𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐕𝐈𝐈

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It was strangely warm today. Y/n opened her eyes to see she was not in the bed she expected to be in. She rubbed her head, trying to remember what happened yesterday...

~Flashback (all the way to the end of the chapter)~

After a somewhat strange lunch with Russ and Natalia, it was, seemingly, the time for all the USSR's children to meet up for a celebration. Having heard that Russ and Y/n will get married in a few weeks, they had to of course celebrate. 

There was live music, and all of a sudden, there was a toast. Natalia smiled, "TO RUSS AND Y/N!" - she shouted, her children joining in as Y/n felt Russ groan, as he held her hand, her hand gently placed upon his rough one. 

They all raised their glasses, downing the vodka. Y/n's face scrunched up and the siblings and their spouses chuckled, "You'll get used to it, dear!" - said Armenia, one of Russ' sisters. 

Russ looked down at her and scoffed, "You might as well start by making this..." - he muttered as he mixed her a drink. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and although they were talking and the music was playing, the sight of Russ mixing someone a drink was unusual. 

"Here, try this." - he said. She took a sip and her eyes widened, "It's delicious. What is it?" - she asked. "I mixed in some juice, so it makes the vodka sweeter." 

She nodded, "Спасибо." (Thank you.) - she said, catching the male off guard. Everyone was enjoying themselves, it seemed. Y/n and Russ were together for most of the celebration. Ukraine, however, standing in the corner, watched the woman standing by Russ. 

"Ukra, don't worry, brother, you'll find a woman for yourself someday!" - said Belarus. "I know, brother, I know." - he was internally screaming Y/n's name, wanting to take her away. 

He saw the way she looked up at Russ with her mixed drink in her hand, his eyes, those cold eyes, didn't even look at her. 

Everyone was meeting and greeting the new fiancé of the great eldest brother, Russia. But Ukraine knew... He wanted her to be all his. He wanted Y/n, she could have been his... 

"Son, you know it will do you no good to watch and admire what isn't yours." - said Natalia.

"I am well aware, mother... I just wish... I wish she had chosen me." - he muttered. 

Natalia scoffed as she walked off somewhere again. "I'll have you... even if it means I have to overthrow Russ... I'll kill for you... Y/n..." - he muttered to himself. 

Suddenly, the dancing began, and to Y/n's surprise, Russ smirked, "Will you show me what you can do?" - he asked her, she looked at him with wide eyes, she blinked and laughed contently. "Let's see your best moves, Russ!"

The two danced as they had never danced before, it was quite a sight for the sore eyes. Their moves were fluent, their bodies dancing together as if they were moulded to fit each other. 

Everyone had a lovely time, dancing for a while. And after, of course, a few shots of vodka, things started to get hazy for Russ. 

"Let's drink! TO Y/N!" - he shouted as everyone joined him. All the siblings were so glad of everything that was happening. 

Y/n smirked as she took a shot of pure vodka, still hating the taste. But Russ smirked, drunkenly pulling her up against him. Her cheeks reddening. 

"Would you look at that! The lovebirds will share their first drunken night!" - shouted one of the siblings. 

The two suddenly did one thing nobody expected... they kissed. Russ dipped Y/n, and she held onto him, having wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Everyone applauded, all but Ukraine. He was the one who wanted to break up the two and give his brother a piece of his mind for beating the crap out of him. 

Once the two separated, the crowd beckoned them to dance together again. It was slightly hard, but after a slightly sloppy dance, the two sat on the side, taking some vodka with them. 

"I didn't think I'd enjoy myself with you so much..." - he muttered to himself, causing Y/n to chuckle. 

"Is mister drunken bear softening up for his bride?" - she smiled softly, taking his hand. He looked away, clearly annoyed. 

"Russ..." - she mumbled, catching his attention. She looked up at him, only to see him take the bottle and drink half of it in one go. 

"Hmm...?" - he looked at her again, only to have his bottle forcefully taken from him. She drank the rest of the vodka, feeling slightly sick, as she was not used to such strong alcohol. 

He chuckled as he watched her face scrunch up again. "Damn it! I didn't think this through!" - she muttered as Russ started to cackle, "Guess we'll practice later!" - he chuckled as the alcohol slowly got to her. 

Not even half an hour later... and she was being taken to bed. 

"Don't worry, they'll show themselves out... 

... Just hold onto me, I'll put you to sleep." 

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