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As the door to the theater shuts behind them, Wren allows her nerves to return. Ellie begins to baracade it while the other girl watches, twisting her hands together nervously. She has Ellie's short sleeved button up thrown over her other shirt to at least hide her bra and chest. Ellie has her undershirt on, and both girls are soaked almost completely through.

"That should hold, if anything get it's we'll hear it." She taps the one of the chairs holding the door shut, body tense just before she turns to face Wren. "We have to talk about...that." she waves her hand at the girls chest, and suddenly Wren wishes she was anywhere else. Even back with the WLFs would be easier than here.

"Right, yep." She nods, reaching up to undo the knot of a pony tail at the back of her head. Wren's hair falls in messy waves across her shoulders, nearly long enough to touch her lower back. "I'm taking off my socks first." She tries to joke, scrunching her nose up as she turns away from Ellie. She bends down to unlace her boots, pulling them off and setting them on the wall beside the door. She yanks her wet socks off with a gimace, hanging them across a chair to dry.

"C'mon, let's find somewhere to sleep and then we can worry about this." Wren wonders at how nonchalant Ellie is about the whole thing. Hell, half the people who know (which is only 3, 4 now) all held her at gunpoint- even her own mom.

"Right," Wren agrees, following Ellie out of the main area and through a set of the double doors leading to what looks like a hallway. To their right are another set of doors, which she pushes through to find what must be a movie theater. "My mom told me about these," Wren smiles, entering the slightly dark area and clicking on her flashlight. It's like a really old one, with a stage instead of a screen.

"Joel told me about them too, but he always said they had a screen." She muses, walking down towards the huge stage. "These were..." she trails off, snapping her fingers. "Plays, right." She leaps onto the stage standing and looking out across all of the seats. "Can you imagine what it would have been like?" She asks as Wren pulls herself up to stand beside her.

"Probably terrifying, all these people waiting for you to mess up." Wren shivers in disgust at the thought. "But maybe it was cool." She turns away from the audience area, to where the curtains slightly split to reveal a backstage area. "Look, maybe there's somewhere we can sleep back here."

"Right, not sure I want to sleep on those chairs." She points to the audience, and Wren nods her agreement. They both wander towards the backstage, moving the curtain as they try to ignore the tension of whats unsaid.

"Look, there's a door." Wren points out, still on guard but excited to finally sleep as she lets out a small yawn. Ellie watches as she practically skips towards the door, pushing it open and shining her flashlight inside. "It's super dark but we have a lantern, right?" Wren peeks over her shoulder at the other girl.

"Yeah, Maria insisted but now I'm kind of glad she did. If we're gonna be here a while we can look for a generator tomorrow, I saw a few." Ellie follows Wren inside as she speaks, taking note of the counters and mirrors lining one wall and the cushions lining the other.

"Woah, this is like a bed." Wren smiles, sitting on it almost immediatly and bouncing a little. "I think it's long enough for two people, if we aren't taking watch." Wren slowly peels her backpack off, muscles feeling like jelly as she sets it on the seat beside her.

"I don't know it's pretty quiet out there," Ellie responds as she removes her own bag, unzipping it to search for the lantern. She finds it under the spare pair of jeans, removing it and checking how much oil it has. "It's full, so we should be fine if we're careful."

Wren tries not to groan in pain as she removes Ellie's bloody button up from her body, the knife wound on her shoulder flaring up almost immediatly. Ellie moves across the room to sit beside her, surprising Wren by helping.

"I forgot you got stabbed, you were so quiet about it." Ellie's voice drops down to an almost whisper, like the darkness of the room makes it seem like she has to.

"It didn't hurt much until I started moving, sorry about getting blood all over your shirt." Wren smiles to herself, finding the sentence funny. She reaches for the buttons on her long sleeves shirt, hands shaking from something other than pain.

"Do you...need help?" Ellie asks, sounding uncomfortable. Wren chuckles and shakes her head, deciding it doesn't matter as she yanks the shirt open. Buttons fly off as they break, but Wren only suppresses a groan as she pulls it off her arms. "Here," Ellie hurries to say, helping pull it off her injured limb.

"Well now I'm glad Maria gave me a spare shirt," she mumbles, looking down at the mostly destroyed article of clothing. Ellie remains silent at her side, far too quiet. Wren glances over at her to see the girl staring at her torso. "Can you help me stitch it up?" She asks, startling the girl out of her stupor.


"Yeah, of course." Ellie whispers, swallowing the lump in her throat as she stands, crossing the room to her bag where it sits on the rows of counters. She unzips it, digging around for their meager first aid kit before pulling it out from the bottom.

"That would be easier to find if you didn't just shove things into your bag." Wren teases from behind her. Ellie flips her off as she turns, pretending to scowl when she returns to sit beside the other girl. She clicks open the kit, drawing out the needle and stitches thread, getting everything ready.

"Have you ever gotten stitches?" Ellie asks to distract the girl, shifting her weight so she can lean towards the wound just under her collar bone. Wren nods her head just as Ellie pushes the needle through her skin, making the other girl hiss quietly.

"Yeah, my mom gave them to me after- ah!" Ellie watches Wren quickly bite down on her own knuckle to keep from making noise. "My mom gave them to me after I got all the bites- although she let me bleed out a little cause' she thought I was infected." Ellie pauses a moment, hand stilling before she mentally slaps herself.

"Really? Can't imagine that was pretty." She mumbles, with lack of any other response. She wants to know what happened- wants to know if Wren is truly like her. She continues suturing the wound, finishing it with a neat tie.

"You can just ask, Ellie." Wren laughs, watching as the red headed girl moves away to return her things to the backpack. Ellie looks over her shoulder, eyes trailing over scarred skin, she can make out almost three bite marks in this light.

"Okay, what happened?" She asks, zipping her backpack and turning towards Wren. She leans against the counter, arms crossed over her chest. Wren scoots back in the seat, laying against the wall.

"Come sit," she pats the space beside her, raising her eyebrows at Ellie who complies by returning to the other girls side. "Alright, if you really want to know, I've got to start at the beginning."


Flashback chapter incoming, don't be mad cuz i have a surprise when it's over! Also i forgot what color i said Wren's hair was so we're gonna make it brown! Deal wit it.

Peace out

[not edited]

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