Chapter 16

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For the past few weeks Jaehyun has been thinking about his relationship with Zara. His interest in Zara keeps decreasing and their relationship is going nowhere. Didn't Jaehyun want this, now he is dating her, and has finally caught her interest yet why it's so underwhelming. He does enjoy her company and the short dates they go to but it isn't as heart throbbing as he had expected it to be. Rather his mind, his consciousness, his eyes have all diverted to this person who was out of the equation in the first place. He is concerning himself more with this woman who was supposed to be a temporary existence in his life but now he can't imagine how it would feel to be away from her for only a day.

After much contemplation Jaehyun finally made up his mind. Seeing this unexpected abusive side of Zara which he would never find attractive but repulsive, and being disappointed to have believed to know her well but proven wrong, he has to end this relationship before she harms anyone, especially Renjun.

Jaehyun's Pov

I invited her to one of my clubs that I own. I had not talked to her for a long time so she was very delighted to receive my call and I asked her out tonight. I would've been the same, I would've been excited too if not for that video, if I didn't realized my feelings for Renjun earlier, if I was still in the illusion believing she was the one and I wouldn't fall for anyone else except her. Who knew doe eyes were this captivating, and her soft voice and appearance is what I'm into, Renjun was doing weird things to me. I feel my heart beat faster with only thoughts of her but it came back to normal speed as soon as I made eye contact with Zara.

"Jaehyun, babe I missed you so much, why didn't you call me before, you made me wait how could you"

I.. I really don't wanna be here anymore. I sighed.

"What's wrong? Missed me so much that you can't think of any words"

"I did..

not missed you at all," I said with an emotionless face.

"What?" "Why are you joking like this? Oh my gosh are you trying to apologize, so you have a gift for me, a dress, purse, oh wait I did told you about my preferences for these right before right, oh what if it's something much bigger.. like a car, oh gosh I can't wait, just hand it over no need to be sorry I already forgive you," She looks at me expectantly with her hands in front of me, I don't understand how she could make such a conclusion.

"I'm not here to joke around, let me be straight with you,"

"I want to break up with you, let's end this and never see each other again," This time I was more stern with my words.

"Wh-What!! No!!" "No! I will not break up with you," "Why are you mentioning a break up? I-Is this because of your side bitch"


"I know you have a side bitch, if not for her why would you mention something like this, don't let that fakeass bitch fool you, she's not good for you but I am, you know it too, you are head over heels for me and no other woman, you have only eyes for me and no one else. As for someone like her she will only ruin your reputation cuz she has none, no dignity, she will easily give herself to any man with money, don't get charmed by her innocent face, she is a whore for men and money."

How fucking dare she called Renjun Renjun, whom I used for help to chase after this kind of woman. Not only are her words infuriating, I don't believe I can even hold a proper conversation with her, if she only knows how to badmouth someone whom she considers a rival without realizing the worst of her own self.

Let's end this shit at once.

I scoffed, "A fakeass bitch fooling me, has no dignity and a whore for men and money, are you describing someone else-" I leaned close to her ear

"or are you living like that yourself," I said in a cold tone, making her freeze in place.

I stepped back now facing her closely, "James Oh, Nicolas Lee, Thomas Shu, Ru Shang remember them," "They were big people whom I had important partnerships with as well as good relations, but one moment they all fell to the ground, all their property was set on fire and their money was out of their bank accounts, it was later found out that they all had a woman whom they loved, loved so much that they bought anything she asked for without a second thought. Caramel skin, light auburn hair, dreamy hazel eyes and her body that they couldn't get enough had them wrapped in her little naughty finger. But what if someone breaks those fingers because of her ignorance of men who could snap her neck in an instant since she challenged the wrong guy." I looked at her with a death glare.

"You already know who I am, why are you quivering now, is it because your future plans to secure yourself have now been ruined by none other than me."

She doesn't say a word, I see her eyes finally coming back to senses.

"Pft hhahaha ahahaha, oops I've been caught now what can I do, huh I have no choice but to beg for my life from the mafia leader,"

"But you see, don't you think it's dangerous not for me.. but you, being so close without a care"

She starts getting closer.

"You were the only man who was not getting up on my face to feel me, love me, kiss me, at first I thought it was just you being gentlemanly even though you are a cold hearted mafia from what I heard, it could be a side of you being caring for only me. But then I never found an instance of you ever talking to a woman, she was the only one, the only one around you but I had a thought what if she somehow doesn't work but others still do"

This woman! How much does she know?!

I didn't even realize when she got a hold of my hand, she kept nearing me.

"Why not take this chance and see the results," she pushed me and threw herself over me.

"Let's see what exactly happens, I'm soooo curious" I pulled out the emergency switch on my phone letting Sungchan know it's code red. The moment I sent a signal she kissed me sloppily, ah fucking gross, without letting this happen anymore I pushed her back and immediately called the security and ordered them to never let her come again in the future.

She got dragged while she was laughing maniacally. I threw myself on the couch, ughh I only wish to see Renjun, I want to embrace her so tightly to forget about this shitty night and only kiss her to erase the recent shitty memory.

I blanked out with only thoughts of Renjun in my mind.

a/n: Is anyone still reading, I'll be happy if you are.

I've got upcoming exams, I'll try to complete this before cuz I have other ideas for books.

Keep voting and supporting me!💛🧡

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