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One Year Later

"Wren we are going to be late." Ellie groans above Wren, who chances a look up from her position further down the bed she watch as her the other girl throws her head back to stretch her neck. Her chest heaving under Wren's hands, and she swear she can hear Ellie's heartbeat with her head so close to it.

"You don't actually seem that upset about it, love." Wren lowers her face again, placing a dry kiss on Ellie's collarbone before moving down the next kiss on the junction between her breasts. "In fact," she says between kisses, "I don't think you're trying very hard to stop me." She smile against her skin, lips resting on the taut muscles of her stomach. Wren's hands move to bracket her hips as she scoots down again, comfortable in her position between Ellie's thighs.

"Wren." The name comes out in a warning that sounds almost like a growl. "It might be a little easier if you weren't so distracting-ah!" She arches up against the petite girl who sinks her teeth into bare hip, biting down hard enough to bruise before releasing the skin and licking over it like an apology.

"If you want me to stop all you have to do is ask, dear." Wren looks up, eyes dark they watch Ellie gasp and tangle her hands in the sheet of their bed. She looks down, as if able to feel my eyes on her. There's a sweetness in that gaze, open a vulnerable and in these moments where her eyes seem to open me up and understand the other girl- she feels loved. Ellie smiles at Wren, like she knows, and the brunette watches as her teeth sink into her lip.

"C'mere," she makes adorable grabby hands at the brunette, reaching down to grab her arm before pulling up. Wren lets her, immediately kissing at the underside of Ellie's jaw, sucking a mark there that she knows the other girl will complain about later. Ellie gasps under her minstrations before bringing a hand up to her shoulder, pushing Wren until she's laying flat on her back and Ellie is propped up on her side, looking at the other girl.

"Hello." Wren smiles at her, a small smirk that Ellie immediately leans forward to kiss off her lips. Wren lets her continue the kiss, pushing into the hand that traces up the side of her ribs and ellicits a groan against Ellie's lips. "We are really bad about leaving on time." Wren whispers when the red head pulls away, pressing their foreheads together as her hand continues to explore the other girls midsection.

Her fingers cease their movements on a scar Wren's all too familiar with, and she glance down at her hand resting over the small bump. The scar, barely the size of an old world quarter, is nearly faded after the year since it happened. "Ellie." Wren whispers, her hand resting over the other girls as she glances back up at her haunted expression. Wren knows Ellie's never forgotten, knowing more than anyone the nightmares she can't chase away. To her, it's just another scar to add to the litany of others but to Ellie...

"I'm sorry." She presses a kiss against Wren's cheek, so tender and gentle a lump forms in the brunettes throat at the action. "I'm sorry." Ellie repeats, pressing another kiss to the other cheek. Wren pulls away, cupping Ellie's jaw with her hands and forcing their eyes to meet. She wants to tell her it's okay, that it wasn't her fault, but Wren know she won't believe her right now. instead she feels the words she's wanted to say for so long bubbling up in her throat.

"I love you." Wren whispers, nearly choking on the words as Ellie just stares at her. At first her speechlessness is endearing, then the brunette starts to get worried. "Ellie say something. hands dropping from her face, Wren's eyes search her expression. No sooner than their contact is lost, she lunges.

Wren finds herself flat on her back again, pressed into the mattress as Ellie's body molds against hers and her lips make quick work of taking hold of the other girl's. Gasping, Ellie takes advantage, her tongue licking into Wren's mouth like she's never kissed her before and all she can do is grip the red heads shoulders as she consumes every atom in Wren's body with her loving caresses. Ellie's kisses gain urgency, like Wren'll disappear before she can finish her assault on her mouth.

Finally she tears away with a pant, eyes wet with unshed tears even as she smiles at Wren. "I love you too." Ellie's face dips to her neck, sucking a mark there identical to hers while hands run across Wren's sides and over her ribs making the girl gasp.

Their roles now reversed, Wren bares her neck as Ellie marks it, going lower until the gentle kisses are over the tops of her breasts. Then, she's moving back up with more kisses until she's hovering over Wren's lips- teasing her. eyes gazing into each others again, a smile breaks out over Ellie's face. "Marry me." Wren freezes, shock filtering through her mind but Ellie only smiles wider. "I want to spend the rest of my life waking up in your arms- I want to eat family dinners every Sunday and spend every night with you beside me. I want to marry you, the woman I love." This time, when the tears come Wren lets them well up and fall, vision blurring as she nods.

"Yes Ellie, a million times yes."smiling, Wren  pulls her into a kiss, fully intending on taking her future wife to bed when there's a furious knock on the door.

"Hey lovebirds!" Jesse's voice makes the two girls groan. "You're gonna be late for Joel's birthday!" They both look at each other rolling their eyes.

"Guess we'll have to continue this later." Ellie kisses the tip of Wren's nose, smiling. The other girl returns it, her heart on the verge of explosion.

"Good thing we have the rest of our lives together."


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