𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐗𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈

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The ride was long and the conditions harsh, they were not in the slightest spared as the knight promised. Russ, with Y/n in front of him, the children in front of her, and behind Poland, with Kira at the start of this nonsense of a parade, as they walked on their jolly way to the main city of the kingdom. 

Russ tried to help Y/n, with his hands always holding her arms gently, as to give her a sign that he was here, whilst they were all chained together. During the whole walk, the knight's men seemed to be teasing and making fun of their prisoners with much glee. 

The weary group trudged along the dusty road, their steps heavy with exhaustion. The knight's men, revelling in their captives' predicament, took every opportunity to mock and jeer at them. Their laughter echoed through the air, a constant reminder of their captive status.

A burly soldier named Cedric sneered at Poland as they walked. "Look at you, thief! Caught like a rat in a trap," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "I bet you thought you could outrun us, didn't you?"

Poland's jaw tightened, but she held her composure, refusing to be provoked. She shot a defiant glare at Cedric, her eyes filled with determination. "You mistake us for simple thieves. We sought only to protect our loved ones," she retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

The soldiers burst into mocking laughter, their amusement fuelling their cruelty. Another soldier named Oswald chimed in, sneering at Kira. "And what about you, wench? Did you think your charms would keep you safe?"

Kira raised his chin, undeterred by the soldier's derogatory remark. "My loyalty lies with my family," he responded, his voice steady. "Unlike you, who follow blindly without thought."

The soldiers jeered, their voices mingling with the clanging of chains. They saw the captives as nothing more than entertainment, their power, and numbers bolstering their arrogance. They revelled in their temporary victory, taking pleasure in belittling those they considered beneath them.

As Y/n walked alongside Russ, they could feel the weight of the soldiers' derision. The constant insults and taunts pierced through their resolve, but they clung to the hope of a better future. Russ squeezed Y/n's arm gently, silently conveying his support and reminding them to stay strong.

A soldier named Griffin, with a sneer etched upon his face, approached Y/n and Russ. "Seems like a pathetic excuse for a couple," he snickered, eyeing them with a malicious gleam. "Chained together, yet you still pretend you have something worth fighting for."

Y/n's grip tightened around Russ's hand, her eyes blazing with a mixture of defiance and frustration. "Love knows no bounds, and it certainly won't be silenced by your pathetic attempts at ridicule," Y/n fired back, her voice laced with defiance.

The soldiers erupted into laughter once more, relishing in their captives' defiance. They revelled in their perceived superiority, unaware of the inner strength growing within the captives' hearts. The mocking words fuelled the fire of determination, igniting a resolve that burned brighter with each passing insult.

As the journey continued, the captives endured the soldiers' relentless mockery, their spirits tempered by the knowledge that their true worth lay not in the chains that bound them, but in the resilience and love that connected them.

Through the trials and tribulations, Poland, Kira, Y/n, Russ, and the children held on to their hope, their spirits unbroken. They knew that in this seemingly hopeless situation, their unity and unwavering belief in a better future would be the key to their ultimate triumph.

Despite the harsh conditions and the taunting from the knight's men, Poland, Kira, Y/n, Russ, and the children remained resilient. They drew strength from each other, their determination unwavering even in the face of adversity.

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