𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈

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And so the journey began, for Teresa was making her way back to the Union. She rode a horse in the end, followed by the three canines, who seemed to be more than eager to get back to the Union themselves. As she rode, a strange pain stung her chest, "Damn it..." she muttered, a piece she felt, and as she moved her hand from her chest to check, she saw a drop of blood. She shook her head and decided to ignore the pain and keep riding. 

As they rode, Cairo was riding behind her, the woman was more than visibly annoyed by him, "My mistress, who are you, if I may ask?" he seemed at a loss for words as he watched the beautiful woman before him, suddenly, Teresa scoffed, and made her beautiful black horse run even faster, she was a woman of little words when it came to men, as she was always faithful to one man, to one God. 

As much as she sometimes hated to admit it, she was more than addicted to this man she was loyal to. However, it seemed that Cairo was more than... serious... about talking to Teresa, "My lady, may I ask of you, who you are?" he asked, "You already asked. I do not wish to speak to you," Teresa said, as she had held the lead to the muzzle on the horse's face. "But please mistress, you are the light in my darkness, the general to my soldier." 

Teresa just coldly clicked her tongue, the black horse almost instantly ran faster, galloping away. But it seemed that Cairo was not ready to give up, "Cairo, don't do it, stop while you can," said the soldier from Belarus' land, it seemed that Cairo was not interested in listening, however. "Mind your own business, peasant," he said as he continued riding away on his white horse, trying to catch up to Teresa. 

Meanwhile... back with Russ and Y/n, they continued on their journey. As now, they were certain that they had nobody on their tail, thanks to Teresa, now was their turn to make their way to the Czech and his brother Slovakia. The last time the brothers had seen Russ and Polska was way back in January, which was around three months ago now, or something like that. Russ was uncertain how would his... uncle, Czechoslovakia, react to see him and Polska. 

As they walked, they realized soon enough that Leo and Leila could no longer walk, "Mama..." mumbled Leo, as Y/n smiled, "Иди сюда дорогой..." (Come here dear...). She picked him up in her arms, and Leila who had the little energy walked up to Russ... "Excuse me..." she said, Russ looked at the child. Before Leila had a chance to ask him if he could carry her, he picked her up into his arms, and it seemed that Leila felt safe in his arms too. 

Meanwhile, Polska and Kira walked behind them, with Misha in between them. The sight which Misha was seeing, it was sweet, Russ took off his jacket, as it was still somewhat cold. And Y/n seemed to smile, "You know... you're quite good with children," she said, and he looked at her, "And you think this because...?" she looked at him and then at Leila, "She didn't even have to ask, daddy picked her up instantly." 

He looked at her, and he seemed to blush, "I suppose you're right," he mumbled, to which Y/n noticed something, a red dot on her hand, "Huh... this is weird," she mumbled, "What is?" asked Russ, to which Y/n showed him her hand "I've got a strange red dot on my hand." 

Russ frowned, "Wait..." he took her hand, they stopped, he looked at it, "Have you always... had this dot?" he asked, to which Y/n shook her head, "No, I actually didn't notice it up until yesterday, but I dismissed it." 

Russ frowned, "I suppose it's started." 

Y/n looked at him, confused for the most part, "What do you mean?" ... the image of the two faded as Natalia was bursting with joy, "Oh finally! Finally, it's happening!" she laughed with a cursed laughter, almost like a seagull. 

The woman in the room snapped, "OH SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BRATTY CHILD!" said the woman, obviously annoyed, the other two women in the room seemed less or so interested, "I don't know why in the hell you called for us when your plans are going just fine." 

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