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"Why are we keeping this girl alive again?" Someone asks to her left, quickly met with silence by the rest of his group. Wren swallows her fear in favor of gripping her hands tightly together. There's a certain level of danger in the voice that asked the question, and she know exactly who said it. 'Owen'. The guy she's sworn to kill when she get out of her current situation

She mumbles around her gag, snarking despite her current state of distress, eyes darting around despite the blindfold over them, on instinct. "She's a kid, and Isaiah might want to do something with her." A woman replies after a while of silence, her voice deep and Wren can imagine what she might look like. imagine because I've been blindfolded for about a month now- wren wonder if she'll even be able to see after this.

"She's a pain in the ass, amiga, I'm just glad we finally decided to gag her." A Hispanic man pipes up, and Wren mimics him with a few muffled words for her own enjoyment. The room quiets again, like everyone is thinking some pensive thoughts. I doubt it, these guys are all idiots. She grimaces at the pens and needles now starting in her arms and legs, wishing they would just finally go numb.

"She did get us to Jackson, although that was probably because you threatened to kill her mom Abby." A softer voice speaks this time, and Wren tucks the name she says away with the others on her 'will destroy later' list. If later ever comes, maybe these guys are planning to kill me after they get what they came for. the mention of Jackson makes her flinch, trying to ignore the memories fighting their way to the surface.

"Whatever, I don't want to look at her- traitor." Owen replies, disgust in his voice like Wren's the one who tied him up and tortured his mom. She scoffs, rolling her eyes behind the gag knowing he hears her when he inhales sharply and shifts.

"Don't," Abby warns,probably in an attempt at stopping him from hitting the girl on the floor. How kind of you. "Take her downstairs Jordan, we don't need her." Wren tenses when the man stands from beside her, waiting for the contact that is sure to come. A hand grips her arm, tugging the girl up onto legs that refuse to work.

"c'mon, girly." He snarls, pulling her despite the dead weight. His grip hurts her arm, but Wren can barely feel it over what feels like a thousand tiny knives stabbing her limbs. She lets out a slight groan, stumbling along beside him as the two walk. "Shut it." He snaps, and she quiets somewhat.

They walk a few paces before he stops to open a door, pushing her into a room a second later. She loses her balance and hits what feels like hardwood. knees griping at the sudden collapse,

stinging with pain as she holds herself on all fours. Jordan laughs behind her, the sound making Wren's stomach churn. A hand grabs her by the hair, yanking her backwards until her ass hits the floor and back hit a wall.

"Prick." She mumbles behind the gag, words unintelligible sitting against the wall as well as She can with her arms tied together. Wren's discomfort becomes tangible as she realize her foot is caught under her ass and she doesn't have the strength to do anything about it.

"Here cupcake." Jordan speaks with snark, a hand touching the girls face and making her instantly recoil. He ignores the reaction, pulling the blindfold off her head a second later. Wren squeezes her eyes shut immediately from the pain of light suddenly hitting them. The hand moves to the back of her head as she tries to adjust to the light, messing with something before the gag abruptly falls into her lap. Wren looks down at it with watery eyes, experimentally opening and closing my mouth. "What- no thanks?"

Glaring up at Jordan, her eyes roam over his face- memorizing it. "How about," she smacks my dry lips just to annoy him. "You turn around and I'll show you where my thanks can go." The man's smile falls, and a murderous expression encumbers his face. He leans forward, gripping her sore jaw with an unforgiving hold.

"I'll make you regret that, sweetheart." He lets go, yanking Wren's face to the side as he does, before standing up. He looms over her slouched frame, but she refuse to show him an ounce of fear as She raises an eyebrow at him. Before he can do anything, someone calls his name from upstairs, and he smiles. "Saved, for now." The sly smirk on his face unsettles Wren, and She wants nothing more than to punch it off his face.

He leans down, grabbing the gag in her lap and grabbing her jaw again. Wrenching it open, he shoves the gag in far enough that it burns her eyes. "You know the rules, cupcake." He grins, standing up again. "See you tomorrow." His hand hits the top of Wren's head, making her want to puke, before he moves out of the girls line of sight. The door shuts a second later, leaving her in silence.

Immediately, Wren tries to free herself from the bonds, rope burning her wrists so bad she tears up. She finally stills, realizing that the rope is as tight as it's been all month. This is so fucked. She sighs, shaking her head and slumping against the wall.

Even if she were to dislocate her thumb, she's not going anywhere. Wren realizes her best chance is to try and find a way to escape tomorrow, when they get whatever they came for, and then she can leave and run to Jackson. Jf they'll even take me. Or if they'll even still be there. I wouldn't be surprised if Maria shot me as soon as I show my face.

But you can't run, not yet. My mom enters the girls thoughts without permission, and she sighs: Even if I did get away, I'd have to go back for her. There's no way I'm leaving her with Isaiah.

Leaning her head back with a sigh, she closes her eyes as she tries to fade from consciousness. I'll get out of here, I have to.

_____ The next day _____

"Abby is a fucking idiot." Jordan says from in front to Wren, casually batting her head to the side and making the girl growl from behind the gag. Is he going to do this for another hour? She's sat forward on a couch, tormenter standing just in front of her and blocking the light from the windows. Earlier, everyone woke her up by entering the room, and a few minutes ago a majority of people left when they heard gunshots.

Wren's legs are untied, but she's weak enough from lack of food she couldn't run even if she had to. "Listen, she'll be back, with that asshole in tow." Owen snarls, sounding pleased about the fact. Wren don't know who he's talking to- but it must be whoever they came for. She wiggles slightly as Jordan bats her head again. I think I'm getting a headache.

"When he does, I'll hide our little friend here." He hits her again, hard enough that Wren tilts to the side unable to steady herself. Jordan has to grip her shoulder, so she doesn't fall over. Before he can comment, the door opens again, and multiple people enter. Wren holds her breath as she listen, wishing she could see whatever is happening.

"Abby, where the fuck have you been?" Owen asks, sounding slightly unsettled. Wren bites down on the gag, wondering what's happening. Feet shuffle into the room. She can hear Abby's footsteps walk closer to her, where Jordan must be hiding the petite girls body

"How long have you all been here?" A slightly familiar voice asks in a southern gruff accent. The feet stop, and the room is silent- tense.

"Since yesterday." A man lies, one of Abby's although Wren doesn't know his name. She can feel the tension in the room, and it takes her a moment to realize that this must be the guy they came for. The one they're going to kill.

Fuck what do I do? This could be my chance. She shifts in her seat, realizing that She can do something. Maybe, if I can alert this man, he might be able to win- he has to have friends from Jackson coming. She starts to push at the gag with her tongue, ignoring the foul taste as she finally has a reason to get it out. She gets it to her teeth before spitting it out violently feeling it hit her chin, talking before anyone can stop her. "they're here to kill you!"

Immediately, a gun goes off and Abby curses. Two gunshots result and it makes Wren jump in her seat. A hand smacks the girl across the cheek, sending her to the side, and she barely stops from rolling off the couch. No one helps her up as she lies on her side, and she forces myself to listen to what's happening.

Joel shouts, grunting loudly before Wren hears a thud and she worried that he's already dead. She can hear footsteps, trying to focus on the light from the windows to see shapes moving in front of it. There's someone under them, being approached by someone wielding something long. Wren can feel her tears wetting the blindfold as she watches the approach.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

[ EDITED: O5/13/21 ]

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