𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐗𝐋𝐕

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The air crackled with anticipation as the festivities carried on deep into the velvety night, casting a warm glow upon the village. The sounds of laughter, music, and merriment echoed through the thatched roofs, intertwining with the gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby forest.

Amidst the revelry, a sudden hush fell upon the crowd as a woman's commanding voice pierced the joyful clamour. "Quit it with the noise! The children need their slumber!" bellowed the chief's wife, her words slicing through the night like a blade. The revellers paused, their exuberance giving way to a respectful silence.

One by one, they settled around a roaring fire, its dancing flames casting flickering shadows upon their faces. The fire crackled and sent embers spiralling upwards, painting a mesmerizing tableau against the starlit sky. In this intimate gathering, only a select few warriors remained. With their strong physiques, which were a testament to their training and vigour. They possessed an undeniable allure, each adorned with the most striking features reminiscent of their Slavic heritage.

As the night pressed on, the warriors engaged in hushed conversations, their voices carrying an air of wisdom and experience. They spoke of battles fought and victories won, their words woven into tales of heroic deeds and ancient legends. The fire's glow played upon their weathered faces, etching lines of character and resilience.

A seasoned warrior, his eyes gleaming with a fiery intensity, recounted the tale of a fearsome dragon slain in a far-off land. His voice held the weight of authority, drawing the others closer with each word. They leaned in, their expressions enraptured by the tale, their imaginations conjuring vivid images of the battle between man and mythical beast.

Meanwhile, the soft laughter of a young warrior danced upon the air, his features bearing the innocence of youth amidst the company of seasoned veterans. He spoke of his journey through enchanted forests and hidden realms, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and enchantment. The others listened intently, captivated by the vivid descriptions that painted a world of wonder and magic.

The night wore on, and the flames of the fire flickered, casting long, dancing shadows upon the ground. The warriors shared stories, wisdom, and camaraderie, bound by a deep sense of kinship and purpose. They were more than mere protectors; they were the guardians of traditions and legends, a living link to a glorious past.

As the moon ascended to its zenith, its gentle light cascading through the dense canopy above, the warriors finally bid each other goodnight. They dispersed quietly, their steps light upon the earth, as they retreated to their humble abodes, leaving the crackling fire as the sole witness to their shared tales.

And so, the village slumbered, cradled in the embrace of night, as dreams and memories mingled in the hearts of those who had gathered around the fire. It was a night to remember, a night when the echoes of ancient valour and the warmth of camaraderie intertwined, leaving an indelible mark upon the tapestry of their lives.

As the night progressed, the warriors slowly began to retreat to their houses, joining their families for the well-deserved rest. Which left Y/n and Russ to sit at the fire, whilst Russ still kept it going.

Y/n looked at Russ, his demonic features still visible, she thought back to the sights she saw. Nobody even flinched at the fact that Russ had any demonic features, which only proved Russ' point, he indeed was visible only to the powerful people of this world.

"Something is on your mind... darling." the way he just so caringly yet distantly called her darling, something felt off about him. The fact he was a demon only brought more problems, if anything, "I suppose you could say that."

"Russ..." Y/n began to speak, to which Russ looked at her, his eyes never leaving her adorable face, "... you remember... back at your place, when we had that... celebration with your family?" she asked, to which Russ tilted his head and frowned, "Yes, I do, what about it?" he asked, to which Y/n looked up into the sky.

"We had such a good time... you were mixing me drinks, holding me in your arms..." she blushed, her cheeks felt very warm, it was like she was getting all mushy and slushy, and she wanted to be in Russ' warm embrace and kiss him, and yet, she snapped out of her little fantasy, just to see Russ' eyes were staring right back at her, his expression was that of shock, but also that of genuine relief.

"You... really... liked that... didn't you?" he asked, to which Y/n nodded, moving a tad bit closer to him, lost in emotions, he too moved closer, his large wings now creating a cocoon around the two of them, "You... liked spending time with me? While my family was there... judging us?" she looked at him in confusion, "What? Russ... they were not--" she got cut off, "We were... Kazakhstan, Ukraine, they were looking at you, the way you're so young, and beautiful, oh they knew, I was lucky just because I'm a demon that I'm not as old."

"You do realize that Ukraine is almost as old as you--" once again cut off, Y/n watched Russ in disbelief, "He is not even my real brother! He's a spawn of that..." he stopped himself, looking away in shame, "Rossiya..." she went to gently touch the male's shoulder, to which he flinched, "Don't call me by that name..."

Y/n looked at the male, slightly frustrated, "Russ, listen to me, why do you care so much about what your siblings think of us? We're happy together, are we not?" she asked, although she herself was not sure... what this even was.

Russ looked up at her, then sighed, "Y/n... I do not wish you to be judged, just because you're engaged to me. You didn't even wish to be engaged to me--" finally, Y/n had enough, she stood up, "Will you stop that?!" she cried out, loudly, "Will you stop comparing yourself, putting yourself down?! Will you finally see that you are all that I see, I've done all of this dumbass crazy shit for you! I want us to work! I wanted you since the very beginning! Sure! I was intimidated by you!"

She sighed before taking a deep breath, "I just... I wanted to see the good in you, because my mother... caretaker, Brittany, had told me about you, when I was younger, you were this handsome, and you were single, then you got engaged, and I rooted for you to get married and be happy, my caretaker hoped that would not happen, and I always wondered why."

She walked over to him, "And then... that ball... that dance... that night. It made me see. Because I saw something... You remember when you dragged me and brought me to that coach?" she asked, to which Russ looked down, "Russ look at me when I'm speaking to you." he didn't look up, not before she gripped his chin hard making him look at her.

His face felt warm, and she realized her face was warm as well, a moment of weakness, "Do it," He said, to which she almost flinched, "You wanted me to hold you in that coach, I didn't, hence you shall kick my ass for it."

Little did Russ know what was really behind those beautiful eyes. She sighed, her lips pressing softly against the prince's. Russ was at a loss for words, his hands slowly reaching out as Y/n's body slowly landed on his own, they laid upon the grass, the fire was still blazing, "R-Russ..." She pulled away, looking at him, "Y/n..." His deep voice rumbled, the accent which caused her to feel tingles.

Slowly their lips connected in another passionate yet wholesome kiss, Russ embraced Y/n, his arms wrapping around her waist and under her bottom. Y/n's soft moans could be heard as they broke the kiss, "Y/n... I... I'm fighting the urge... Oh..." Russ' face was getting warmer and warmer, Y/n looked at him, worried, "Russ, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Is it... Something? Are you sick?" She looked at him, confused, but at the same time, something which made him suddenly get up and walk off without a word, "Russ! Wait! Please! Tell me what's wrong!" She called out, but the answer was nowhere near, not even close to finding its way to her ears. Y/n stood there, wondering what she did wrong...

... She walked back to the fire, slowly putting dirt over it to put it out. A soft sigh escaped her lips, "He seemed... So hurt, I cannot even begin to explain what this felt like..." She mumbled to herself. "What's he done now?" A voice rose, Y/n looked around her, and yet she couldn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" She asked, to which the voice spoke up again, "It's me..."

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