𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈

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The morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, but within the confines of the palace, my heart was heavy with sorrow. As the dawn broke, I watched as Soviet was escorted by the stern palace guards, off to the boarding school where he would receive his education. The ache in my heart grew with each step he took away from me.

Left behind in the palace, I was now faced with a new reality. As the daughter-in-law of Emperor Ross, I was expected to uphold the image of a proper lady, befitting the stature of the royal family. My days were filled with lessons in etiquette, mannerisms, and the art of curtsy, all under the watchful eye of Empress Maria.

"Natalia, my dear, you must learn to carry yourself with grace and poise," Empress Maria would instruct me. "As the future Empress of this land, your every move and word will be scrutinized. You must be a paragon of royalty."

I tried my best to absorb her teachings, but a part of me rebelled against the rigid constraints of royalty. I longed for the freedom I once had, where laughter and joy were not overshadowed by the weight of expectations.

But there was more to my education than just learning to be a lady. Emperor Ross himself took it upon him to tutor me in the arts of politics. He believed that as Soviet's shield and advisor, I must be well-versed in the complexities of the kingdom.

"Natalia, the realm of politics is a delicate dance," Emperor Ross would say. "You must learn to navigate the intricacies and alliances, to discern truth from falsehoods. Your voice will hold power, and you must wield it wisely."

While I understood the importance of these lessons, I found myself yearning for more time with Soviet. The boy I had once known seemed to be slipping away, consumed by the demands of his royal duties and the weight of his title.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, I found myself growing more adept at the art of curtsy and formal conversations. I learned to navigate the political landscape, engaging in discussions with advisors and diplomats. But amidst the royal facade, my heart ached for the boy I had fallen in love with.

One day, as I stood in the grand ballroom, practising the perfect curtsy, I caught a glimpse of Soviet through the ornate mirrors. He was surrounded by his tutors, his face stoic and composed. A pang of longing shot through my heart, and for a moment, our eyes met through the reflection.

I saw a flicker of vulnerability in his gaze, a glimpse of the boy I had once known. But before I could approach him, he turned away, the mask of royalty firmly in place.

My heart sank, knowing that the distance between us was growing with each passing day. The gilded cage of royalty had ensnared us both, and I wondered if we would ever find our way back to the love that had once united us.

In the quiet moments of the night, I would find solace in the moonlit gardens. There, amidst the fragrance of roses and the soft rustling of leaves, I would find a sense of peace. The stars above seemed to whisper words of hope, urging me to hold onto the love that had once burned so brightly.

One night, as I stood beneath the stars, lost in my thoughts, a familiar figure approached me. It was Soviet, his eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and longing.

"Natalia," he spoke softly, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken emotions. "I miss you. I miss us. I miss the day we met... a time when things were simpler..."

I reached out to him, my heart aching for the boy I had once known. "Soviet, we are still us," I whispered. "Amidst the expectations and responsibilities, our love remains. We must find a way to break free from these chains that bind us."

He looked torn, his heart at war with his duty. "I want to be with you, Natalia, but the weight of the kingdom rests upon my shoulders. I cannot let my emotions cloud my judgment."

I took his hand in mine, holding onto the hope that love could conquer all. "We can find a balance, Soviet. We can be rulers and lovers, bound by love and duty."

He looked into my eyes, searching for answers, and for a moment, I saw the walls he had built around his heart begin to crumble. "I love you, Natalia," he said, his voice raw with emotion.

In that moment, I knew that our connection was still alive, and that we could weather any storm that came our way. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and responsibilities, but I was ready to face it all, hand in hand with the boy who held my heart.

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