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"I can't believe we made it." Wren laughs, throwing her head back to look up at the stars, relief flooding her. A hand curls around hers, gently tugging.

"Let's get to the docks, I'm ready to go home." Ellie sighs, pulling the brunette down the road while weaving between cars. "I'm just glad this is finally over." She shakes her head, gripping Wren's hand tight.

"Yeah," Wren follows the other girl, her gun gripped losely in her unoccupied hand. She can't stop thinking back to their kiss in the dark, and how much she liked it. She hadn't kissed another person in almost three years, but even then it hadn't been so... electric. "You know, that kiss was really something." She grins smugly, hurrying to walk beside Ellie, not dropping her hand.

"Yeah it was." Ellie looks at her sideways, a gentle smile on her face. "We should do it again sometime." She looks away from the brunette, letting silence fill the air as they walk. Wren can see the water in the near distance, and exhaustion begins to weigh down her body.

"You never really answered my question earlier." Wren says softly. "What are you going to do when we get back?" The smaller girl looks at the side of Ellie's face.

"Are you and your mom staying?" She asks instead of answering, not looking at Wren who rolls her eyes.

"Yes, we don't have anywhere else to be- do we?" Wren giggles. "So, answer my question."

"Well, there's an empty house, further away from everything. I was going to move into it- but now I'm thinking me and Joel will." Ellie brushes her thumb across the top of Wren's hand. "It's got four rooms." She says, her eyes flicking over to meet a pair of dark brown ones.

"Are you asking me to move in?" Wren asks, a smirk on her face. Ellie's eyes widen as she sputters out a few words. Wren rolls her eyes before leaning foreward, her lips pressing against Ellie's chapped ones to shut her up. After a moment, she pulls back a few inches away. "It's a yes, duh."

Ellie looks away, opening her mouth to retort when her eyes widen at something over Wren's shoulder. The brunette turns, only to be meeted by another gun pointed at the two girls. "Hands up." A shaky voice orders, a serephite with a bald head and a young face steps towards them.

"Hey, put the gun down we don't want to-" a gunshot goes off, a bullet striking the car just behind both girls. Wren drops her gun, raising both hands instantly. She glances over her shoulder to see Ellie do the same.

The kid looks down the barrel of the gun at them, hands shaking as he holds the shotgun. "Have you ever used that before?" Ellie asks, her voice oddly cold.

"I will if I have to." The boy replies, voice tense. Wren swallows, biting her lip as she determines the best approach.

"You don't have to do this, we aren't WLF soldiers." Wren says, her voice as gentle as possible as she steps foreward. He shakes the gun, telling her to stay still.

"You are still sinners." He hisses, face contorted in anger. Wren barely keeps herself from growling in irritation. Ellie steps foreward, and he points the gun at her, making Wren's hands shake.

"Listen, you need to put that down before you do something you'll regret." Ellie hisses, her voice slightly worried.

"Stop moving!" The kid shouting, getting more flustered by the second. An explosion sounds in the distance, shaking the ground, and the next few moments happen in slow motion. Wren watches as the kids eyes widen in panic, and the finger he has on the trigger twitches and Wren knows whats next.

She shoves the girl beside her to the floor just as the gun goes off. "WREN!" The brunette stands completely still, shock flooding her system as she slowly looks down. It takes her a moment to recognize the stain slowly spreading on her chest is blood. Her blood.

She suddenly stumbles as Ellie stands. "I didn't mean- I didn't mean to my finger-" before the kid can continue his sentence, Ellie raises Joels revolver and pulls the trigger. Two bodies hit the pavement at the same time, one of them being caught by a pair of strong arms.

Wren lets out a gasp of pain as she looks up, past Ellie. She opens her mouth to speak, but all that leaves her is a pained sigh. Ellie holds her across her lap, staring down at her in horror and shock.

"Wren? Wren, it's going to be okay." She sobs, tears running freely down both cheeks as she looks down at the brunette girl, the red stain slowly spreading across her shirt. "Please, Wren, you can't" Ellie begs, listening to Wren's raspy breaths.

"Hold on Wren, don't close your eyes." Ellie warns her, running a shaking hand over her brunette hair. Wren looks up at her, raising a heavy arms to gently touch her cheek as dark spots begin to cloud her vision. The last thing the girl hears is Wren calling her name before she slowly slips into the darkness...


Fuck! My heart hurts yall. Well... thats it. For now at least. I honestly have 0 idea what to say at this point. I can't believe i actually finished this fic... jesus.

Anyways... i guess this is bye for now 👁👄👁

Unedited, as always ;)

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