𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈

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Whilst riding on his horse, Russ couldn't help but think back to what mother said, she allowed him out of the cell, but under the condition that Cairo comes with him. He thought perhaps he could make Cairo join their side, but what he wasn't so sure about, was that he, Russ, could make him reconsider. As they rode, Russ saw they were nearing the border of his cousin's land, something about the sight made Russ sigh deeply, again, worried. He knew many men from Poland's land, but the little people he knew, they could all be dead by now. 

Russ rode on his horse, deep in thought. He couldn't help but replay his mother's words in his mind. "I will allow you out of the cell, but under the condition that Cairo comes with you." Russ knew that his mother didn't fully trust him, but he was willing to accept any terms if it meant he could leave the cell.

As they rode, Russ couldn't help but feel uneasy about Cairo. He wasn't sure if he could trust him or not. "Do you think we can trust her?" Russ asked Cairo, breaking the silence.

Cairo looked over at Russ before answering, "I don't know. I've heard stories about your cousin's land. It's not exactly the safest place to be." Cairo's words only fuelled Russ's worry. He knew that he needed to convince Cairo to join their side, but he wasn't sure how to do it.

As they rode, they could see the border of his cousin's land in the distance. The sight made Russ sigh deeply. He was worried about what they would find once they crossed the border.

"We're almost there," Russ said, trying to hide the concern in his voice.

Cairo nodded, "I can see that." He looked over at Russ, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Russ hesitated before answering, "No, but we don't have a choice. We need to find her, I'm not returning to my mother without Y/n by my side."

As they approached the border, Russ couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. He knew many men from Poland's land, but the little people he knew, they could all be dead by now. The thought made him sick to his stomach.

"We need to be careful," Cairo said, his voice low.

Russ nodded in agreement, "I know."

Together, they crossed the border, along with their army, unsure of what they would find on the other side.

As they crossed the border, they were stopped by a soldier. He wore the crest of the Polish army on his uniform, and his rugged features showed that he had seen his fair share of battles. The soldier held his sword at the ready, eyeing the young prince and his army warily.

"What brings you to our land?" the soldier demanded, his voice gruff.

Russ stepped forward, his cold exterior betraying none of the worry he felt. "We're here in search of Y/n, my fiancé," he replied calmly.

The soldier's eyes widened in surprise. "You're looking for Y/n?" he asked incredulously.

Russ nodded, "Yes, we were separated, and I need to find her."

The soldier lowered his sword, "Enter the country, but whatever you do, find the queen's troops in the palace. They're probably waiting for you."

With that, the soldier stepped aside, allowing the army to pass. Russ felt a sense of relief wash over him as they continued on their journey.

As they rode, Russ couldn't help but think about Y/n. He had been so focused on his mission to find her that he had almost forgotten about the danger that lay ahead. But he knew that he couldn't let his emotions get the better of him. He needed to stay focused if he was going to find her.

They rode for hours until they finally reached the palace. The walls were high, and the gates were guarded by soldiers. Russ rode up to them, his cold exterior on full display.

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