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"Ellie!" Wren calls, and second later a gunshot rings out as she shoots down the Wolf in the doorway. You sigh in relief, crouched behind the counter in the cafeteria room upstairs. "We need to get out of here." She hisses to Ellie who sits beside her.

"I know, watch my back we've gotta move." She whispers back, all business as she raises her body slightly to walk out from behind the counter. A Wolf runs into the room, shotgun raised, and Wren immediatly raises her own rifle. The Wolf is shot down before he can even pull the trigger, Ellie quicker than him.

"Move," Wren says, watching behind them while Ellie leads the way towards the doors of the broadcasting room. "Are we taking the stairs down?" Someone enters behind them, and Wren takes aim with a deep breath before pulling the trigger twice. The wolf goes down on the second shot.

"Yes, it's the only way unless you want to jump from the window." She replies in a cold tone, ducking into the stairs that lead down to the first floor of the broadcasting room. Wren checks their six, aiming at the two Wolves behind them, with Ellie's help they go down easily.

"Let's hurry, I don't know how many there are." She whispers as they hit the first floor. Wren's eyes widen when she sees about ten Wolves in by the stage, shoving Ellie into the room beside them. Thankfully she doesn't argue, ducking into the room with Wren.

"Fuck, this is crazy." Ellie hisses, peaking out the door to see the Wolves split off, thankfully moving away from the door. "We can't take them, we have to run for the doors." She looks at Wren, who nods despite the anxiety twisting her stomach.

"Let's go then." Ellie nods with a grim expression, checking before taking off towards the doors, partially crouched. Someone shouts and a gun goes off as Wren follows practically on her heels. "Run!" Ellie shouts, giving up on being quiet as they run down the hallway they entered in. They pass the rails on the left, going around the short curve, when guns go off again and people the floor above them start shooting through from the balcony above.

"Shit! Leave them Ellie!" Wren shouts when the girl stops to shoot at them, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the balcony they entered on. Before they can, two Wolves come through the doors and Ellie curses.

"Here!" She shouts, pointing at a smashed in window covered in foliage. Wren follows her to the edge, peering over to see a short drop. Ellie goes first landing softly and waiting for the other girl. Wren prepares to jump, until one arm goes around her neck and the other wraps around her waist to hold her still. She lets out a scream of fear, shaking and struggling in the Wolves grip as Ellie makes to climb up to her. "Wren!"

"No, Ellie RUN!" Wren croaks out, vision blurring as she struggles to bring in air. Her attacker tightens its hold, grabbing onto her button up shirt and yanking hard enough the material rips. Ellie doesn't run, instead pulling her gun and shooting the attacker in the knee.

She ducks away as another Wolf starts shooting, but her bullet does the trick as her attacker drops Wren. The girl coughs twice before ripping away from the person, flinging herself off the edge and hitting the ground in a roll. "Wren!" Ellie shouts, shooting the two Wolves dead before she helps the girl to her feet. "We've gotta go." The other girl nods, still coughing as Ellie leads her to another edge.

More Wolves start shooting as they drop down two more levels into a small ravine. Having caught her breath, Wren latches onto Ellie's hand before taking off into a sprint away from the radio tower.


"Fuck that was too close." Wren sighs from the back of the horse, resting her forehead against Ellie's back and not even caring. Her throat still protests the use, begging her to stop talking.

"Yeah," Ellie says in a small voice. "Are you okay?" She asks after a beat of silence, like she wasn't going to in the first place.

"I'm fine, I've been through worse. But my shirt is fucked." She sighs, looking down at the hole near her belly button. It doesn't show much, but one wrong move and Ellie could see what she's hiding. "I have another one though, so ir's okay."

"I'm sorry I left you back there, If we had jumped together you wouldn't have gotten caught." Ellie sighs, voice sounding like she's been beating herself up about it for a while. Wren sits up, setting a hand on the girls shoulder.

"It's okay," she says earnestly. "You still saved my ass, even after I asked you to run." Wren looks down at the hole in her shirt, frowning.

"I wasn't going to leave you." Ellie says quietly, and her words surprise Wren. Most of the trip Ellie has been cold and almost rude to her, but maybe near death experiences change people.

"Thanks, I wouldn't leave you either- for the record." Wren smiles at the back of Ellie's head, letting out a sudden shiver. "God it's getting cold, and dark." She complains, without any real vigor.

"Yeah, we need to get back to that theatre before night hits, how far are we?" Ellie asks, turning to look over her shoulder.

"It's only a few blocks ahead we should-" an explosion sounds, tilting Wren's world as she's thrown from the horse. Her world goes dark when she hits the ground, blinking back in a moment later. She groans, trying to get ahold of herself as she comprehends what happens. Her rifle lays a few inches out of her reach, and she attempts to grab at it.

"Found her! Where's the other one?!" Someone screams entirely too close to Wren. Her fingers just graze the weapon as someone grabs her by her hair, lifting her torso almost entirely off the ground as she lets out a high pitched shriek of pain. Her face meets the floor a lot sooner than she anticipated, and he world blinks away once again.


You thought i'd miss this scene? Nah, ellie has to save the day again- but dont worry Wren will soon. Anyways, I did this just so I wouldnt have to write their scene of them being in the subway cuz it's soooo longggg please don't hate me. Also I'm gonna write this VERY different than the game its gonna be a lot darker.

So please pay attention to trigger warnings in the next chapter.
(Unedited, duh)

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