𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐈𝐗

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It didn't take long before the couple decided to take morning walks with the dogs together. "Just be careful not to let them run off." - he said. However, the dogs had no leashes, only collars.

"How do I keep them by my side?" - she asked him, he subconsciously smiled, "Just say "Стой!" and you should be fine." - he said. (Стой! = Halt!)

She smiled as the two female dogs walked beside her, it seemed the females got used to her quite well over the past few days. 

Meanwhile, Russ walked the males, they walked with their heads high, pride in their eyes, same as their master. 

It almost made Y/n blush from how handsome Russ looked in the pale daylight. 

"Take a picture. It will last longer." - he said, she instantly looked down at the dogs, "I wasn't looking." - she said. 

His deep chuckle made her lower parts tremble with excitement, Russ, the most handsome of the USSR's children, was chuckling and spending time with her. Y/n wanted to melt into a puddle right there and then. 

"Oh stop laughing... It's not funny, Russ." - she said. The female dogs, wagged their tails as they followed her suit. Suddenly, however, they walked up close to the mansion of Russ' mother. 

Natalia lived in a beautiful large mansion, surrounded by many gardens, even a maze stood tall, one that Y/n wanted to get lost in, trying to find Russ. She wasn't sure why she wanted to get lost in there, but finding Russ would be just as fun. 

Her happy personality was the thing that kept her going. She knew how to be serious in public, but in private... things were very different. 

"Shall we go back?" - he asked, "I suppose, we didn't announce ourselves to your mother anyway." - she said. He smirked, "Very well then, how about when we come back, you'll join me in hunting." - he said. 

Her eyes widened, "How about I stay at home instead?" - she asked, and he suddenly changed his expression to that of annoyance. "You. Heard. Me. Y/n." - he said. She gulped but decided to stand her ground to him. 

"I. Said. I. Will. Stay. At. Home." - she said. But, just like the last time she stood her ground, something inside him snapped. And within seconds a loud smack could be heard. 

Again, her cheek was red. She felt tears prickle her eyes, the dogs she was walking nuzzled into her hands, she touched her cheek and winced. 

"Go home. I'll hunt alone then." - he growled at her, she felt tears, but she quickly and aggressively wiped them. 

"FINE THEN! I'LL BE STAYING IN THE FUCKING GUEST BEDROOM THEN!" - she shouted at him as she ran off, the dogs following her. 

"Стой!!!" - he called to the dogs, but they didn't listen, they ran after her, howling and barking as they followed their mistress. 

"БУДЬ Я ПРОКЛЯТ!!!" (I'LL BE DAMNED!!!) - he shouted. He watched the woman run, his god-damn fiancé. She ran off in tears... again. "I see you messed up again, Rossiya."
(the Russian word for Russia, literally)

"Shut up, ya fucking old hag!" - he shouted, only for a smack to sound in the air. His cheek was red, he looked down at his mother with a stern look. 

"Oh, you're on, bitch." - he said. She punched him in the face, "DO NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!!!" - she shouted at him, she clicked her fingers and her other son, Ukraine, appeared. "Ukraina is more than suitable for your fiancé, if you make anymore mistakes." - she spat. 

"I had given you a week ago, when the two of you got drunk, to hopefully mend your ways, but no. You don't make amends, Rossiya. You've only managed to fuck up your relationship with her more! If you keep this up, I'll cancel the damn engagement! YOU HEAR ME?! YOU DAMN SPOILED BRAT!!!" 

Russ looked at his mother, and then at the smug smirk of his younger brother. Second oldest, the bratty mama's boy. The snitch. 

"My marriage is my business, and you have nothing to decide for her. You had decided to put the two of us together, and we'll work things out the way we find most suitable. You, mother, have no right to meddle further into my love life." - he spat. 

His mother scoffed, getting up and personal in his face. "Spit like that again, and I'll kill you myself, and I'll give your land away to your siblings. YOU HEAR ME?! SHOW GOD-DAMN RESPECT TO ME!" 

He rolled his eyes and turned away, when suddenly, a click of a gun could be heard. "Hurt her again, and I'll come to claim what's rightfully mine, Rossiya. Mark my words." - Ukra spat, his tone laced with venom. 

"Keep your god-damn filthy hands away from my future wife. I won't repeat myself. You've put us together, and we'll be the ones to decide if we want to be together. I'm not holding her hostage. She has her own free will." - he ended and walked off. 

Not even looking back to see his brother put his finger on the trigger, his mother moving his hand, so he shoots into the woods. "IDIOT! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" - she shouted, Russ smirked. 

"Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a different family." - he muttered, watching where he was going, just to make sure he can speak to her again. 

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