Chapter 23

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No one's Pov

They reached home and Renjun was too exhausted to talk with Jaehyun. Jaehyun understood without him telling cuz who wouldn't be tired after having a fun shopping time and then out of nowhere getting kidnapped by your worst enemy. He's tired too, looking for Renjun the whole time and worried of what consequence he would've to face if he was too late. Then he wouldn't be able to live in peace after this night. If anything had happened to him, he would blame himself for the rest of his life and never be smiling again.

But that didn't happen, call it luck or his smartness of putting a gps tracker close to Renjun, he's just glad that he could save him before anything troublesome happened. Renjun quietly sat on the bed, he looked sleepy but didn't lay down, Jaehyun's jacket was still covering him. While Jaehyun just stood there observing him, hand rubbing the back of his neck. Now..what should I do?

A bath! He needs a bath, but he will fall asleep if I leave him alone.

I guess I need to do it myself, I can't let anyone else touch him.

"Sungchan!" Jaehyun calls for him and he arrives just a second later.

"Prepare a warm bath and bring a fresh set of clothes for both of us" Sungchan gives a nod and does the work.

After a while Jaehyun walks up to a sleepy Renjun. When Jaehyun touches him, he gets a bit shaken, it surprises Jaehyun and he immediately backs away.

Now Jaehyun is even more concerned for Renjun. He should take it slowly and not scare him away. So Jaehyun thinks of how to bathe him so he won't be agitated.

He tries to ask him for everything, "You need to bathe" Renjun finally looks at him "But I can't leave you alone so I'll bathe you, can I take off your clothes?" Renjun pauses for a second and gives a light nod and so Jaehyun approaches him again.

He takes off his jacket, and continues taking off his clothes until there is none left. Renjun doesn't tremble anymore and Jaehyun ain't even looking at him while taking his clothes off, his eyes are stuck admiring the floor.

Now he needs to take him and bathe him "C-Can I touch you?" Renjun nods again but Jaehyun doesn't see it cuz his eyes won't go up at all. So Renjun falls in his arms and says in a quiet voice "You can". Jaehyun is not only shocked by his actions but also amazed at how pretty Renjun's buns are, his hands are trembling eager to grab and squish them, but he can't, he shouldn't.

Calm down my fucking horny self!

And with that going over and over in his head. He brings Renjun to the bathroom.

The pleasant smell of lavender calms Renjun but also awakens him more. Jaehyun can tell cuz he won't stop staring at him, begging with his eyes to get in with him. Jaehyun can barely keep eye contact, getting all touchy-touchy would be a bad idea.

Renjun gives up after some minutes as Jaehyun distracts himself and Renjun by washing his hair. Renjun keeps popping bubbles and covering himself with it at the same time so Jaehyun will look at him and not anywhere else. Jaehyun smiles at this but Renjun doesn't see it.

When Jaehyun is done bathing Renjun, and Renjun seems more awake than before, he gives him his clothes to wear and goes to wash himself.

When he's done he comes out in a towel and quickly changes into his clothes. His eyes land on a figure lying on the bed curled into a ball which Jaehyun can't wait to embrace again.

They fall asleep within no time, in each other's arms, forgetting about everything else.

Morning came and Jaehyun was not happy not seeing Renjun in his arms. When he looks properly he sees Renjun sitting quietly deep in thought.

"Kitty, why are you awake? Come back here"

"Sir.. I was thinking about her.." "Even though she was a bad person till the end, I can't seem to hate her, in fact I pity her, is that wrong of me?"

"Uh.. What.."Jaehyun can't answer, his head is in a sleep state.

"If she wasn't like this, then there would be no me and you sir, it would've been you both and you would've ended me long ago when I was accidentally brought in, in a way I'm happy to have you but also it feels I took someone else's happiness, you are being nice and sweet to me cuz your condition doesn't work with me but later you can get attracted to someone else-"

"No! Why..wh.. Renjun I'll never do that. When I like someone, I'm always loyal to them, there's no other person in my life like you, I don't care if there are many attractive people in the world, I only like you, I only want you, I will only kiss you, and I'll only grow old with you" Jaehyun hugs him tightly.

"And if we were not together, I still couldn't dare harm you that day, not that day, not any day after. The moment I saw you, your eyes radiated such sparkles that I never saw before. It terrified me for a moment, I felt like I couldn't hide from them nor would I hide them, they looked at me as if they could easily uncover my secrets. It made me wary of you but I knew I couldn't harm you. I did wanted to scare you at first but then that's it, I was gonna let you go later until you spoke your mind and I was intrigued to see those innocent sparkles more. [it's during the line: His piercing gaze softened for a short moment and then it went back to the cold sharp glare]

"Oh.. are you saying you fell for me the first time you saw me"

"Uh.. I guess I did" "Now stop being sad and come back, we gotta sleep some more"

Renjun giggles, Jaehyun makes him giggle a lot. He likes him a lot too.

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