Chapter 21

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⚠Warning: Minor Attempted Sexual Assault!(Don't read if you are uncomfortable)

(Though I do wish you read it till the end, let me know if there's any other warnings to put)

No one's Pov

As Renjun's shirt tears open from above, he winces at the chills from the cold wind harshly grazing through his skin.

"Look at that smooth skin, aren't you quite pretty," "Isn't being pretty such an advantage, living your whole life solely relying on your looks, life gets so easy for you. People giving in so easily, never questioning you back, men falling on their knees begging for pleasure and once you give in, everyone tries to control you, own you and trap you so you couldn't run out from their cage" "Yeah, that's how it was at the start, I gave in because I had nothing, no money, no power, I had nothing. I was abandoned and had no one to rely on, I was helpless and alone"

Renjun knows it, he knows the feeling of being helpless, alone and weak. He is an orphan but how could he not wonder who his parents were, how his mother was like, how his father was like, a lot of questions appeared in his mind but now he knows that they didn't wanted him, if the parents don't want to keep their own child, no chance they ever loved him, that tells a lot how they are like without him ever asking. And this woman in front of him, he knows he shouldn't pity her, but he does.

"People always looked at me strangely as if I had something that they didn't, I was young and couldn't understand why men would always stare at me, at first it felt weird and different but as I grew up so did the stares, after a while I was seeing the same guys around me everyday. Usually any woman who lives alone and knows no one if goes through such experiences, they would either walk the police station or lock themselves in but for some reason I didn't dislike it, I liked the attention, I liked how anywhere I was, they were also there. And I could tell they wanted my attention as well, they wanted control over me, and I didn't hesitate."

"They bought me anything I asked for, killed anyone I disliked, begged me to be on their bed and loved me till I was only theirs. It was thrilling, their attention was so overwhelming and intense, I believed I badly needed them in my life to have a life but soon I realized how powerful I had become because the one in control ..was always in hands of mine."

Renjun doesn't know what to say, can he say anything without getting punched after how much he already did before.

Well, at least he completed high school before working at the bar. Meanwhile Zara looked like she never went to school and was already doing shady business at a young age. He wonders if he would have become like her had he never met Ten giving him advice since Renjun was so young and Yeri who always treated him like her own brother. If Zara had someone like them around her then she wouldn't have ever gotten into such a mess, let alone thought of such malicious things. But no matter how sad her story is, this isn't right.

"You acting like Jaehyun would run back to you after you kill me, like how do you even have a chance to get back with him, don't you already know his condition? There's no meaning to any of this, he won't run to you, he won't hold you, you will never have him because he loves me"

Jaehyun, who had genuine feelings for Zara, thought she was nice and the one for him. If Zara wasn't like this then they really would've been together and Renjun could've been done for that night when he was caught by his gang. These thoughts make his heart ache a little, but there's no reason to think about it now cuz Jaehyun is his.

"You may have control over them, those people who chased you and wanted you, but not everybody wants you, you can't have everyone under your command, you are not what everyone wishes to gain and you are certainly not God" Renjun continued looking serious in Zara's eyes.

"Hahaha! Yeah I'm not God nor am I trying to be one but why are you so sure that Jaehyun really loves you, if he can touch you then he can to other men too, why do you think he won't in the future, he's a mafia leader after all, his taste can change if you don't satisfy him, that's how they all are like."

"What.. No he won't, he will never!"

"Yes he can.. I will make it myself happen"

As Zara says these words she puts her hands together and claps twice, loudly. At this Renjun sees many men getting inside where they are.

Zara looks over at the guys practically drooling over Renjun's exposed shoulder and his smooth chest. She gives a smirk to Renjun, "But first gotta clear the thorn in the way" "Since you love men so much, I brought them especially for you"

"Wh-What do you mean?!"

"Boys! You must be hungry right, well then I'll let you have the prey all to yourselves. Everyone loves pretty things after all"

She leaves Renjun with the middle aged looking men. Their clothes looked untidy and were gawking at Renjun with a distasteful smirk on their faces. Their displeasing look terrifies Renjun and the more they get closer to him, the more frightened he gets.

"Finally something pretty after so long," one of them sneers.

"You look like you would taste real good, I can't wait to be inside you," another licks his lips.

"I wanna hear you cry so badly right now"

There are exactly four of them who have cornered him.

Renjun's mind is going blank, he can't do anything, this place only has Zara's underlings, even if he screams for help, no one would come.

They start playing with his clothes trying to touch his bare skin, creeping the shit out of Renjun. Is this it? Is this the end? Is this how his life ends, this humiliation, this is really gonna be his ending. He can't even be with the person whom he loves the most, was he that bad, was he so wrong in his behavior.

His hands are tied, his legs are tied

He can't run nor can he hide

The shame, the trauma built after this

Will he ever be able to get rid of it?

Rough hands roaming all over his clothes

Tears in his eyes, disgust approaching close

His body trembles, his faith crumbles

He glances one last time at the door

Waiting for the one he needs so much

That's when the guns loudly blare

Yells and curses everywhere

The door violently crashes down

The tense atmosphere leaves everyone with a frown

Running and jumping men in black and white

That's what catches Renjun's sight

Bombs and gunshots, flying over releasing smoke and dust

And lastly, the man who peers in.. seeks for bloodlust

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