Chapter 10

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Renjun's Pov

It's not that I hadn't been cared for before, it's not new to me. My clients always joked around me to make me relaxed and calmer and not get scared of them even though it should be the opposite, it was my job to help them relax and create a fun mood for them but it was difficult for me. Difficult to initiate a conversation on a comfortable note. Glad that there were less clients with me otherwise I'd have been a complete mess dealing with so many people, since the customers were always huge in numbers per day.

So, this shouldn't be new to me. The mafia boss lately has been less crude and ruthless to me. He looks like he's always trying not to speak loud whenever he looks at me and from time to time asks me if I'm uncomfortable with anything. I don't exactly know why he keeps asking me about this so much, just that.. he does.

Maybe falling in love made him become nicer?, but then I don't remember seeing him acting like this with anyone else except me. Is it because in his head I'm a woman, if it is then I don't wanna imagine what he would do if he finds out my real identity.

a guy,

and wholly gay

If due to me there's developed any level of trust in that man towards me, I'm pretty sure that it will shatter him finding out my real self.

But if I do not cross the limits, keep myself secured behind the shielded walls and not open up to him, ..he will soon lose interest in me and won't be able to sway my mind anymore.

It's how I wish this to be the end..

It's what I'm asking from the Gods..

So neither he'll hurt

nor will I,

But there he is, sitting with his legs crossed, scenting the sweet aroma while twirling the teacup in his hand. An unknown smile plastered on his face making me anxious, contrasting to his relaxed self.

"Kitty, Can I ask you something"

"Uh g-go ahead"

"Even though I did my side of investigation way before, I still want to ask you so many, so-so many questions, will you answer me"

Questions? My answers don't need to be completely true, after all we aren't friends nor lovers, I'll just reply with whatever seems fit.

I give him a nod.

"So is your full name Huang Renjun?"

"Yes, it is"

"Why do you work in a bar"

"Cuz.. there's nothing else I can do," "and it's not bad there at all, I've got nice clients"

"Nice clients.. yeah it must be cuz you're.. quite pretty," "You must be popular," he averted his eyes.

"Oh uh I- I don't think so," "I barely have clients, rather I'm the least noticeable"

Did he call me pretty, wait am I hearing things right

"Is that so," he tried to hide his smile.

Jerk, I knew it

"What about family, I couldn't find anything about this"

"I am an orphan, I don't have any relatives, they could be out there but I've lived my life all alone," why is he asking me such personal questions and why I keep telling him everything about me.

He doesn't speak for a while and quietly sips his tea.

"My only blood related family are Jeongyeon noona and Jisung," "My mafia business is definitely functioning like a business but I like how my men are loyal to me and have no will of backstabbing me, it lessens my burden and makes me want to take care of them too,"

He thinks of this mafia gang as his family too, must be nice, having so many families and a lover, he's got it all. He has everything that I yearn for


I was surprised to see him so near, I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't hear him walking towards me.

"Is this your real hair?"

He runs his hand through my hair, 

"Did you dye your hair cuz this can't be your natural color?


and looking more closely I notice him scenting my ..clothes?!

What is he doing?!


He called my name, gawd he's so near

How am I able to make eye contact with him being this close


"You smell so good..," 

"Can I k-"

He got cut off as Sungchan knocked the door loudly.

"Boss we've got things to deal with, and there's an important client on the call"

"Tsk wait some more time dammit!," he shouts back in rage.

He looks at me as if he regrets what he just did.

His expression pained me.

"It's better if you forget what I said," "It won't work anyways," the last part he mumbled.

And he left the room, left me confused and curious and sad.

He was gonna touch me? Kiss me? What was he gonna say at the end

I don't really dislike his care towards me.

a/n: Thanks for reading and voting everyone, you guys make my days💕

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