's not just you here there are many other people, if I don't want my skin to be exposed like this then I won't. I don't know you nor your little gunmen but your words have already tainted my dignity. So if you have even the least bit of conscience then please respect me or kill me right now."

The gun now so close, Renjun closes his eyes tightly, wanting the heavy cold atmosphere to feel warm once he turns into nothingness and his eyes never open again.

He could hear him pulling the trigger.


The gun is fired.

But Renjun didn't die

He opens his eyes, not able to grasp about what just happened. Nothing happened, he is the same as he was before.

He looks at the man, he doesn't seem angry at all, rather he looks amused.

"You're lucky the gun wasn't loaded,"

"You act so tough for someone so small"

Renjun trembles, his life would have gone a few seconds before, had that gun not been unloaded.

"Hmm.. I kinda like you," "Let's make a deal.., I'll let you go but you have to do something for me in return"

Renjun, still trembling, couldn't form words, "Wh-what if I sa-say no?"

"Then your precious friends will suffer the consequences,"

"Who were they again, some bar manager and a brunette"

Renjun is shocked that this person got this much information within a night. Was this all planned, the unloaded gun, making him scared, to threaten him for his selfish reasons. But right now Ten and Yeri's safety is his priority.

"Don't touch them, I'll do it, I'll do whatever you ask me of"

"Of course you would", the man walks away giving the guy standing near the door a hand motion. "Give her a set of new clothes and the smallest room possible"

"Yes boss"

a/n: I can't believe I'm updating this after a month, took me long enough, well at least it's here

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